
Sunday, July 16, 2017

Recent Quotes By: Richard Lee McKim Jr. (2017)

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"No one stands as strong as one who stands in truth, and no one stands as weak, as one who stands in deception" - Richard Lee McKim Jr. 7-15-2017

Those who practice deception, are the easiest to deceive, as they don't expect it themselves.
- Richard Lee McKim Jr. 7-15-2017

A blind Person Sees More than a Person who sees, but doesn't see.
- Richard Lee McKim Jr. 7-15-2017

Wisdom can be the most expensive lesson to learn, and in many cases, the cost is Life.
- Richard Lee McKim Jr. 7-15-2017

Perception, Sight and Seeing means nothing, when looking through the eyes of one's own delusions. 
We have each laid the foundation of our own personal Destinies, and now it has come time that we should realize that destiny.  So Be It, and So It Is!  - Richard Lee McKim Jr. / Star Fyer / One Who Knows 7-15-2017


May You Get Everything You Want and Live The Life Of Your Dreams/Plans

Signed: One Who Knows / Richard Lee McKim Jr. / Star Fyer