The Decision Has Been Made
The decision has been made that any person who stands in the way of the GCR will be executed on the spot. There will be no more discussion and no more negotiating. Not only will the perpetrator be instantly eliminated, but the ones who gave them the orders will be tracked down and executed where they stand. For every person eliminated in this way, every single other person involved will be immediately eliminated so that no further delays from those people are possible. Clearly, there will be some of them who get put down, that may not have been directly involved in the issue, but those can be "Chalked" up to casualties of war. It is not an exact science, but it is effective.
Preparations Are Being Made
As I write this, preparations are being made to ensure a smooth GCR launch. The "Ghost Soldiers" will be positioned at ALL key locations on the Planet for immediate action. They have STK (Shoot To Kill) authorizations and have been trained to put down the target in the most painless way possible. They will be dead before they know what happened. It is more Humane that way. By the way, the Cabal minions will NEVER see it coming because these special forces soldiers are invisible. They have technology that "Shifts" them into a higher frequency dimension where they can standing right next to a person and they will never know it. They are "Cloaked" if you will. All key locations will be monitored and watched very closely. These Soldiers are given the order to execute their targets without questioning. At this point, STK mistakes are acceptable as all remaining Cabal and their minions are expendable anyway.