Why Doesn’t America Have Free Health Care Yet??
-Parisse Deza
I watch the lobby-greased prima dons and donnas of D.C. dance their agenda-driven, snake-oil disco, doing everything they can to get control of everything they can; none but a tiny handful ever thinking of the good of the people. They take advantage, instead of serve.
Power is all they want, because they are empty.
They fight and flap and take money from bigger, more evil fish, and then pass verbal wind: America needs a good health-care plan!, like they care.
But they don’t.
They couldn’t care less. If they did, they’d stop creating opposition and unify around the solution. The obvious, only solution:
For a small fraction of the $54 billion we just ADDED to the already over-blown military budget, every single American could, and should, have 100% free medical and dental care, no questions asked, in any modality the individual chooses (acupuncture, chiropractic, allopathic, homeopathic...,) with no government interference, and no insurance company exploitation, and everybody would be happy. The People’s money, the People’s choice.
Free Health Care. Like civilized countries have. We have the money.
Why is this not even a conversation in Congress?
I’ll tell you why:
America hates itself. Americans hate themselves. Americans think they aren’t worth shit.
This is what we’ve been bred to believe. This is what we are willing to die for. This is our
government-inspired death chant:
Don’t give us health-care; give us war-fare!!
What would it take for us to turn this monster around? What would it take for us to love ourselves and give to ourselves?
Our representatives can reflect only how we feel about ourselves.
We must demand the obvious solution, THE ONLY ONE THAT WILL EVER WORK, because everything else is needless compromise and a lie. We must demand it of ourselves first.
Free health-care will not happen by any magic other than the American Collective that we are finally, finally, finally fucking saying:
We want it. We deserve it. We shall have it now. Because it’s OUR common-wealth and we choose to use it for our well-being.
And you jackasses in Washington will stand down now and make it so.
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Parisse Deza is a visionary in the field of consciousness and creativity. He is a counselor, teacher, Daoist internal alchemy, chigung, and feng-shui adept, and an artist in many traditional and non-traditional art forms. His main purpose is seeing-in the Aquarian Age and the fulfillment of the original American dream of personal freedom in relationship with all Life by focusing on radical truths. He lives in Sedona, Arizona.