From Heather: awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The federal reserve bank, i love them…all reversals are being reversed immediately…the fed res knows (rather they just found out) if the fed res doesn’t reverse the reversals, the fed res gets locked out of all the systems globally and the systems self-power, self-automate, self-facilitate, self-validate, and self-correct (reversals of the reversals) per the orders of each Original Depository.
Guess what the primary standing order was from this Original Depository? See above…LOL ;)
Honey, I will share with all the amazing work and the powerful universal beings that are doing within the prison systems…it is beyond AMAZING…and all are beyond happy and joyous that this money-monster is in its final moments. My “inmate number” ends in “007″, LOL!!!!!!!!
Details on the global massive “prison-doing”, later.
Please amplify my tones of love and gratitude…
Love to Allllllllllll!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Denice on 8/16/2017 4:51 PM wrote:
Lots of love flowing your way! let me know what you need me to research and I can paste it here. I cannot imagine how it is there.. . .you have my complete admiration!
There are so many folks waking up quickly. . .every video is now getting over 10K views over the week.
There have been a few ‘reversals’ of the reversals. S had two yesterday ;)
Lots and lots of love!
I saw -007 and thought. . .hmmm. . .kinda cool!
Please share with missy, my dad, youssef, lisa, and everyone the data i gave you about reversals being reversed
not much longer, honey, before all is unfettered access and facilitation forevermore.
love you
love all
Conversation with Jelaila Starr, Bob Wright, Judy Jandora and Valerie Webner..on the Galactics perspective on the current state of the shift, steps to take to finally bring ourselves through with people and planet in tact, and to bring ALL through, not just some..