1.26.17- Initial Update- More to come, as I receive it.
There was a sealed hearing
They closed up everything and locked doors, black pieces of wool on window
They asked Bill, Yousef, and Neil to leave
Attorney came out and talked to Bill and Yousef after the hearing
Apparently TN, issued an arrest warrant for HATJ, for….? to gum up works for her
She will have an identity hearing on Monday. DC Jail lock up jail until then.
This all from Neil, live down there at the courtroom
Identity hearing on Monday. [ this is necessary, because HATJ refuses to sign her name and contract with the system.
Live stream update from Neil- he filmed the update outside court house
[10:12:30 AM] Denice D: (heart) Complete focus now: Paperwork is in order. The charges will be dropped. And Heather will be released today.
[10:12:50 AM] Denice D: Share that energy everywhere! Perfectly done! (heart)
Neil Wolfe
Submitted on 2017/07/26 at 9:43 am
Brief telephone conversation with Agent Hartman – he asserts he was not an arresting agent yet he was at the hotel during the arrest- he refused to divulge the charges and hung up ……..
[7:43:40 AM] Denice D: Update:
[7:44:09 AM] Denice D: Heather has been assigned a public defender. The charge is Fugitive From Justice. Jurisdiction unknown.
[7:44:46 AM] Denice D: I have a phone call into the public defender and will update ASAP. I am asking her to tell H of the massive support behind her.
[7:44:55 AM] Denice D: Arraingment is from 1 to 5 pm [7:47:03 AM] lisa shannon: [7:37 AM] Denice D:
<<< Ms. Sharon BurkaPublic Defender assigned to Heather [7:48:00 AM] Ollie Troll: [7:44 AM] Denice D: <<< Fugitive From Justice.How can you be a Fugitive From Justice without any charge?
[7:48:45 AM] Denice D: Focus pure love now (heart)
[7:48:48 AM] Denice D: (thanks) Only pure love, please? (heart)
(heart) (heart) (heart)
[7:51:21 AM] Terran/AK: Correction room C301 there is no C310
[7:51:32 AM | Edited 8:01:24 AM] Terran/AK: This black homeless guy walks by goes “heyyy wot da gonna do wit her?” Smiles big at me. Love the costumes
[7:57:41 AM] Paul Francis M: (music) “pump up the volume, pump up the volume…” (music)
(heart) (heart) (heart) (heart) (heart) (heart) (heart) (heart) (heart) (heart) (heart) (heart) (heart) (heart)
[8:02:17 AM] Melissa H: CAn anyone please explain to me what fugitive of justice means. I do understand what they are charging her
[8:03:01 AM] Paul Francis M: sounds like they’re saying there may be a charge in another state from which she is a ‘fugitive’
[8:03:22 AM | Edited 8:09:04 AM] Paul Francis McD: its a ‘federal’ action
[8:03:22 AM] Challngr: they don’t know either, Melissa, they are just pulling at straws.
[8:03:42 AM] Ollie T: They have poisoned our waters, lands and food, medicin and have tech that we can just dream of but still they can’t take away our LOVE for each other!<3
[8:07:43 AM] lisa s: Challngr – I respectfully request the elimination of the use of ‘labels’ and any thoughts/words and actions that would imply ‘they’ are anything but ‘us’ – recognizing the difficulties of moving through these moments for ALL – In Gratitude (heart) [8:22:51 AM | Edited 8:23:24 AM] Challngr: so who’s in for a power wave of telepathic support for/with Heather, at 12:30 eastern time? about 1 1/2 hours from now. [8:25:24 AM] Melissa H: Looking into that now to see if she has a warrant tin Washington state.
[8:25:43 AM] Sophia Love: @Terran , re: this “This black homeless guy walks by goes “heyyy wot da gonna do wit her?” Smiles big at me. Love the costumes” It sounds very much like other Guardians dreamhopper and I have run into in Chicago and elsewhere, making comments and smiling …. you are surrounded on all levels and watched and protected!!!!!!!!!! It is done and perfectly so!!!! (heart)
[8:30:10 AM] Terran/AK: With Youssef

[8:40:19 AM] JACK M: Picture from outside of court.
