The tactics used to silence any free energy, alternative healing device, or beneficial technology to humanity are still the same: attack someone’s character, call them a quack, discredit their inventions with fake science, or bankrupt them.

If these techniques don’t work, then the federal government will seize the patent, and turn to even more nefarious tactics like murder to make sure that something which was meant to heal can instead be weaponized, or reverse engineered, and then used by the Deep State for purposes which these devices were never intended by their creators.
History is littered with examples. More than seven inventions were stolen from Nikola Tesla. Wilhelm Reich’s orgone energy was suppressed. Linus Pauling’s cancer cures were called quackery, and more than 5,000 additional inventions of varying benefit have been suppressed or stolen by government agencies.

Dr. Royal Rife
Sympathetic Resonance

Dr. Royal Rife
Carl Sagan once wrote that 97% of our DNA is “junk” but that isn’t true. His and other researchers’ assumptions, as evidenced in the failure of the Human Genome Project which found 1000 genes fewer than scientists originally proposed were false. It was only when people like Rupert Sheldrake began suggesting that the quantum field, or morphogenetic field (vibrating energy) precedes and guides all biological life forms that people began to understand what Rife and others from our ancient past had already discovered. It’s no mistake that Sheldrake started using the term “morphic resonance” to talk about how our cells are transformed with energetic resonance.

A large part of our DNA responds to vibration. You can check out the work of Dr. Joseph Puelo and Leonard Horowitz to learn how resonant frequencies can benefit you right now (or simply download them for free). Just a few of these frequencies include:
396 Hz – Return to joy from grief, liberate yourself from guilt and fear
417 Hz – Facilitate change
528 Hz – Repair DNA, support miraculous transformation
639 Hz – Connect with your spiritual family, heal relationships
714 Hz – Find solutions to challenges, clear you head, problem-solve
852 Hz – Return to your spiritual Self
Rife’s Machine Was a Massive Threat
The rife machine posed a massive threat to the paychecks of the elite of the time – the very same family bloodlines which we are dealing with in today’s banker-war-machine-pedophilia-pharmaceutical-pushing racket.
The Rife Machine is said to cure moles, auto-immune diseases, herniated discs, cold, flu, heart disease, lime disease, ulcers, diabetes, neurological conditions, depression, candida, chemical poisoning, high blood pressure, anxiety, low-energy, dental infections, dog, horse, and cat diseases, and yes – cancer – that trillion-dollar disease which we still host stupid runs, and wear pink ribbons for. (No disrespect to those who are suffering from or have family suffering from this or any other disease.)
Rife’s machine used variable frequency via a pulsed radio transmitter to produce mechanical resonance with the cells of the physical body. He brought the cells back into harmony, and as you may know from other study in the bioacoustics and bioenergetics of the body, when the cells are in “harmony,” that is vibrating at a speed which they are most comfortable, disease simply cannot exist.
Rife’s machine came along only after transducer technology was fairly common, but the results of the predecessor machines were not consistent or predictable. The Rife machine changed all that, and this is when electro-medicine was demonized.
Likely because Rife proved that microorganisms are affected by resonant frequency in the mid 1920s, Universal Pictures came out with the movie, Frankenstein, in the 1930s which helped to demonize electro-medicine of all kinds. This single movie, along with other tactics caused Rife to have to downplay his device. The device soon fell into disrepute, and his intellectual property was seized. The AMA (American Medical Association) likely destroyed Rife’s reputation from there, and we have heard little about electro-magnetic resonance to cure almost every ailment since.
Where to Find Remnants of Rife’s Amazing Tech?
Royal Rife’s technology is still alive, though. You can see various versions of it promoted even by the puppets of mainstream medicine like Dr. Oz in the form of Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Therapy (PEMF), but you can also apply it yourself using other forms of vibration like sound, color, and light.Thousands of years ago, for example, the Egyptians built healing temples of light. Bathing a patient in specific colors of light produced certain, desired effects. Today we know that even a blindfolded person will experience physiological reactions under different colored rays. In other words, the skin sees in technicolor, because it is affected by electromagnetic changes, or the vibration of matter.
Changing the Bio-Electrical Field, the Life Force
Our Life Force is basically excited molecules or vibration. It can be lowered or raised by our exposure to other vibrations. These vibrations are composed of ions (electrolytes) that carry a positive or negative charge. This is known as magnetism or energy and is found in all living things. Unlike static electricity in which the ions fly in all directions, electricity in living beings has direction and is organized.When subjected to highly cohesive forms of energy like certain colors, music, or light, the body’s Life Force comes into harmony. Rife understood this – he just used electrical currents.
The body is composed of a certain number and type of vibrations when it is healthy. Dr. Norman Walker states that a healthy human body has (roughly) 47,000,000,000 vibrations every second as per the Angstrom Unit.
“Chronic pains, which may manifest as fibromyalgia, myofascial syndrome, arthritis, or irritable bowel syndrome, are clear examples of energy disruption. Meridian therapy is based on the concept that the flow of energy is blocked, not allowing smooth passage of blood, lymph, and nerve supply to the organs. When an area on a meridian indicates stress, or a reflex feels tight, this reflects congestion of an energy pathway. “Any modality which allows the free flow of this energy will thus heal the body. As long as Rife’s (and other’s) technology is suppressed we have ample, if not slow, ways to affect the bio-electrical field.
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