A remarkable mummified body has been discovered in Nazca, Peru. While mummies can draw attention, this particular find may alter the story of human origins. The crouched mummified body of a humanoid figure with an elongated skull and three fingers on each hand is certainly fascinating, but is it real? And if it is, what could it tell us about human history?

Close up of skull and three, long fingers on the body. ( Screenshot Youtube )
Open-minded scientists studying human origins may find themselves in a situation where they have to identify this surprising discovery as true, probable, or a false find. It is important in these situations to remain curious yet skeptical. Numerous hoaxes have been taken as fact in archaeological history, but there are just as many (or more) factual finds that have been discredited for not fitting into mainstream science. As shown with the recent unearthing of 300,000-year-old remains in Morocco, the history of humanity is always transforming. We should keep an open mind yet stay apprehensive about jumping to conclusions on new discoveries, even if they seem incredible at first.