[8:41:46 AM] ¤KathleenA¤: (cool)….. Inside too

[8:42:41 AM] Melissa H: Thank you all for being an awesome support for my sister❤️❤️❤️
[8:43:02 AM] Paul Francis M: (heart) (heart) (heart)
[8:46:21 AM] Denice D: Update: [8:46:35 AM] Denice D: I spoke with someone in the Public Defender’s office
[8:46:55 AM] Denice D: The charges/warrant will be available to the Public Defender this afternoon. [8:47:16 AM] Denice D: Heather’s arraingment will be posted after 12:30 pm
[8:48:11 AM] Denice D: Things look very good. Please send love. Keep calm and focus. [8:48:45 AM] Paul Francis M: (heart) (heart) (heart)
[8:48:46 AM] H Andrew T: (rainbow) (heart) (rainbow) (heart)
[8:49:14 AM] Denice D: This room is being watched by so very many. Here and There. We are examples of how humanity reacts. Be love (heart) [8:56:16 AM] lisa shannon: [8:22 AM] Challngr: <<< so who’s in for a power wave of telepathic support for/with Heather, at 12:30 eastern time? about 1 1/2 hours from now.I would also include ALL – any BEing participating in this circumstance in whatever role — not just one but ALL – REMEMBER – In Gratitude (heart)
[9:07:31 AM] Reuben Emmanuel of the Bailey family Ⓘ: [8:55 AM] Patrizia: <<< Denice lo streamingIt is all streaming through ALL on I-tech/o-tech…
[9:07:39 AM] Denice D: Please do not try to call Ms. Burka. .H has been reassigned.
[9:07:41 AM] Denice D: (heart)
[9:07:49 AM] Denice D: (heart)
[9:07:50 AM] Reuben Emmanuel of the Bailey family Ⓘ: (rofl)
[9:07:55 AM] Denice D: All perfect (heart)
[9:07:56 AM] Reuben Emmanuel of the Bailey family Ⓘ: (heart)
[9:08:12 AM] Reuben Emmanuel of the Bailey family Ⓘ: Hot potato!
[9:08:42 AM] Denice D: For these next moments, it is really important to focus complete peace and love on the entire court system.
[10:01:07 AM] BZ ⒾAM Riger: Neil Wolfe is streaming live
[10:01:09 AM] BZ ⒾAM Riger: Twitter handle is @TheLightReports If anyone else is going and would like to connect feel free to text or call 703-989-1001.
[10:01:55 AM] BZ ⒾAM Riger: with her move to US District court [session is 1:30] [10:02:10 AM] BZ ⒾAM Riger: he has talked to her previously assigned lawyer
[10:02:27 AM] BZ ⒾAM Riger: and now over talking to marshal bailiffs at new court
[10:06:01 AM] Denice D:Update Heather is safe. Her Federal Public Defender now has her Original Factualized Trust Docs.
[10:21:20 AM] BZ ⒾAM Riger: Federal District Court DCTN U17024779
Neil Wolfe- I will be heading up to the courthouse this morning around 10AM or so to have my supporting presence felt by HATJ and her lawless kidnappers –
I may do a little live streaming on Periscope in case anyone was interested in following to receive updates if I have any- my Periscope handle is TheLightReports-
may want to set alerts if I broadcast anything and you want to see it live.
Typically I will also post the Periscope video to my Twitter account after a broadcast-
Twitter handle is @TheLightReports If anyone else is going and would like to connect feel free to text or call 703-989-1001.
Neil Wolfe
Submitted on 2017/07/26 at 9:43 am
Brief telephone conversation with Agent Hartman – he asserts he was not an arresting agent yet he was at the hotel during the arrest- he refused to divulge the charges and hung up ……..
[10:12:30 AM] Denice D: (heart) Complete focus now: Paperwork is in order. The charges will be dropped. And Heather will be released today.
[10:12:50 AM] Denice D: Share that energy everywhere! Perfectly done! (heart)
[10:28:12 AM] Alex and Valerie: Please also keep Randy in your energy also. He could be moved to SC anytime
Current Status of Events Now Unfold : HATJ Washington DC
This is the current information unfolding- I will post more as I receive information. ~ bz
lisa shannon
Everyone – Current Status of Events Now Unfold :
[10:09:46 AM] Alex and Valerie: Heather has been arrested. Breathing through it. Need guidance.
