Time To Expect More
I was reading a post today and the poster said something
about how many productive years they had left and I realized that I needed to
give everyone here a new perspective. It
is Time To EXPECT MORE! My friends, we
are moving into a new age of advancements, perfect health, longer life spans,
advanced Human abilities, NO STRESS, and Joyous days doing whatever we want.
Expectation is VERY
You have to "Realize" (Making a thought/concept
REAL) that we are leaving the Cabal World behind. Everything about that life is OVER! Now we will not only have the best of
EVERYTHING, we will NOT have bad foods, poisoned air and water, Disease, and
stress. Importantly, if your expectations
are still "Set" on the old Cabal World perspectives, you could literally
create your expected outcome be(come) true, despite the new World we are moving
New Expectations
It is time to EXPECT perfect health and way longer life
spans. Expect to have your days filled
with joyous activities that satisfy your soul.
Write, paint, travel, teach, or play music all day long. The World is already, (All Ready) a new
place, even thought you can't see it yet.
Your future life has ALREADY changed and is WAY BETTER than you could
have ever imagined it could or would be.
Given that Expectation is the forerunner to Manifestation, it is
important for you to NOW expect things that you only dreamed of before. This is a time when Dreams do become reality. It is time to:
"Turn Your Dreams Into Your Expectations"
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May You Get Everything You Want and Live The Life Of Your Dreams/Plans
Signed: One Who Knows