Here you will see an explosion in media concerning this 'revelation' from Anonymous. Main stream media decided that this was a news worthy event and are posting it everywhere. Below is a bunch of articles talking about this announcement from the infamous hacker group.
I am sure this is a test to see what the reaction is from the general population. The "Powers That Be" will be monitoring all social platforms and comment boards and do a statistical analysis to gauge if humanity is ready for such a grand disclosure that aliens exist. Are you ready?
Anonymous believes NASA is poised to announce discovery of aliens (VIDEO)

Hacking collective Anonymous claims US space agency NASA is about to announce the discovery of intelligent alien life.
Anonymous’ claim is based on a number of recent NASA discoveries coupled with comments made by one of the agency’s spokesmen during a congressional hearing titled ‘Advances in the Search for Life,’ in April.
“Taking into account all of the different activities and missions that are specifically searching for evidence of alien life, we are on the verge of making one of the most profound, unprecedented, discoveries in history,” said Zurbuchen during the hearing of the committee on American Science, Space and Technology.
In their video on the issue, Anonymous go on to cite several other alien-friendly comments made by astronauts and space exploration enthusiasts in the past, as well as various alien and UFO ‘sightings’ as evidence that “something is going on in the skies above”.
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Hacking group Anonymous claims NASA is about to announce 'evidence of alien life' - 7 hours ago
NASA is “on the verge” of announcing the discovery of alien life, according to the latest video from hacktivist group Anonymous. The hackers published a YouTube clip overnight which claims a NASA scientist made the announcement at the last meeting of ...
ALIENS ARE COMING!' NASA on verge of major announcement, claims hacking group - 10 hours ago
Last week NASA announced
the Kepler space telescope had identified 219 "potential new worlds",
including 10 which feel into the Goldilocks zone - not too hot, not too
cold, but just right for life to exist. Anonymous' video features its trademark ...
Hacktivist group says NASA could soon reveal alien life - Jun 24, 2017
Hacktivist group Anonymous has released a YouTube video in which it claims NASA could soon announce the discovery of alien life. Anonymous is known around the world for its work. In the past, it's taken on the likes of Isis, Donald Trump, and Westboro ...
Anonymous believes NASA is poised to announce discovery of aliens (VIDEO)
RT - Jun 24, 2017
Professor Thomas Zurbuchen, associate administrator for the Science Mission Directorate, told the hearing that NASA's
recent advances, such as the discovery of hydrogen in Saturn's moon
Enceladus and the Hubble team's promising results from the oceans ...
'Aliens are COMING' Breakthrough looms with 'NASA poised to make announcement'
Daily Star - 10 hours ago
... a new “Earth-sized alien world” yesterday, NASA
could be about to tell us much more. Space boffins are convinced they
have found a tenth planet in our solar system. But now it has been
claimed that scientists are about to confirm the existence of ...
Hactivist group claims NASA could soon announce the discovery of intelligent alien life
International Business Times, India Edition - 14 hours ago
"Latest anonymous message in 2017 just arrived with a huge announcement about the Intelligent Alien Life! NASA says aliens are coming!" Anonymous said on its website. "Many other planets throughout the universe probably hosted intelligent life long ...
Anonymous Hacktivist Group: NASA Is About To Announce Discovery Of Technologically Advanced Alien Life
The Inquisitr - 13 hours ago
The hacker collective Anonymous claims it has evidence that NASA is about to announce the discovery of intelligent and technologically advanced alien life. In a new message posted to their website, Anonymous claims that based on the evidence of a ...
Is NASA on the Verge of Announcing They've Found Aliens?
Sputnik International - 4 hours ago
... now purportedly brings netizens the news that NASA is about to make what many consider to be the biggest news since the invention of news: the discovery of alien life. In a video posted to a YouTube channel claiming to be affiliated with Anonymous ...
Anonymous says NASA is about to confirm alien life existence
Pulse Headlines - 19 minutes ago
NASA is about to announce that there is alien life, according to the hacktivist group Anonymous. These group of hackers posted a video last night saying that the news was already announced at the previous meeting of the US Science, Space and Technology ...
Anonymous Predicts NASA Announcement on Alien Life Soon; Will it be on Europa?
India International Times - 9 hours ago
Otherwise afficionados of UFOs (Unidentified Flying Objects) and aliens have long argued about sighting aliens on Earth but Anonymous group suggesting that NASA might announce the truth behind it saying, “something is going on in the skies above” is ...
NASA to announce discovery of aliens – hacking collective says
First Newspaper 24 - 4 hours ago
Anonymous is basing it claims on a number of recent NASA
discoveries coupled with comments made by one of the agency's spokesmen
during a Congressional hearing in April titled “Advances in the Search
for Life”. In the hearing Professor Thomas ...