[10:12:15 AM] Skye Macleod: REALLY??? We are with you Alex (heart)
[10:12:23 AM] Terran/AK: For?
[10:12:48 AM] Terran/AK: By whom?
[10:13:59 AM] Terran/AK: What happened?
[10:14:54 AM] Terran/AK: They really don’t get who they arrested. Will not go as they expect!
[10:25:30 AM] Denice D: Just talked to Valerie. H was just arrested now. Federal warrant. did not show it to Val or Alex. H was outside smoking when they arrested her
[10:25:49 AM] Denice D: 3 fbi agents from the terrorism task force
[10:26:12 AM] Denice D: Timothy hartman 703-389-1580
[10:26:34 AM] Denice D: Justin Wincoff 202-440-0350
[10:26:37 AM] Denice D: and one other.
[10:26:59 AM] Denice D: She is being taken to Central booking IN DC. before a Judge to be bonded.
[10:27:46 AM] Denice D: The three of them were detained by Secret Service for several hours last night at the white house gate. Had extensive background checks and had to fill out questionairres
[10:27:56 AM] Denice D: H told Alex and Val to call Lisa Shannon
[10:28:13 AM] Terran/AK: Do you have Alex number? It was posted somewhere but I don’t recall which room
[10:28:33 AM] Denice D: 319-640-5879
[10:28:49 AM] Denice D: does anyone have jonathan betts phone number?
[10:28:54 AM] Denice D: or an atty in DC?
[10:29:26 AM] Denice D: Skye do you think Paul could advise us? Valeria and Alex need some help
[10:29:36 AM] Denice D: they are alone in DC
[10:29:37 AM | Edited 10:30:09 AM] Terran/AK: No but I can check a copy of a Hardrive I have for email address. I’ll contact Karl
[10:29:49 AM] Denice D: who else to call?
[10:30:00 AM] Denice D: Karl Lagenstein? or email him?
[10:30:19 AM] Denice D: thank you!
[10:41:15 AM] Terran/AK: I sent him a Skype message could not connect via a call
[10:41:42 AM] Terran/AK: Burlap will get the feed from Karl before Karl even sees it
[10:52:10 AM] Skye Macleod: On 25/07/2017, at 17:29, Denice D wrote:
> Skye do you think Paul could advise us? Valeria and Alex need some help YES will contact him now
[11:09:46 AM] Terran/AK: Dear Karl
As you may be aware – Heather was arrested in Washington D.C. this morning around 10:00 am, EST.
Will you be so kind as to communicate with me as soon as possible? It was stated that you were called last night – on Heather’s phone – to inform the Secret Service who were interviewing Heather and friends – that you knew her.
The Secret Service agent that you purportedly spoke with walked away as he was talking to you and came back with Heather’s phone stating that you did not know who she was.
Please assist us – as your heart guides.
We need clarity in this matter. ‘Time’ is of the essence.
In Gratitude,
Lisa Shannon
[11:32:34 AM] Denice D: CENTRAL BOOKING is closed for powerwashing. . .
[11:33:02 AM] Denice D: Found Heather at First District Cell Block Phone 202-698-0555
[11:33:30 AM] Denice D: spoke to a kind man, officer Richardson. H will remain overnight and go before a judge in the morning.
[11:33:38 AM] Denice D: She was not given an atty to his knowledge.
[11:33:42 AM] Denice D: She is in good health.
[11:33:52 AM] Denice D: She will not be allowed to have phone calls or emails tonight
[11:34:02 AM] Denice D: location 101 M Street S.W.
[11:36:02 AM] lisa shannon: Thank you Denice – I sent communication to Youssef so he is aware. Did they provide a link to where the details of the warrant for her arrest can be found? As it is – there is nothing under DHS nor DC inmate records as of yet, (heart)
[11:36:50 AM] Denice D: no. Timothy Hartman 703-389-1580 had the warrant
[11:37:49 AM] Denice D: Officer Richardson said she was in good health. (heart)
[11:38:02 AM] Denice D: anyone know a DC atty?
