
Sunday, July 9, 2017

Matrix Update - Magical Activation Coming That Will Positively Alter Timelines

 Matrix Update- Magical Activation Coming That Will Positively Alter Timelines

By Rick Jewers

Your Ascension Is Proceeding Very Well. So many, and more everyday, are becoming stronger and stronger as the Divine Beings You truly are. This Ascension has thrown many challenges at You, yet You continue to persevere handsomely. Prior to 2012, not only were You presented with Divinely orchestrated experience, but there was also, a directed suppression from a resistance to Your development. 

A Spiritual war was indeed occurring prior to 2012, with everything imaginable, thrown at the strongest Ones by the resistance, in efforts to prevent You from advancing this far. Many of You were tracked, followed, spied upon, intentionally burdened, You name it. You were not paranoid, You were not crazy, You were/are correct. Since 2012, any “bad” experience was thrown at You by Yourself and Divinity as a whole, to assist in propelling You forward quickly, to this Now.

Special attention was paid to the stronger Ones by those attempting to hold You back, the minions and the Dark, that controlled You and this planets inhabitants for centuries. They knew who You were and Your capabilities that You would come into, if left alone. The Light/You was victorious in late fall of 2012, and the main Dark energies were taken from the planet, from this Timeline, leaving only the weakened minions and the energy belief by those that were still conditioned, keeping the old Matrix going. As You are constantly witnessing, the matrix/mundane, is unravelling at an increasing speed.

As mentioned above, any experience since 2012, was necessary for Your lessons, training and information purpose about how the global systems unjustly worked. How the systems were actually designed to strip You of Your rights and control You, which were intentional acts of suppression and oppression. To make You servants of an enslavement system. This brings us to Now.

As You become more Divinely empowered, and assist in empowering the others, You will create good change swiftly. This swift change is accomplished at the energy level, that does not harm another inhabitant of the planet, or Gaia Herself. You are/will be working from a higher magical perspective/angle. This energy level that You are working from, is Divinely supported and unmatched by any old directive of the planet. This assures the complete and safe transition for Humanity.

There is an upcoming Activation Wednesday (July 12, 2017) that is greatly going to influence all events upon Gaia in good ways, and even noticeably alter Timelines, this may cause leaps. This upcoming Activation even has the ability to change previous history. This Activation, will increase Your allowable multi-dimensional abilities on Gaia, and in this Now. Your groups are to pay close attention and observe effects unfolding after the Activation. We anticipate another larger wave of Awakenings as a result of this Activation. Some of You were drawn to certain locations upon Gaia in the last several days, and this will continue until Wednesday in connection with this Activation.

The energies in the last 36 hours may have been kind of erratic for some of You. We hit Gaia’s surface once again with a negative charged pulse to prepare those not Awake for the next wave of Awakenings. As was with You, they must be sent very low, before they can Awaken/advance. The negative pulse allows for them to have the needed trigger events. You are almost through the negative charge period. Until then, know that some of Your reality is being affected by this influx of Divine negativity.

As You keep advancing, You are seeing more and more Divine Beings such as Yourself, receiving and sharing concise Divine messages. The content You are Now reading is advanced to suit this Time, and will continue advancing with You. More and more of You everyday are touching more and more, and assisting them in this great journey of Ascension, as the Light grows brighter. The clarity of the messages You are receiving will become more fulfilled, as You get stronger and stronger, as a Collective.

Onward You go!

Love and Light
