Published on Jul 23, 2017
Unfettered Access to Your TDA's. Will begin and be announced, by "official" Government channels, for ALL Planet Wide, beginning of Next week. This is the video of the phone conversation just recorded with HATJ- Heather Ann Tucci Jarraf, July 22, 2017

Zorra from Hollow Earth Call on 07/22/2017
(reference: http://inteldinarchronicles.blogspot.com/2017/07/zorra-call-today-at-12-pm-edt-7-22-17.html)
Call Replay
Topic: Treasury Direct Accounts (TDAs), Important Quotes from the Call:
00:11:53 (Zorra) "This is the beginning of your blessing, to come forth, it is also what is termed, it is the (ah) also part of what is called part the NESARA and part of what is called the St. Germain Trust, distribution of funds...and it is beginning with you! Remember when I told you, in the past, that everyone would be receiving a portion of this blessing; I never said what the blessing was, in essenece, but now that this has been brought forth, then now I can bring this forth and let you understand. So I'm confirm what was said before...but, using your Routing number and using your social security number, you can pay off your debts."
00:36:30 (Zorra) "Indeed. Understand that your explanation (Sharon's TDA overview) you are giving is correct, but also understand this...they (Cabal) are not going to stop it (TDA), it is gaining momentum and my advise to all of you is to be in harmony and joy...and just do, and the more your do, the more you access these accounts, the more you do it, ... it is going to be unstoppable." "They (Cabal) cannot stop 7-billion people." "This is a trial for you, to see how determined you are."
00:38:12 (Jane) "So from your understanding when we talk about the (ah) TreasuryDirect Accounts, now what you are actually validating is that this is actually part of the NESARA and St. Germain Trust that is unfolding for us, correct?"
(Zorra) replied "It is indeed."
00:38:46 (Jane) "So you want us all to do this?"
(Zorra) replied "I want everyone to do this!"
US Government FS form 5446 (updated February 2017)
TreasuryDirect Account Name: (your full name as on SS card, in ALL CAPS)
TreasuryDirect Account Number: your SSN + add “22” (from checking account/for paying bills); or + “32” (for wires)
00:55:50 (Zorra) offered Routing Numbers, derived from your US social security card Letter District:
• A Boston (1st District) 0110-0001-5
(Zorra actually stated this routing number incorrectly as 0110005 and 01100005, twice on the call)
• B New York (2nd District) 0210-0120-8
• C Philadelphia (3rd District) 0310-0004-0
• D Cleveland (4th District) 0410-0001-4
• E Richmond (5th District) 0510-0003-3
• F Atlanta (6th District) 0610-0014-6
• G Chicago (7th District) 0710-0030-1
• H St. Louis (8th District) 0810-0004-5
• I Minneapolis (9th District) 0910-0008-0
• J Kansas City (10th District) 1010-0004-8
• K Dallas (11th District) 1110-0003-8
• L San Francisco (12th District) 1210-0037-4
01:06:20 (Zorra) “you can become totally debt free from this (TDA) process.”
01:16:45 (583 caller - Alexandra) "...you cannot use your social (SSN) to pay someone else's debt," (confirmed by Sharon) "you can only pay your own debts."
01:18:08 (Zorra) "Understand this. You do not want to go out and go crazy, and you do not want to, do what is termed, to try and purchase something, such as a house, or a car, or things...it is about paying off your debts..."
I have located the "LUV" (actually i-uv) website reference, commented on by Sharon during the call:
TDAs --- Not for Americans
By Anna Von Reitz
All those TDA offers? Well, the verdict is in.
I was right. TDA's are only for federal employees and dependents and federal corporations. American state nationals who have been misidentified as federal citizens are not eligible for this remedy, but they are eligible for another better remedy.
In 2012 the Bureau of Public Debt was merged into what is called the Bureau of the Fiscal Services, located primarily in Parkersburg, West Virginia. It's jurisdiction is strictly limited to the federal government.
The Treasury Direct program is being administered under their Retail Securities Services subdivision, and all of this is being run under the auspices of the Under Secretary of the Treasury for Domestic Finance.