[11:39:15 AM] Denice D: Should we make this very visible? She made Randy’s very, very visible (sun)
[11:40:52 AM] lisa shannon: Denice – those were my feelings as I was speaking to Valerie earlier! I asked she and Alex to ponder this as the information given to me regarding the way in which the events unfolded were quite revealing.
[11:44:07 AM] lisa shannon: Then I get on Skype and see that you had put pertinent data in here – however I also DO FEEL that everyone who has been ‘following’ this information should be informed about this as well – as it is part and parcel of how these moments are unfolding. Valerie’s story is quite amazing.
[11:44:54 AM] lisa shannon: I am not aware of any DC attorneys as of yet. This is where sharing all of this data – real time – is most beneficial.
[11:45:44 AM] Denice D: Yes. . . would you mind posting it in the O room? I will assist in any way I can

[11:47:03 AM] Alex and Valerie: I am working on typing my perspective of last night and this morning
[11:47:18 AM] Denice D: Thanks (heart)
[11:47:23 AM] Alex and Valerie: I have talked to Youssef, he is confused and will decide if he needs to come here
[11:47:35 AM] Alex and Valerie: Just got a call from Jim Dodd offering assistance
[11:47:42 AM] Denice D: awesome!
[11:47:43 AM] lisa shannon: At this moment – I feel all of the data shared in this room – and further clarfying data from Valerie and Alex if they feel to – will be good to start with.
[11:48:06 AM] Denice D: has anyone called Mr. Hartman?
[11:48:13 AM] Denice D: re: a copy of the warrant?
[9:57:11 AM | Edited 10:03:29 AM] lisa shannon: Clairfying Information from Valerie and Alex
[9:49 AM] Alex and Valerie:
<<< July 24, 2017 8:00 pm
We decided to go for a walk towards the White House (WH). We walked to the SW gate to see if she was in the WH system for a meeting yet. After handing the Secret Service our passports we waited near the gate. Heather explained to SS she just wanted to see if she was in the system for a meeting. I (Valerie) did not hear the entire dialogue but did hear Heather say “banking corruption”. Heather told SS that she was colleagues with Karl Langenstein and Johnathon Betts, and they had referred her to the WH for these meetings.
Heather dialed Karl Langenstein aka Panama Jack in Panama. The call was dropped and Heather called him back immediately. When he answered, she handed the phone to an agent.
Apparently, Alex Webner has a warrant (Failure to Appear) out for his arrest for a misdemeanor (speeding ticket) in Jasper, Arkansas. (This is true and we are working on the resolution right now). Alex was handcuffed and seated on the curb awaiting information about the extradition status of the warrant. The handcuffs were tight on Alex, and they did loosen them after he informed them he was in pain.
During this time, many agents questioned us about our time in DC, our relationship with Heather, occupation, etc. Alex was then released from handcuffs, as the Arkansas warrant is non-extraditable. We were all still in the same gate area.
Then arrived 3 plain clothes SS agents and we were formally interviewed. As my memory serves, these were the questions asked: name, address, ss#, reason for being in DC, education, military experience, family, clubs or hobbies, gun use and ownership, drug use, character reference, medical. All three reports were verified and we were released soon afterwards.
NOTEWORTHY: During his interview, Alex overheard the agent that talked to KL tell another agent, “he says he has never heard of her”[9:50 AM] Alex and Valerie:
<<< We both could use a big dose of good energy as we are pretty shook up
[9:59:38 AM] lisa shannon: Please send LOVE and HEALING to ALL here and remain steady as we move through these moments (heart) [10:01:41 AM | Edited 10:02:45 AM] lisa shannon: The events posted from Alex and Valerie were from last night – this morning’s events are still being felt and processed and ALL are NOW DOing all we (this is ALL OF YOU/US) can to bring these matters to the perfect closure. LOVE YOU ALL – In Gratitude (hearteyes) Karen Sutton
All. This is perfect. The old paradigm of separation and power is making its last stand .. and in true human fashion, quite dramatically. But all it will do is unite us fully in our common goal of loving and releasing the old ways and storylines forevermore. Heather knows this. So do we all. Terran said “This will not go as they expect.” Indeed it will not. This is OUR time to show OUR love for Self and for ALL. Love you Heather! Love you Val and Alex! Love you Randy! Love you all! Love ALL EVERYWHERE. We got this!! (heart)
Alex and Valerie
July 25, 2017 10:00 am
Additional data: Heather said many times to the SS Agents last night that we were at Trump Tower, room 601 (all of us) if they had any more questions.Heather informed me she had paid for another night in our hotel so we could relax and sleep in if we wanted BUT our priority today is to get all the data to get the warrant on Alex cleared, paid and closed. She was adamant, even if it involved flying to get it done. Heather told us she was going to get coffee and smoke, and we would get together later. Alex got in the shower, and I set up the laptop so we could handle the warrant issue.
