by Nikki Colombo,Editor – Contact Online Magazine
Guest writer, In5D.com
Become “Inner Sustained”
Some of the visuals us lightworkers receive are so explosive, I woke up this morning STUNNED!I’m compelled to narrow this info down into the human language to get the info out. This is difficult, especially when you have polarized judgemental critics just waiting with their arrows ready to shoot you down while they zoom in looking for T’s that aren’t crossed aka Grammar Nazis.
So pull back and get THE FEEL OF THE INFO ,,,THE GIST as they say ,,,,,its not this and its not that ..IT JUST IS ……..aka Unity Consciousness…. so it would be wise to stop ping ponging from left brain to right brain trying to work it all out.
If we think too much or have bias, we block sensory feeling and also block potential healing and clearing pathways. Become “inner sustained” that’s what your heart & gut is for. The ultimate goal is the inner sacred marriage of unification of feminine and masculine aka polarity integration creating the neutral field of zero point. For me its a process of receiving and disseminating information known as consciousness imprints and downloads through telepathy.
Like for instance i ask questions about false light and living light, if i get a closed or constricted feeling in my body it means “No” an open and expanded feeling means “Yes”.
Monochromatic Illumination
I’ve just been shown about bent light or fractal ( like the swastika sigil/symbol is a fractal) light or refracted light, like in the movie PREDATOR.The fractal is illuminated with a very monochromatic light (light with only one wavelength), then moving your eye will rapidly change the intensity of light seen. Your eyes have multiple focal points and using optical power you can bring into focus corresponding focal planes.Those who have their 3rd eye activated use these techniques consciously.
The Grey ET particularly the Rigellian from Orion bend light to deceive us, it’s a frequency fence around the earth, some of us lightworkers, starseeds, and indigos can literally see through this false light.We get to see 2 images at once like an overlay but you’ve got to be able to change your perception.
It’s like looking at a piece of glass at an angle, say 45 degrees, you can see an image through the glass but you can also see the reflected image off the glass as well.
Real living light is self generating, its infinite whereas false light needs to feed off others, its finite.
LIGHTWORKERS are doing their best to get this info out for YOUR benefit and we are sensitive if not more so than the general unawakened public and criticisms hurt ,,,we are EMPATHETIC & SENSITIVE!!!!…I think people forget that.The shitstorm I’ve caused just to warn people to shield up using the 12d shield by Lisa Renee before evoking contact with grey ET’s is a great example of the deceit going on. If it’s GREY STAY AWAY! There is no excuse for being mean, unless you’re a paid troll/shill who knows what it feels like to betray your own race!
My soul purpose is to support the consciousness paradigm shift during the Ascension Cycle to protect freedom, liberation and sovereignty for humanity and our Mother Earth.
As always with love, gratitude,
In Lak’ech and Namaste
Next week I will be facilitating group online teleconference Spiritual Awakening Sessions https://www.facebook.com/www.ContactOnlineMagazine/
Details for my SUPERCONSCIOUS Live Presentations coming to Melbourne, Australia in 2018. click here> http://www.nikkicolombo.net/