The main focus of the Light forces is now the clearing of the plasma „head“ of the Yaldabaoth entity, toplet bombs, black stone and primary anomaly associated with all these.This is a very sensitive operation and I hope it is understandable I can not provide much intel about it until it is completed.
Towards the completion of this operation there will be sudden and unexpected breakthroughs that will cascade into the Event.
The Chimera group is worried more and more about the „invasion of Galactic Confederation fleet“ and they are beefing up their defense positions in Low Earth orbit. They are behind the creation of the sixth branch of US military:
This backdoor deal took many congressmen by surprise:
Also the Air Force itself is preparing for a possible confrontation between the Galactic Confederation and Chimera-infiltrated Air Force last line of defense against the Light forces in Low Earth orbit:
That military confrontation is possible just before the Event and if it happens it will be brief, spectacular, limited in its scope and will be resolved in a complete defeat of the Chimera.
Meanwhile, the Light Forces are pushing towards full disclosure.