Knock on the door, three men, casually dressed, asked for Heather. I told them she was not here, she went to get coffee and smoke. They identified themselves as FBI and asked to be let in, I had them give me a moment to dress more properly. They complied. I allowed them in, and reported my husband was in the shower. One asked him to step out of the shower, watched him dry off and handed him a robe. The other two looked behind the curtains, under the beds and in the closet. We (A&V) were seated and told we were not in any kind of trouble, but they were going to arrest Heather. They reminded Alex again of the arrest warrant in COLORADO which sent off alarms for both of us. Last night, they said the warrant was in Iowa.
They were on the phone seeking Heather around town. The closest Starbucks verified she had been there 30 minutes prior. They asked for her phone number, I gave it to them. They wanted me to text her, but one continued to ask questions and I was distracted so another sent the text to Heather as follows:
V’s Phone: We’re showered, Where are ya?
H: smoking…the usual place…lol
H: <emoji> blowing kiss, heart
V’s Phone: Usual? We have been here only a day!!!
H: lol
H: have we?
V’s Phone: Ok doki
H: <emoji> wink
Again, we went through a routine of questions. They asked us if we followed the “Sovereigns”. Our reply: “years ago, we had looked at it, wasn’t our thing” . They asked Alex about his gun ownership and if he hunted. Answer: “when I was younger”. Were we anti-government? “No, in fact, I love Trump and what he is doing as President, but we don’t follow politics much.” More general questions about Heathers location. “She smokes on benches near coffee shops. She may be right across the street” I went to the window, looked down, and there sat Heather in the smoking area for the Hotel, in plain view of anyone. I looked at them, “she is right there, not hiding, just smoking.”
At this time I can only assume she was arrested. Once again, we were reminded of Alex’s warrant in ARKANSAS, which they had verified now. This is true, there is an unpaid speeding ticket from Jasper, AR from April 2013. We are trying to get that resolved now, be no one is answering the phone. Two gave us business cards. I will photo and post. The other was out but said his name was Obrien or O’shea (I cant remember). We shook hands and they left.
Ten to fifteen minutes later two returned with Heathers purse and laptop bag. We went through all the zippered pouches while they watched to ensure “there wasn’t a million dollars cash we didn’t know about”
There may be more. I’m rattled to the core, as is Alex. First Randy, now Heather. I honestly dont have the skills or lexicon to handle this. Any support is appreciated.
Goran Antunovic
Just called FBI agent Hartman, who was unwilling to reveal the grounds of Heathers arrest.
He supposedly is not allowed to reveal it.
He also was afraid to give me his direct supervisors name. Saying his direct boss is Is the FBI director.
Very scared voice in his tone already because so many people already called him.
Telling me in the end to never call his number again.
He has no idea he was used as canon fodder was this dirty opetation!
Goran Antunovic
I told him I am Heathers personal assistant and needed to know grounds for arrest. he said oh no another personal assistant, she has so many.
To which I told him that yes indeed she has a looooot of personal assistants.
Barage him with calls to find out who gave him his orders!
Carl Brown
remember through all that is playing out heathers words…. ” all is perfect and perfectly done.” ❤
heathers skype profile has just been on green meaning obviously available. i sent her a message saying are you released or is this the fbi and then it went yellow haha so maybe someone is watching the reactions here
Arthur Koberinski
all is not as it may seem….lovely invitation without addmission of wrongdoing….well played heather
lisa shannon
[12:31 PM] lisa shannon:
<<< [2:17 PM] lisa shannon:
<<< Okay All – Have had several conversations with Youssef, one with Bill and now just recently with Karl.
