Mental Rackets and Payoffs

These cellular memories are from both
the ancient human galactic histories, other lifetimes as well as
patterns we may have lived out in our current lifetime that may have
contributed to fixed patterns of behavior. Many unresolved trauma
patterns continue to cross over into multiple stations of identity,
these are generally deep patterns of emotional trauma or negative
behaviors that surface so that we may resolve them. They may be stemming
from our multiple lifetimes, and the many human incarnation experiences
where those same patterns were repeated many times without finding
energetic balance or conflict resolution. The collective consciousness
patterns which have defined who we are in order to accept the belief
systems that have been imposed upon us, have been deeply disturbing to
our core spiritual being. It is reflected to us daily throughout the
macrocosm how isolated and divided we feel as a species, that the human
race has evolved completely and utterly alone on this rock, disconnected
and without contact from other species, as well as not knowing the
existence of our spiritual families. As a species we have been handed
many false concepts and negative archetypes that we have believed to be
true about ourselves that define our sense of self in our human
As a result, many people on the earth
have been negatively conditioned to feel deeply alone, feeling unwanted,
feeling they do not belong, feeling burdened by uncertainty and
insecurity and believing that there is something wrong with them. When
we feel deeply disconnected and alone, all kinds of disempowering
thoughts and painful feelings can show up in our lives. When we can
shift our awareness from purely focusing on ourselves and looking to the
larger picture, it may occur to us that we are not alone, and that this
thought form has only surfaced for us to see. An incredible amount of
people, nearly all people have directly experienced these exact same
thoughts, also experiencing these exact same painful feelings of
isolation and disconnection from others. How many people on this earth are feeling this way right now?
When we realize that the pain of
disconnection and isolation is the misery within human existence that
stems from the negative mind control inflicted upon us by the NAA, we
can begin to realize that we are no less than anyone else on this
planet. Feeling deep grief, experiencing great loss and sorrow, the
state of suffering, this is intrinsic to the general human experience in
the current reality of which we all share and are a part. When we can
actually see and feel into the collective consciousness that holds this
overall collective mindset of disconnection, we can know that we really
are not our thoughts and feelings. Did you choose these certain thoughts
that surface into your mind? When these negative thoughts pop up in
your mind without warning, suddenly surfacing from out of nowhere,
observe them and look deeper. You will notice that some of these
thoughts and feelings trigger you when they surface while others do not,
there are thoughts that show up and they disappear just as quickly. All
thoughts and feelings fade away from memory over time, whether you want
them to or not. The mind control programming on this earth teaches us
that we are supposed to be the content of all of our thoughts and
feelings, and when these random thoughts suddenly show up, that they
actually belong to us and constitute an essential part of our human
Thus, all of these patterns are being
refined during this time to give us the opportunity to see what we need
to change or heal inside ourselves that we inherited from the collective
consciousness mind control. This is a time where we must learn to
create our new reality from an entirely new palette of color, creating
new thoughtforms about ourselves, feeling deeply into the new emotional
spectrums that ignite cross collaboration, co-creation and
manifestation. The infusion of these new color frequencies are from the
unity code harmonics, the trinity wave formats that create a base for
the new energy platform, and this architecture is available to us now to
help us build something entirely different.
As you study these old and painful
patterns from the past you will begin to see them embedded as
distortions that have great influence upon human consciousness, the 3D
belief systems that have profoundly impacted the way human beings
function in the world at so many different levels. The mental games and
reptilian mind control programs that are running covertly within our
unconscious self, those larger behavioral patterns that are set up by
the death culture that has been accepted by mass society. All of the
subterranean distortions of the upside down world are coming into
blaring review for us to more deeply analyze in order to comprehend what
is behind it and how it has influenced our lives. We have to see who
and what is running a mental racket into the mental body of our
unconscious and conscious mind, in order to become free of its negative
triggers. A racket is a corrupt mental program running in our conscious
or unconscious self that justifies itself into being, to protect the
psyche from discovering its deepest and darkest fears. When the
unconscious mind is running rackets it is very tricky and manipulative,
trying to cover up the truth in order to continue to feed the ego
programs for an emotional payoff. However, we are being pushed to
clearly see these mental rackets running within our psyche, as the new
energy foundation will not tolerate or support them. Running mental
rackets is the antithesis to embodying personal integrity and
authenticity. In order to be congruent with the core essence and the
nature of our true self, we have to see the rackets that are bargaining
with our ego in order to receive a mental or emotional payoff. Then take
steps to remove faulty thinking and clear these mental rackets from
taking control over our emotional state that influence the spiritual
house of our inner being. When we are running mental rackets, we become
the cause of our own mental and emotional suffering. When we can
recognize that we are contributing to our own suffering by running
negative mental rackets we can choose in every moment to give it up
Suffering is generated from focusing on
what we want something to be, seeing the difference between what we want
and what is actually the reality in this moment. The expectations of
wants, needs and desires put projections onto something or someone that
you want to be different from what they actually are, and this generates
pain. When we want to force change upon another who is not living up to
our expectations or desires, we may be feeding into blockages that make
the situation of our own suffering become even worse. When we project
our desires and needs onto others, when those expectations are not being
met then people feel deeply hurt. And yet this hurt was produced from
one’s own internal suffering by placing expectations upon another to
relieve it, instead of finding deeper acceptance that allows each person
to be who they are in this moment. When we find the generosity to hold
total unconditional acceptance and love for others, we naturally find
the same unconditional love and acceptance for ourselves.
