
Thursday, July 13, 2017

Judge Anna Von Reitz Update - July 12, 2017

Two Jurisdictions Down, One to Go

By Anna Von Reitz

Satan is a Liar, in fact, he is the Father of All Lies. He can't play it straight. It's not in his nature to be anything but crooked, because the Truth is not in him.

And where was Satan cast down, like a comet? Into the sea. So where is his kingdom and his law prevailing? The international jurisdiction of the sea. The Law of the Sea is pagan in origin and it remains pagan to this day.

It is also a law based on fiction --- and what is fiction, but lies?

So, there you have it. The Bible told you all this a long, long time ago. Satan's kingdom, deceptively called the Kingdom of God, functions on fiction -- lies --- and what are corporations, but "legal fictions"?

Does IBM exist? Point to it. Show me the entity "IBM"?

What happens when you try to do that? You discover that there is no IBM. It's a fiction. A lie. The most you can do is point to a man, the "President" or the "CEO" of IBM, but it is immediately apparent that he isn't IBM, either. He is just a representative of an organization calling itself "IBM".

The same exact thing happens when you are asked to point to the "State of Michigan". You can point to the Governor of the State of Michigan, but he isn't Michigan. Again, he is just the representative of an organization calling itself the "State of Michigan".

All incorporated entities are such lies, and so are their franchises.

The UNITED STATES has a franchise called the STATE OF NEW YORK and it has a franchise called the CITY OF NEW YORK and it has a franchise called the BOROUGH OF QUEENS which has a franchise called "PAUL ANDREAS MOREAU".

And they are all what? Fictitious entities, operating under the international law of the sea-- Satan's Law, the Law of the Sea.

Okay, so now you all understand what the Law of the Sea is and how it operates via, by, and through fictional entities.

Satan is also called the "Prince of the Air" --- while he is King of the Sea, he is "Prince" of the air jurisdiction. The Pope is actually the "King" of the air jurisdiction, but Satan through the Office of the Roman Pontiff, kept a toe-hold as "Prince".

This is because the global jurisdiction of the air is the jurisdiction of intangible realities, which may be truths or lies--- the realm of ideas, spirit, ghosts, copyrights, patents, logos, and dreams.
Just as a dream may be true and belong to Our Father, it can be false and belong to Satan.
So, Satan has retained a primary grip on the jurisdiction of the sea and a secondary grip on the air jurisdiction all these years after he was paid in full forever. Nobody kicked him out.
Until now.

Think about it--- if a debt is paid for good and forever, does it accrue again? No. All debts are pre-paid, including the debts of fictitious entities.

It was this fact that Pope Boniface used to create the World Trust in the first place, and a few years ago, the Vatican Chancery Court admitted this to me and gave a Final Order confirming it.
So if all debts are pre-paid, how is it that people are still being charged and worked to death like slaves?

It could only be Satan gumming up the works.

So on January 6 of this year, we pulled the plug in the jurisdiction of the air and issued the Payment Bond. Anyone on Earth can read it and understand what it says and make their claim upon it. The Kingdom of Heaven has redeemed the Kingdom of God.

And on June 29 of this year, we pulled the plug in the jurisdiction of the sea, and recorded our claim as the Paramount Security Interest Holders in the bankruptcy of all the Municipal and Territorial Governments and all their fictitious "citizens". The Kingdom of Heaven holds all the debts of the Kingdom of God.

It's over. The Truth has won.

When the Truth comes, what is False must pass away.

This means that we are all going home, both the sheep and the goats, and back to what and whom we are in fact, not fiction. It means that people now have the conscious ability to see what the realm of Satan is and how it worked to enslave them for thousands of years.

You can now choose to be free of Satan's yoke forever.

People and their governments throughout the world can now choose to live under the three simple Laws of Heaven and give up the millions upon millions of codes, regulations, and statutes. They can even choose to stop fighting over the Laws of the Land and the Ten Commandments given to Moses. Just three laws, all simple enough for a small child to understand.

Many new understandings must come. Many new ideas and revelations. Stay calm in the midst of these changes and have faith. The Good Will and the Love that has stood by you and for you despite all these trials, is with you still.

Now that we are back on the land, the final jurisdiction waits.

The three simple Laws of Heaven-- (1) Keep the peace; (2) Treat others as you would like to be treated yourself; (3) Respect the free will of others so long as it does no harm -- are sufficient to rule the affairs of men and nations, if you adopt them and keep them and require your governments to do the same.

See this article and over 600 others on Anna's website
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Release of the Interest of the Holy See

By Anna Von Reitz

12 July 2017
Most Beloved Francis,
It is my understanding that the Holy See has released its interest in the bankruptcy proceedings of the Municipal and Territorial governments throughout the world, and that leaves the unincorporated United States of America as the only unincorporated government still standing in this matter.
We will proceed with your blessing to address the urgent matters of: (1) discharging odious debts; (2) off-setting mutual debts; (3) outright debt forgiveness, such as we have already offered Puerto Rico; (4) employment of new assets; (5) hybrid bond issues; (6) relief of the mortgage foreclosures; (7) establishment of new international trade banks; and final settlement.
Your assistance in the matter of the Divine Province would be greatly appreciated. It is our understanding that both people and governments can choose to accept the rule of our Creator and to accept the three simple Laws of Heaven as their Law, while simply retaining their beneficial interests on land and sea.
It is our intention to offer the governments of the world debt forgiveness upon their acceptance of the Law of the Kingdom of Heaven as their paramount national and international law. 
The Law of the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth as summarized in our presentation of the Payment Bond is:  (1) Keep the Peace; (2) Treat others as you would like to be treated; (3) Respect the free will of everyone else, so long as it causes no harm.
Beyond that, of course, each Man and Woman must make their own peace with Our Father.  We are speaking here only of public matters, not the private matters of each heart. 
It is to be hoped that the public commitment of governments secured peacefully and without their undue embarrassment will translate to a greater understanding among people of their own sacred nature and their role in the Universe.
Thank you for your patience in the midst of many trying circumstances and your generosity to all Mankind.
Anna Maria
See this article and over 600 others on Anna's website
 To support this work look for the PayPal button on this website.