Saturday, July 29, 2017

Leaked Military Footage of Antarctica Pyramids or Disinfo Campaign?

Update 3: Via Justin at Stillness In The Storm - " A reader sent me a link to a video of B Roll footage, shot in Deadhorse, Alaska February 22, 2017. This suggests that some of the footage in the video featured below is not from Antarctica. However, there are indeed pyramid shaped land features there, which, as I suggested above, could be pyramids or not. Regardless of the fact the footage doesn't appear to be from Antarctica, the idea that pyramids are hiding everywhere on the planet still has merit and is worth investigating."  ~Justin via email

Update 2: It has been shared that Section 51, produces CGI videos in the past which suggests that this video is a fake.  Thanks PF! 

Update:  Is this the source of the video? Apparently this has been published by a few dozen Youtube Channels.  The first publishing date I found is by Section 51 2.0 which was published on April 25, 2017.

image credit:


July 29, 2017

This video was shared without source documentation. Is this real footage or clever production to discredit the recent Antarctica disclosures coming from various sources? Sources talking about the secrets of Antarctica are Linda Molten Howe, Pete Peterson, Corey Goode and David Wilcock.

Are there pyramids in Antarctica?  Do these satellite images on Google Earth show pyramids at the location coordinates 79°58’39.25″S 81°57’32.21″W?

Here is the link to Google Earth to see the alleged pyramid(s) yourself....'39.2%22S+81%C2%B057'32.2%22W/@-75.6653113,-101.3600463,2243638m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m5!3m4!1s0x0:0x0!8m2!3d-79.9775694!4d-81.9589472

Keep asking questions and find your truth.

The video below contains footage of active military operations with a backdrop of pyramids in a snowy environment.   Real or fake?