If we want to be emotionally
freed from feeling hurt and abandoned by other people, we must give up
all expectations we have of other people, and find acceptance for them
and the situation we may find ourselves in the moment.
Are you running mental rackets that are making you suffer? Mental
rackets are fixed ways of thinking, being and behaviors that you refuse
to change even if they are unhealthy or destructive to you and others.
Fixed ways of being can be a mental program playing out certain
archetypes or negative patterns, such as feeling victimized by something
and looping into the victim-victimizer thoughts that generate repeated
grievances and recurring complaints. If we have the same pattern of
behaviors that generates recurring complaints about something or
someone, then we have to take responsibility to change that mental
pattern in order to begin to change the results that we make in our
lives. Many people that constantly complain about the same issues and
constantly feel hurt and betrayed by others, may not realize that deeply
hidden in the unconscious mind, is a mental program running for an
emotional payoff. There is a payoff for every emotionally driven
behavior and thought, whether positive or negative, that can be used to
manipulate types of responses that you want to get out of other people.
We can choose to let them go once we have honestly identified the
negative emotions that are repeating patterns, and then digging deeper
for the emotional payoff that is received from that behavior.
When we are not self-aware and we
continually feed into the same negative behaviors without making an
effort to change them, we are continuing to feed into duplicity at the
expense of being totally honest with others, with upfront and open
communication. Sometimes these negative behaviors happen in our more
intimate and emotionally connected relationships. Many people may not be
aware they are emotionally duplicitous with others, and that is a seed
of deceit that will generate a return of more of the same.
To go deeper and commit to let go of
running mental rackets in order to receive an emotional payoff from
them, we can spend some time to untie the knot between the negative
behavior and the emotional payoff habit. Spend some time alone honestly
assessing the negative patterns you may have running mental rackets that
are tied to emotional payoffs. What’s important to recognize is that
undesirable or negative behaviors are often associated with a mixture of
wanted and unwanted consequences. One of the most important payoffs
that is often associated with undesirable behavior is the reduction of
anxiety and tension. There are many different types of undesirable and
negative behavior that are used as coping mechanisms, that actually help
people temporarily reduce their feelings of mental or emotional
Once you have more clarity on the deeper
reasons why this undesirable pattern has emerged, then find the
vulnerability to share honestly with that person when you have noticed
this dynamic occurs in that relationship. First, share the negative
thought and behavior that has become a habit, once you have identified
this happens between you and another person. Allow yourself to be
vulnerable and reveal to this person the emotional payoff that you
receive for using this negative behavior between you. Then commit to
this person and yourself that you will not run this negative behavior
and emotional behavior racket anymore to the best of your ability. Then
declare to the person what is the most essential parts of your
relationship that you value, as well as discovering the ways to build
deeper trust together.
This is a time of Reality Check so that
we can see what damage has been done that has left coping mechanisms and
mental rackets, taking stock of what we have left to mentally and
emotionally process, so we can live and speak in the deepest truth and
integrity that we are capable of. Blind spots in our awareness or the
perception that we hold of others that keep us in denial and living
inside the deceptive psychological defense programs, or running mental
rackets cannot continue. We are being rid of layers of drama, trauma and
defense mechanisms that we have been operating unconsciously and
consciously as the result of being a 3D human. Many of us on the
ascension path may find ourselves deeply enmeshed in clearing these
emotional and archetypal patterns now. It may show up as a part of
healing the larger macrocosm mental rackets or healing something in your
personal life, however the process of revelation is the same. All of
humanity is subject to running these mental rackets and programs. This
process can be painful as it requires that you give it all up at the
Altar of inner spirit, nothing is held back, nothing is sugar coated,
nothing is veiled from your ability to see or live by the truth as you
know it. All we need to do is drop any resistance and let the
circumstance self-correct as we participate by compassionately
witnessing the pattern as it is being shifted or completely dissolved
and removed. It is also dissolving the membranes that create energetic
walls of separation that exist inside of us, so that we can be more
whole within and therefore also be more whole in our interactions with
others. This can be an intense time of spiritual awakening and
expansion, so taking the necessary time out and being gentle and
forgiving in these circumstances, is the practice of building energetic