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INTEL Update (Real news) via email - "Judges" 5/2/17
Posted By: Mr.Ed [Send E-Mail]
Date: Tuesday, 2-May-2017 22:16:29

INTEL Update (Real News) via email - "Judges" 5/2/17
Subject: judges 5/2/17
As the arrests continue, thousands of judges have had their credentials pulled in all 50 states.
The State of Colorado concluded that all judges were engaged in "Constructive Fraud" because they lacked the correct credentials required by law which is a bond, oath and the disclosure to the public that they are British Agents practicing Admiralty law of the sea on Dry Land which is called "Drydock" law.
Anyone with a case proceeding in a court can ask a Judge (contract administrator) to show their Bond as well as the attorneys who are involved.
Alexander Hamilton and his pro-British cronies convinced King George not to again attack America but to own it and extract future wealth from the colonists.
The Legal and Financial systems were set in place to do exactly that.
Many of the signers of the Declaration of Independence had poor life outcomes as the years progressed.
The History books are full of half truths and lies and the American people have been dumbed down enough to not figure out what is really transpiring.