Received via email from OWK......

The Choice You
Your life is all about choices. Every minute of every day you choose one way
or the other, to go, to think, to do, to be.
EVERY choice has a result, a consequence, an outcome. This life you are in right now was one of
your choices. But, was it a good one?
Was it the right one? Was it the best choice?
You decide......
One Path
There is only one path in all of creation, and that is
Ascension. That is all there is. That is all that is "in play" at
any given time. That is the point of
your existence over eons. NOTHING ELSE
and that is moving from where you are now, to a Higher Understanding, Higher
Consciousness, Greater Wisdom. That's
it. That Path is "Ascension"
the rising up in Consciousness, the gaining of Understanding, Accumulating More
and more Wisdom, from your experience and perspective. In the End, Ascension to a higher
consciousness, gives you more capability and abilities, which then leads to
more and more complex and advanced experiences, which leads to greater
understanding and even higher Consciousness and more Wisdom. It is
a never ending upward spiral of greater consciousness and ability, until you
are able to create your Own Universes.
Could you create Universes right now?
You could if you knew you could, if you were conscious of that ability,
but you are not, and so you can't... not yet anyway.
Every Level
Clearly, it makes no sense to have a low level Consciousness
Being, wielding the power to create Universes.
But they can wield the power (Will Power, Creator Power, God Power) at
their level of consciousness as much as they want. It is a proving ground to experience and
learn within the bounds of the Consciousness level that you are at, the "Dimension"
where you are. At every level of Consciousness (Dimension) there are lessons to
be learned, wisdom to be gained, and mastered.
At such a point that you have mastered that Level, Dimension, Consciousness,
ability, you naturally "Drift" up to more capabilities.
You are not controlled by your reality, but instead you
control it, and by doing so, you become more conscious of your ability and thus
rise in frequency, dimension, and understanding. Someone who still thinks that their reality
is controlling them, is not "Conscious" of the idea that they can
control their own reality, so, as a result, they cannot. But, once they realize (Make Real) that they
are the Masters of their own fate, and are Conscious that they have the power,
the God Power, Creator Power, to alter reality, they can and do. Clearly until you know you can, you
You Have Learned
You have learned this powerful and important concept. All around you the Cabal showed you that they
held all the power, that you had NO power, and still you expected to win, to
change your reality to working out. You
held the "Light" and conviction that you could and would win, and successfully
altered your Reality, to your liking.
You will soon walk into the World that you created from your
Thoughts. You have realized your power
to alter your own reality and control your World.
Now that you are Conscious (aware) that you can take on the
Mighty Cabal, and no matter how powerful they seemed, you held more power in
your conviction, KNOWING, and determination, than they did with their
governments, and military. There is NO
POWER greater that what you were born with.
For as you stand in your KNOWING and "DECIDED-NESS" no army
can defeat you, nor move you. This is one
of the Highest lessons there is to learn and experience in this dimension.
You Have To Walk The
Path Yourself
I can write all day long on this, and preachers can preach,
but until you walk the walk and learn for yourself that you have this power,
you do not. Until you are fully
conscious of how the Universe works, and how reality is created and changed,
you are not the master of your reality, you are the victim of it. While you can have understanding, and
knowing, proof and experience are the greatest teachers which lead to the
greatest wisdom. You have to walk the
path yourself, to get the wisdom.
The Game
The greatest hardships, beget the greatest leanings and
result in the most powerful Wisdom. Powerful
wisdom is higher consciousness. Is it
any wonder that we are in a game of Light vs. Dark? Is it any wonder that the Annuniki were
created on purpose to be the evil self serving beings that they are? Is it any wonder that the Galactics do NOT
interfere in the Game, but are content watching? Do you realize (Make Real) that this is all
about experiencing an unwanted reality, that you then discover and learn that
you can overcome, and change to your liking?
How would you learn that, and gain that wisdom without this game? Do you realize (Make Real) that there is NO
downside to a game, in which you have infinite lives to play it? Even death, is just taking you out of the
game, for you to just jump back in from another perspective.