Whenever you see the word "domestic" in federal publications, they are talking about "domestic with respect to the federal enclaves" --- not domestic with respect to the states and people.
This is their foreign program for their foreign citizens--- for JOHN MICHAEL DOE.
If you sign up like a good little sheep, you admit to being a federal franchisee -- and that means you can't possibly own any copyrights or land or children or any of the other assets owed to a natural man or woman.
In claiming one-- that is, by authorizing a "Treasury Direct Account" -- you deny the other far greater claim.
Here is the rest of the story--- as I have also been saying all along, you are owed discharge of all debts and payment of your assets--- simply by a different process.
What you, Joe Average American, need to claim back is your whole estate which the Federales have seized upon and held and invested to benefit themselves for several generations.
That "legacy trust" is listed at 31 USC 1321, and the allowance for the beneficiary to reclaim it is listed at 31 USC 1322.
When you investigate this whole TDA thing, you go to 31 CFR 363 and start reading about different kinds of savings bonds and how to convert them from investment use to payable status and all the various ramifications of doing so.
Remember how I told you that whenever the government corporation pulls one of its shady deals, it has to provide remedy for its actions? ---Like the "income tax" contains the provision allowing you to "revoke your election to pay"?
When you look for the remedy in this whole pile of worms, you find this in 31 CFR 363.126:
§ 363.126 Under what circumstances will payment be made?
We will make payment:
(a) Upon your request for redemption prior to maturity; (This is what people are doing with the TDA accounts)
(b) When the bond reaches final maturity; (This is what the government does when you die and never claim the bonds.) and
(c) If a person who becomes entitled to the bond is unable, unwilling or ineligible to open a TreasuryDirect ® account.
This last part--- 31 CFR 362.126 (c) ---is your remedy.
Not being a federal employee or dependent in fact, and being owed the entirety of your actual estate, you are ineligible to take part in the foreign TDA process, but you can instead invoke pay out to a bank account of your own choosing.
So why are they offering TDA accounts? (1) To keep control; (2) to reduce their interest payment obligations (note that when you pull the plug and make the bond payable, it stops accruing interest); (3) to get you to "admit" and give them evidence that you are in fact a voluntary federal employee or dependent -- a franchisee --- having no further claim to all the rest of the assets you are owed as an American state national.
This last part is the crucial one.
They desperately need to stem the tide of American claims coming at them. They need your land to pay their debts. They need your house as an asset yielding them property taxes. They need you to "voluntarily" agree to be their whipping boy--- and they are willing to release you from debts you never actually owed "in exchange" for your "admission" to being a slave.
That allows them to claim your whole ESTATE forever.
And gives you a bowl of porridge.
Or less.
Forty Aces and a Mule -- Swissindo and Bondage in America
By Anna Von Reitz
First, I want a "Red Alert" to everyone that Cindy Kay Currier has a bunko record as long as my arm and many different aliases. One of my readers (a retired private investigator) got interested enough to delve into her background and boy, what an eye-opener that was! She's an honest-to-goodness professional crook.
Buyer beware!
Very unscrupulous parties are at work in America, trying to do to us what they did to the freed plantations slaves after the Civil War.
They are trying to re-enslave us almost at the moment that we break free.
Look carefully at the UN-SWISSINDO paperwork. What do you see? Do the words "Human Obligation Bonds" jump out at you? They should.
A bond is a promise. There are many, many kinds of bonds. A "human obligation bond" means that you are agreeing that you are a "human" --- legally meaning: "monster, animal, color of a man" --- basically, that you are not a man or woman, but "something like"--- and that you are being obligated.
In this case, if you sign up for the Swissindo "giveaway", you are in fact being obligated to donate your estate -- name, copyrights, labor, land, estate in sum total--- for the benefit of UN--SWISSINDO in exchange for the pittance $1200 a month they agree to provide.
Not really "free money" is it? Especially since they never inform you about what you are giving up "in exchange". No, they don't come out and tell you that your estate is worth millions, if not billions, and that you are giving it to them for a bowl of porridge.
