Weekly Geopolitical News and Analysis 20170612 Khazarian mafia will make several more tries to start WW3 before their final defeat
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Because I will be off the grid in Bougainville this week this report was written three days earlier than usual and will thus not capture all the latest news
However as compensation there should be plenty of interesting stuff to report from Bougainville next week
The Khazarian mafia, still unable to comprehend their ongoing historic defeat, are fanatically trying yet again to start World War 3, multiple sources agree. The Khazarian mafia that has ruled humanity, or at least the West, for thousands of years is still clinging to power in Japan, Israel, Saudi Arabia, parts of Europe and in a section of the US power elite. However, the balance of world power has now tipped decisively against them. That is why, facing final defeat, they will be trying very hard to start World War 3 in the Ukraine, the Middle East or North Korea in order to try keep in power and carry out their plan to wipe out 90% of humanity.
They are also clinging to the illusion they will somehow manage to remove US President Donald Trump from power and thus re-establish their control over the military industrial complex. Their lack of power in Washington DC was made evident last week when fired FBI director James Comey not only failed to provide impeachable evidence against Trump but also incriminated himself and the Democratic Party establishment. Comey did this by testifying that Obama era Attorney General Loretta Lynch asked him to lie about the fact Hillary Clinton was subject to a criminal investigation.
Comey also gave ammunition to the folk who say the Khazarians are not even human by saying he has had “a lot of conversations with humans over the years.”
Furthermore, his testimony revealed to the public yet again that Khazarian mafia controlled media outlets like the New York Times have been publishing outright lies, in this case about so-called Russian interference in the US Presidential election.
The Khazarian corporate media also showed how utterly foolish is has become by writing, in all apparent seriousness, articles about a so-called NSA leaker by the name of “Reality Leigh Winner.” “Reality Lie Winner” no doubt won a contest inside the NSA to produce the most outrageous fake news story.
It is no wonder that only 6% of Americans trust the corporate media any more.
The Mossad motto “By way of deception thou shalt make war,” failed to take into account the story about the boy who cried wolf. They have lied and deceived so much that nobody believes them anymore.
This is why their false flag events are starting to flop immediately despite increasingly hysterical story lines.
In the UK election, the false flag attacks in London had the opposite of their intended effect by turning voters away from Conservative Prime Minister Theresa May. May is now being forced to turn to the creationist fundamentalist DUP party in order to cling to power. The Khazarian mafia media is trying to portray her set back as a victory against Brexit. However, May’s opponent, Labour Leader Jeremy Corbyn, has had 75% negative coverage by the same Khazarian media because he supports such things as 911 truth.
The Anglo Saxon people have revolted against Khazarian mafia rule.
The Khazarians are deluding themselves if they think that killing Donald Trump is going to end this revolt. US Naval Intelligence is reporting that a high level hitman by the name of Charles McCarry and his Pluribus International Corporation took a $150 million contract to kill Trump using female assassins. This “Sorcha Faal” Naval Intelligence Report is probably about 80% correct.
The Khazarians are targeting a lot of people other than Trump as well. Gnostic Illuminati Grandmaster Alexander Romanov has gone into hiding to avoid assassins. This writer too was told last week by an Italian TV journalist “I am surprised you are still alive, I keep looking in the papers for your obituary.”