By Pao L. Chang
Guest writer for Wake Up World

What the education system does not tell you about letters is that they are actually sigils
containing the fundamental semantic code for transmission of thought.
This is why words, which are made up of letters, are so effective for
stimulating the human mind and transmitting information. Certain
advertising companies are well aware that words are very effective tools
for stimulating the mind, which is why their ad campaigns often have a
lot of words in them.
Besides having the power to stimulate
the mind, words also have the power to “cut” and shape the material
world. Words have this power because they are sharp like swords. When
you move the letter “s” in the term words to the front, it becomes the term sword. In some ways, words are more powerful than swords. This is why the Bible verse Hebrews 4:12 says,
For the word of God is living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul and spirit, and of joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.
Besides shaping the material world,
words have the power to create the world of matter. To find evidence
that words have the power to create the material world, we need to
investigate one of the verses in the Gospel (“God-spell“) of John. In the New Testament of the Bible verse John 1:1
it says, “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and
the Word was God”. When you read this verse literally, it sounds kind
of confusing and does not make much sense. However, when you learn how
to decipher it and access the knowledge hidden within its words, it
makes a lot of sense.
What you need to know about the New
Testament of most bibles is that it was translated from Greek. Because
of this, if you want to “innerstand” what the Bible means when it says
“In the beginning was the Word,” you need to investigate what the
English term word means in Greek. In Greek, the English term word means logos. In English, the word logo means “the source
that controls the universe, the written word or inspiration of God, or a
logic and rational argument.” According to ancient Greek philosophy,
the word logos means “the controlling principle in the universe”.
Based on the definitions in the previous paragraph, the Bible verse “In the beginning was the Word” actually means “In the beginning was the Source.” The Source for what? The Source for the codes that govern reality, also known as the Laws of Nature. The Bible verse John 1:1 is not really talking about the words in books, but is talking about the forces, laws and knowledge of the Universe, which can be expressed through words to create worlds.
When we speak words, we are literally creating worlds.
However, because our conscious and subconscious minds are not working
in harmony with each other, our thoughts expressed through words often
do not physically affect the material world in a way that we can see. In
other words, most of the changes occur at the subconscious level. Did
you notice that the term world has the term word in it? Take out the letter “l” from the term world and you are left with the term word.
Why You Should Be Wary of Words, Especially Legal Words
The world you live in is ruled by words.
This is why all physical contracts are based on words and all disputes
are done using words. Because the world is ruled by words, if you want
to prevent words from ruling over you, you need to be aware of the
occult (hidden) meaning of words. The words you need to know their
hidden meaning are the words commonly used in the legal system. Three of
the many words that you need to pay close attention to are the words name, person and corporation.
In the world of legalese, the words
name, person and corporation are not what most people think they are.
Below are the legal definitions of the words name, person and
corporation from Black’s Law Dictionary (6th edition).
- Name: “The designation of an individual person, or of a firm or corporation. Word or combination of words used to distinguish person or thing or class from others.”
- Person: “In general usage, a human being (i.e. natural person), though by statute term may include labor organizations, partnerships, associations, corporations, legal representatives, trustees, trustees in bankruptcy, or receivers.”
- Corporation: “An artificial person or legal entity created by or under the authority of the laws of a state. An association of persons created by statute as a legal entity.”
In the legal definition of person, there is a phrase that says “though by statute term“. The phrase “statute term” means “legal term”. Because of this, a person is legally a corporation. As a person/corporation, the legal system sees you as an artificial person or legal entity. An artificial person is not living; instead it is DEAD. As a result of that, it has no natural rights.
To connect the dots, when you agree to
be a “person”, you actually agree to be an artificial person and thereby
have no natural rights. Without natural rights, the government can
force you to pay taxes and order you to obey its fictitious laws. Do you
innerstand now why you need to be wary of words?
Also see: The ‘Legal Name’ Game – and How It’s Used Against YouThe Most Popular Magic Spell for Hypnotizing Your Mind
Before you were born or shortly thereafter, your mother and father gave you a name. They gave you a name because you are going to be a good little ewe and follow orders. Did you notice that the word you is pronounced similar to the word ewe? The word ewe means “a female sheep,
especially when fully mature.” When you do not question things and
follow orders, you/ewe are considered a sheep by your owners, which are
the Elite. This is why the word sheeple is used to define people who are “docile, foolish, or easily led.”
The name is the most popular magic spell
for marking you/ewe as a slave. It is the most effective magic spell
for tricking you to agree to be a “person”, which is legally defined as a
“corporation” or “artificial person”. Do you remember what I said early
that the word name means “The designation of an individual person, or of a firm or corporation“?
Because the Name Spell is so effective for deceiving you, it is heavily
used by religious institutions, governments, banks and corporations to
hypnotize your mind with sigils (letters).
To condition your mind to accept your
name as being the same as you (the living man or woman made of flesh and
blood), they use the education system to indoctrinate you at a very
early age to think that the name is who you really are. After years of
being indoctrinated, you mostly unconsciously accept that you (the
living man or woman) and your name are one and the same. Once you accept
this, you are completely under the magic effect of the Name Spell,
causing you to actually think that you and your name are one and the
Your name is not who you are. Your NAME is NOT who YOU are. YOUR NAME IS NOT WHO YOU ARE. Why? Because you are the spirit with NO NAME living
in a body made of flesh and blood. Does that sound like a name to you?
Now, sit back and think about that for a minute. Can you feel the Name
Spell losing its magic effect on you? Once you become aware of the Name Spell, it can not affect you as much, causing you to wake up and remember who you truly are.
Because you are now aware that your name
is not who you truly are, your awareness should start to expand. As
your awareness expands, you will become more aware of other magic
spells. To learn more about magic spells and the power of words, visit
my website
Also by Pao L. Chang:
- Proof ‘The United States’ is a Criminal Corporation
- The ‘Legal Name’ Game – and How It’s Used Against You
- How the Voting System is Used to Enslave You to a Private Corporation
- The Magic Power of Words and Why Words Rule the World
- The Law and You: How the Birth Certificate is Used to Take Away Your Natural Rights
- The Power of Natural Law: Why It Can Nullify and Eliminate All Debts
About the Author