
Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Ascending Starseed No Longer Supports Corey Goode (New Dark Journalist Interview)

Please accept my sincerest apology’s for the lack of published posts or feedback over the last few months, I’ve been experiencing very difficult, and dense energy’s on many levels which have included energetic attacks that have been quite challenging to deal with.
At this time I’m removing my support from Corey Goode and the Full Disclosure Now movement, the reasons why are explained in my interview with Dark Journalist.
As mentioned in the post interview statement below the video, I’m taking hiatus for much needed healing time and to find part time work.
I intended on posting my letter to Corey with the interview, along with chat messages from Roger which back-up my claims. Unfortunately WordPress no longer allows us to post documents, so upon request written documentation will be made available by email at
The interview was conducted 2-3 weeks ago, since then my perspective on Corey has changed somewhat and there were a few things we didn’t have time to cover in the interview. See my post interview statement below the video description for additional details.
Much love and thanks to everyone for your support over the last seven years, it’s been a team effort and a journey I couldn’t have made without the financial support and encouragement from readers like yourself! The last 6-9 months I’ve been struggling to create income so I can continue publishing without asking for donations, that struggle is detailed further in my interview.
So please bear with me as I heal, re-group and forge a new path for myself and this blog, “2012 The Awakening” to move forward on.
I wish to express the deepest heartfelt gratitude to everyone who’s generously stepped forward with donations since the interview aired on Saturday to help cover expenses. And a BIG Mahalo to everyone who answered the call for support, from this now moment forward.
Also, the extraordinary support and sheer number of positive comments on you Tube and Project Avalon has been virtually overwhelming. I actually expected to get hit with a freight train of negative comments from rabid fans and followers that have lost all objectivity in their search for truth. So here’s a HUMONGOUS THANK-YOU embedded with BIG HUGS to everyone for ALL your kind words and generosity! 
Blessings to All, {~A~}
Donations can be made thru paypal at the button on the upper right of the page, or you can support my work at Patreon. Mahalo nui!