
Friday, July 7, 2017

Judge Anna Von Reitz Acknowledges NESARA and RV/GCR - July 6, 2017

Dear George.... All White Hats See Actual Letter PDF Attached

By Anna Von Reitz

Remember George Washington? Those of you who are of a "certain age" remember the saying, "Let George do it...." ? 
Well, George didn't make it in time, but we are at that moment when "Lazarus" rises from the dead, raises his hand and says, "Excuse me, but I am the Paramount Security Interest Holder in the bankruptcy of the UNITED STATES and the USA and .....and....and....."
Against all the odds in known creation, the unincorporated United States of America represented by its Hereditary Head of State visited The United States District Court for the District of Columbia and made known the fact that the American states and people still exist, aren't lost at sea, and have returned home to the land jurisdiction of our states and nation.
The Great Fraud has been completely discovered and rooted out down to the fine teeth.
We are very grateful to Our Father and The Lord Our Righteous Savior for making it possible. 
Now, the facts are irrefutable. The proof is done, the claims are cured, the liens are in place and recorded on the land jurisdiction of the United States. 
All the franchises of the Municipal United States and all the franchises of the Territorial United States have been redeemed, reclaimed, re-conveyed, and re-venued to the land jurisdiction. 
We own it all--- all the Municipal and Territorial franchises that have been created worldwide and which these crooks hoped to use as the means to create a One World Government in which people would be treated as things.
It's all ours, fair and square. The Devil lost again. 
It appears that quite a number of you have been hard at work on the private side on the GCR/RV and various NESARA-based solutions, but without overall success. Let us now come to the table with our Paramount Claim and put together the rest of the missing pieces so that the entire world will see and acknowledge the Truth and the GCR/RV can FINALLY go forward.
A complete recap of the Great Fraud and our go forward position has been released as a letter dated today, addressed to "George" from "Lazarus", and will be posted on my website at     for the entire world to see.   
Let those who were dead, arise again.
See this article and over 600 others on Anna's website
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