How To Contact: OWK /
Richard Lee McKim Jr
My friends our time together is growing short. It turns out that after the GCR, I will be
posting on my own website which will have the most advanced information on
Disclosure, Ascension, Technology, Manifesting and Self Help topics.
It will be a place where like minded people can share ideas
and thoughts with each other and will be TROLL FREE as well. I am going to give you a way to contact
me. Keep this email information so that
we can stay in touch. If you think this Pre-GCR information and
enlightenment was good, wait till after the GCR and the new Golden age
To Get on my mailing list to receive information about the
new website, get free books and audios, and/or just ask me questions, send me
an email with "List" in the subject line.
My Contact Email Is:
Richard Lee McKim Jr.
/ One Who Knows (OWK)
Write this down and send me a quick email (With "List"
In The Subject Line) to get on my contact list.
I will send out an email will all the information about the new website,
my free books, etc, as soon as it is available
for the Golden Age.
All My Love,
Richard Lee McKim Jr
One Who Knows
Star Fynder
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May You Get Everything You Want and Live The Life Of Your Dreams/Plans
Signed: One Who Knows