Monday, May 29, 2017

Seth Rich Case Updates - Federal Prosecutor Murdered, DNC Threatens Police Chief, White House Petition, Sean Hannity

Below are a few updates about the Seth Rich Murder Case..........

Federal Prosecutor’s Homicide Connected to Seth Rich’s Murder

White House Petition To Investigate Seth Rich Murder Goes Viral As Reward Tops $345K

Debbie Wasserman Schultz likely involved in massive cover-up as she is caught trying to interfere in a criminal investigation, threatening police chief

Report: Sean Hannity to be fired by Fox News over Seth Rich murder coverage


Federal Prosecutor’s Homicide Connected to Seth Rich’s Murder

Another Set Rich murder? Only this time the victim is a federal prosecutor.

The mainstream media is really getting out in front of the story regarding a federal prosecutor who was looking into DNC voter fraud and possible Florida connections to the murder of Seth Rich.

In their search engine, Google has listed this story under all MSM major publications.
  1. The NYT
  2. The Washington Post
  3. The Miami Hearld
  4. ABC News
  5. Politico
This is called controlling the narrative. What narrative? Hollywood police spokeswoman Miranda Grossman said Thursday that the body of 37-year-old Beranton J. Whisenant Jr. was found early Wednesday by a passerby on the city’s beach. She said detectives are trying to determine if the death was a homicide, suicide or something else.

Homicide or suicide?  The man’s skull was crushed. There are many stunning facts connected to this case which are discussed in the following video.

This article (Federal Prosecutor’s Homicide Connected to Seth Rich’s Murder) was originally published on The Common Sense Show and syndicated by The Event Chronicle


Debbie Wasserman Schultz likely involved in massive cover-up as she is caught trying to interfere in a criminal investigation, threatening police chief

Corrupt Democrat promises "consequences" for chief of the U.S. Capitol Police

(INTELLIHUB) — In an absolutely outrageous and transparent abuse of authority, former DNC chairwoman Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz used her position on a committee that sets the police force’s budget to not only attempt to undermine an active investigation but also to directly threaten the chief of the U.S. Capital Police.

During the hearing, Schultz spent nearly three minutes grilling the police chief over the confiscation of a laptop that is connected to an active investigation, going as far as trying to extract a promise that the computer would be returned, a move that if allowed to happen would surely hinder the criminal investigation.

After being told that the laptop was a key piece of evidence in the investigation, Schultz then preceded to publicly threaten the police chief!

“I think you’re violating the rules when you conduct your business that way and you should expect that there will be consequences,” the top Democrat told Police Chief Matthew R. Verderosa.

The computer in question is being held by police in order to build a case against one of her staffers, Pakistani Imran Awan, who is suspected of being involved in a massive cybersecurity breach that includes “funneling sensitive congressional data offsite.” Awan is also accused of billing the government four million dollars for work that was never actually conducted.

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