Here are other requests to add to the previous financial abundance collective request. Please feel free to state them if you resonate with, in whatever manner feels right for You.
I have watched far too many people suffer from otherwise curable diseases. Who hasn’t, right? Just last night I read my high school friend’s post about her youngest daughter’s father who is dying of a variety of cancers in his body. Absolutely unnecessary for one who has fought every step of the way. Now before someone says “perhaps that is his Soul’s choice” – maybe. And maybe not. That is not ours to even ponder much less question and so I don’t. What is rightful is for him to have access to ALL of the healing tech that is already available NOW to heal him and humanity of all disease. That’s right – every disease has a cure and the tech is already available. Much of it has been used by the elite, the controllers of the game. This is wrong on so many levels of which I will not go into. Instead, let us focus on what is right, on what is just and that is Balance. Fairness. For ALL. NOW.
Time to level the playing field(s).
Loving Source ~ We make the following requests in this NOW moment:
*We request of Source a return of our rightful state of healthy Being in this NOW moment.
*We request of Source in this NOW moment that the unnecessary suffering of people with disease be ended NOW with the release of the healing technologies that do cure disease quickly and easily.
*We request of Source in this NOW moment to ensure ALL also have easy and free access to organic, healthy, plentiful/abundant food and water and air.
*We request of Source in this NOW moment to ensure ALL have access to a variety of healing modalities such as body/massage work, herbal remedies and all other holistic/safe remedies to help restore the body back to its rightful state of perfect health and to keep it in that state.
The time is NOW, Source, that Loving Balance be returned to ALL lifeforms on Gaia.
We thank you for the Life we have and are. We thank you for fulfilling our intentions as stated above.
And so It is.
In loving service~