You Made A Choice
Earth was the "Advanced" course. This was the Hard road course, but, at the
end, it was a faster "Path" to a much higher Consciousness (Dimension). You chose to be here in this fight between
Light and Dark, so that when you finally won, finally became aware (Conscious)
of how to win the game, your newly gained wisdom would catapult you to a much
higher dimension, consciousness, and greater abilities. This was the fast track to advanced wisdom.
Had you taken the beginner's course, you would have
incarnated on a World that was easy going and not problematic in the
least. It would be so easy to live and
exist, but without the "Challenge" you would NEVER have learned your strengths,
your powers, you ability to alter and change your reality. Quite simply, there would have been no need
to do so. Your consciousness would have remained
about the same. In short, incarnation on
Earth at this time, was the super fast road to higher consciousness and highly
advanced wisdom.
The Final Exam
You have chosen the Advanced Course and faced the Most evil
and diabolical villains the Universe had to offer right here on Earth. You took a stand, DECIDED it was going to
work out, and had confidence in yourself despite the odds and forces against you. But, look around.... The seemingly
unstoppable Cabal, are all but gone and no amount of fighting can save them
against the Light of truth, and your confident expectation.
Reality creators and reality shifters, learn to have
confidence in themselves and their creations.
Your final exam was: "Could you hold your expectation that the GCR would
come soon, that everything we wanted would come to pass?" Only a powerful Reality creator would pass
this test and KNOW they could and would MAKE it happen. They would be Conscious that they could, and
so they would.
The cabal tried to make you fail your final exam. They gave you every reason to doubt that you
could create the reality you wanted.
They told you it would NEVER happen, that it would be delayed, that you
would lose. It came down to a simple
Is it true that You
can make & alter your own reality? Or...
Is it true that the
Cabal outsiders have control of your reality?
Those who stood firm in their resolve, passed the test and
ended up proving that they were in charge of their own realities and no army,
no power, no force could stop them from getting what they wanted and
expected. Those who believed in an outside power, failed
and fell by the wayside.
It is now graduation time. The proof of our abilities and power is all
around us. We have defeated the mighty
Cabal with our resolve alone. We held
the Light of hope and expectation no matter what they tried to do to us. We have gained the wisdom that the power of
Love, confidence in ourselves, determination and expectation can defeat any
foe. We have done it right here on
Planet Earth. We are now way more
conscious, and powerful than we ever knew we could be.
Earth was the Advanced course, and was the fast track to
higher consciousness as well. Not only
have we defeated the Cabal for the first time in the history of this game, we
will now be ascending, rising up in consciousness as a whole Planet for the
first time in History as well.
It is graduation and we are being given energies to raise
our consciousness and abilities to another level, and a higher dimension, as a
reward for passing the hardest test the Universe had to offer. Those of us who took the hard course, got the
big rewards as well. Incarnating here on
Earth was our choice, because we knew what the rewards would be once we
succeeded here.
The Bottom Line
The bottom line is that this whole life, is just the final experience
in this game we all started playing thousands of years ago. In the big picture, it was no accident that
we incarnated here, we chose this. You
should know that the entire Universe has sent ships here to watch us play out
this game. It is live action, real life
drama of Light and Dark, and of course we have won. We are the Home Team, and the favorites of
the Galactic Federation.
However, there are many other Planets that are still playing
this game. Will they win and ascend, or
will they go another round to finally get it figured out? Who knows?
I just know that as far as we are
concerned, we have graduated and our graduation gift, is higher consciousness,
more abilities, and all the perks that come with that.
I am so proud of all of you.
We were tested and challenged by the best the Cabal had to offer. We stood our ground and believed despite what
it looked like. Did we make the right
choice to incarnate here on Earth at this time in history? YOU BET WE DID!!!! It is almost time to receive our graduation
gifts, abundance in every way, perfect health, long life, advanced abilities,
freedom, intergalactic exploration, and LOVE beyond our ability to
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May You Get Everything You Want and Live The Life Of Your Dreams/Plans
Signed: One Who Knows