The Dutch East India slave traders were the ancestors of the Swissindo bankers today. They made their money on slavery then and they are still making their money off of slavery now, even though it has been outlawed since 1926. How do they do that? By getting your to sign paperwork you don't understand.
After the Civil War there was a similar program. Freed plantation slaves were offered "forty acres of good land and a mule" which sounded pretty good to most of them. So they signed up and they started farming their little plots and building small homes and barns and little communities. All was well until the "obligation" part of the unseen bond kicked in. The new landowners couldn't pay all the taxes they were obligated to pay. The government came back in and took everything, but the bond didn't change.
Most of the former slaves were re-enslaved within three years, only this time the new owner was The United States of America, Inc.
If you sign up tor the UN-SWISSINDO bonds, you and everything that is rightfully yours will be owned by two foreign corporations, and you will be stuck with a "lifetime residual lease income" of $1200 a month on an estate that is worth anywhere from a few million to a few billion.
Wake up, America.
Start demanding your due--- your real due.
Start complaining about these foreign corporations operating on your shores to bilk the unsuspecting public. This is an international law enforcement issue. The UN-SWISSINDO operation needs to be recognized for what it is, and it and all similar scams promoting slavery and undisclosed "donation" of assets need to be shut down as organized crime syndicates.
See this article and over 600 others on Anna's website here:www.annavonreitz.com
To support this work look for the PayPal button on this website.
Warning About Swissindo and Any Similar Offers
By Anna Von ReitzSo these vermin are left to define the "contract" you entered with them by accepting these payments from them. Remember, all contracts have to be "equitable"---- so what are you giving up in "equitable exchange"?
Example --- you go to a restaurant and order dinner. They bring the food. Are you expected to pay for it? Yes. Will they call the cops and try to intercept you if you try to leave without paying? Yes. Did you enter into an "implied contract" with them by ordering the food? Yes, you did.
Same thing here--- there is a hidden quid pro quo. You are getting this money and that caps what you can ever ask or expect to get back-----and here's the kicker----- you don't know what these vermin owe you.
You might rush to get that six million, and then find out that because you did that, you were "presumed" to sign away your right to have six trillion.
Or, that you were "presumed" to "voluntarily donate" all the rest of what you were owed to "Swissindo"--- whatever to hell that really is, and whoever controls and owns it.
Wake up and grow up, because these kinds of "offers" are going to be very common and very attractive and a lot of people will be dumb enough to fall right in line and set themselves up for perdition.
Anna Von Reitz
Gift Horses
By Anna Von ReitzOur parents were tricked into signing undisclosed contracts disguised as government forms that appeared to be simple records about babies being born.
Wrong on two points. These undisclosed contracts were not being offered by our government. And they were not harmless records about babies being born.
They were vicious undisclosed commercial contracts.
We got you out of that trap, now you are being "offered" another undisclosed contract from "Swissindo". On the surface it appears to be "free money" --but instead, it is attached to "human obligation bonds".
These Swissindo creeps are here to make you an open-ended implied offer. They are offering you $1200 a month but they aren't telling you what you are giving up or promising in return.
When you take their offer, they take your bond and subject you and your property assets to their debts and rules and never bother to tell you how many billions you surrendered "voluntarily" or what slave status you "willingly" accepted in "equitable exchange".
You are dealing with vicious international charlatans --slavers-- of the same kind that foisted "birth certificates" off on your clueless mothers.
Act accordingly. And complain to every politician in view. Take it to the consumer protection agencies. Demand a Congressional investigation. Sue the bastards to make full public disclosure of exactly what "Swissindo" is and who owns it and what their interests are and how is it that they are on our soil soliciting improper undisclosed contracts from gullible desperate Americans?
Anna Von Reitz
Secret Trust Fund - SSN & Birth Certificate - Fisher / Tank / Harvey / Heather - Part 1
Secret Trust Fund - SSN & Birth Certificate - Heather Tucci - How To Stop Reversals- Part 2
Update 23.07.17 From UnOfficial To Offical Annoncement Of Your Limitless Access To Your Source Treasury Accounts Being FULL ON