As I was just typing I noticed someone was accessing Heather’s Skype account – green light on – asked if that was her using her Skype – no response – now it shows ‘Away’
Okay – Youssef has also spoken to Timothy and one other who left cards with Alex and Val.
They will not give him ANY information and said he would need to be there in person with identification to get the information for her arrest. Both gentlemen cut their conversations short citing ‘going into the tunnel’ and ‘getting on the elevator’ to cut the call short.
Spoke with Bill and then I called Karl when I saw he was online.
Here is clarity for yesterday evening’s phone call to Karl.
Karl did answer the phone and it got disconnected. Another call got thru and Karl did speak to the SS agent and did NOT say he did not know Heather – he said he was not aware of a meeting scheduled at this time.
He also informed me that he had spoken to Heather several days ago and told her to wait a few more days as this was not a good time to go to DC – however, she went and let him know she was there although he recommended not going for a few more days.
He is said there is nothing to do at the moment except for all of our group to come together and assist her by helping her get a lawyer for this now moment.
I asked for his recommendations. He is going to call some of his people – and by three (3) hours from now he will communicate with me – hopefully have a recommendation for a lawyer and we will go from there. lisa shannon, Today 2:17 PM
I am writing frequency shorthand, now. Everything CAN BE CHANGED INSTANTLY…. With the proper application of resonating frequency, intention and imagining a different outcome.
We…. The little guys, are a mighty force, one that can not be compared to anything else in existence.
If enough of us unify together, right now…. It feels like we CAN create the greatest “jailbreak” in history.
What is required…. Is for all of us to step out of “smallness” and in body Original Truth… We are Gods among Gods
Never in my life, has a set of circumstances, shown itself to me, with greater potential than this now moment
Sophia Love
I concur KK, absolutely… wondering if we should organize a single moment when we all “go in”… a moment of power singularity? Thinking we should. I can do this at any moment so I bow to the group consensus for a time, a moment, and then “let’s do this”. What I got just now is that there is a cadre of angels with her there, when they showed up, the computers went on and off, the lights went on and off. Their presence is felt. WE’VE GOT THIS. If there is ever a moment, more perfectly orchestrated for us to do what it is we do best, I know not what it could be. This is going to happen, has happened and our beloved H. knows it. She is ready for this and knows we’ve got this. They did what they did because this is a moment that many will want credit for, many with big plans for power and places OF power on this earth right now want to be the hero. Our beloved Heather is stealing their thunder and they may plan to keep her there until they can figure out how to do this ON THEIR OWN TERMS. What we must visualize is Heather FREE. Randy FREE. AND THE WORLD FREE. We have the power to hold this vision. What we need is ONE FORCE. A time? Let’s do this.
Sophia Love
A sense I got of her just an hour ago is that she is clear and strong, and that is where she expects us to be.
Stacy Anderson
I just called and he answered, did not get it recorded but the guy said he was not at liberty to say what the warrant was for but that it was a federal arrest warrant. He did not have a website address or a phone number but said the warrant could be found at the D.C. Website or call D.C. Central lockup and they will have the details.
Denice D
She is in First District. 101 M. Street, SW. 202-698-0555
Denice D
Denice D
Sophia Love
You know, if I was writing a script, I could not have picked a more perfect name for the agent to be, than T I M Heart Man
[1:39:18 PM] Sophia Love: My visual right now is that we are riding our bikes, up hill and we just threw our training wheels off so we could go faster!!!
[1:39:27 PM] Denice D: no court case scheduled yet
Stacy Anderson
Just talked to someone at D.C. Lockup, he confirmed she is in lockup and he had no info on the warrant. Told him to get her a message to her….that she.s got a lot of support out here, that we are all behind her, that we are with her, signed Original (hearteyes)
Sophia Love
Visualizing H. surrounded by light… it is palpable and those in charge of “detaining” or “watching” her are feeling it and not knowing what it is… it changes things… this light/love/power around her then moves up the chain of command to everyone who is touching this case. This ends now and perfectly.
[2:01:58 PM] Gpeachy: Just thinking of what Heather said on the last interview about making herself visible so all others would do the same.
[2:02:28 PM | Edited 2:02:59 PM] Gpeachy: Monsoon creation in process.
lisa shannon
[2:13 PM] lisa shannon:
<<< Greetings Everyone
Here is an update from Youssef
He just spoke to Missy – Heather’s sister in Washington state. Missy called and spoke to a nice woman at the Washington D.C. Metropolitan Police Dept – which is where Heather is currently. One of the reasons there is no data available online regarding her arrest is ” because she has not been cooperative in signing any documents”. (of course) The DC Police woman told Missy that at some point today – Heather will be transferred to DC Central where she will spend the night. Then – at 7:30 tomorrow morning – she will be transported to the D.C. Court house located at 500 Indiana Avenue NW Washington DC 20001 and is supposed to appear in front of a judge around noon or 1:00 PM. Both Youssef and Bill will be present at the courthouse. As soon as I get a recommendation for a lawyer – they will have this data. (hearthands)

[2:26:00 PM | Edited 2:26:46 PM] Challngr: If she’s not signing, they cannot add her to their records, and they obviously cannot prove any jurisdiction over/upon her
[2:27:22 PM] Dan B: that damn consent thing huh!
[2:27:28 PM] Sophia Love: @Terran, sounds like they are on to us… they want to distance themselves… interesting that they chose a palace in England! Dan B
I think the FEAR is nothing like what it used to be with altogether too many conscious aware men and women raising the consciousness, in turn, destroying that silly FEAR thing that has controlled for entirely too long.
Alex and Valerie
FYI, we have relocated to a safe place. Thanks for all the support! We felt it! One of the sayings H says is “thank us”! “We’re welcome!”. Let’s keep it up y’all!
[4:28:16 PM] ¤KathleenA¤: This is for ALL OF US…. NO ONE LEFT BEHIND…. It is the “indoctrination” of job description…. That has left them unable to imagine beyond what is seen…. All that is needed is ONE…. itty bitty crack…. In the conscious of ONE… For it to expand to the rest…. Tsunami sized ripples of transformation, going down, now
Denice D
Central booking was closed today for powerwashing. . .
Phone number is 202-727-4222
Must be the overnight facility
Paul Francis M
25th July folks. The day “Lucy”, the Luc Besson movie was released and also there are 2 UCC filings which were made on 25th July 2012. Quote from Heather October 2013 ” … return title and possession of value AND free imbodiments of I/Eternal Essence” … I’ll get you the rest in a minute. Arthur … you were right … 25th July
Paul Francis McDonald
sorry if formating is a little off … but it appears to be perfect for posting here :-
On 10/13/13, at 10:50 AM, HeatherAnnTucciJarraf . wrote:
> [9:37:20 AM] jayselect: Hi, Ouestion Is the Oppt working with the W.D.S..?? and the United Nations..??
OPPT no longer exists…by law (and it was also recognized in the former legal structures under their trust codes/statutes) when a trust completes its purpose it must either be retired/reconciled or repurposed…..OPPT finished its purpose (inclusive of July 25, 2012 = return title and possession of value AND free inbodments of I/Eternal Essence; August 3, 2012= return title and possession of land, sky, water, etc. to Eternal Essence AND free Gaia; August 15 and 21, 2012 = fired all custodians/corporations operating under the guise of government, especially UNITED NATIONS; October 24, 2012 = foreclosure; November 28, 2012, Declaration of Facts; December 10, 2012, Certificate of Satisfaction of all Universal Contracts; UNIVERSAL NOTICE December 25, 2012 of OPPT’S completion of purpose)……..and was retired/reconciled back Eternal Essence March 18, 2013.
I have been approached on skype/email directly by so many purportedly from the Qing Dynasty, Sackli/Sackley (purportedly bis), swissindo/un and indirectly by many others, including the purported seven, w.d.s., texas camp (bush, etc.), etc., etc., etc….
[10:49:01 AM] HeatherAnnTucciJarraf .: [7:19 AM] HeatherAnnTucciJarraf .:
<<< I LOVE THE ABSOLUTE PLAN!!!!!!!!!! (inlove)
purported swissindo, wds, keenan, sakli, etc…..all centralizing (chuckle)(heart)