
Meet the SEG Spatial Effect Generator: Free Energy for Cars, Homes, Towns & New Earth
VANCOUVER, BC – In this interview with Alfred Lambremont Webre, Patty Greer and Fernando Morris, founder and CEO of SEG Magnetics Inc., explore the potential of the SEG Spatial Effect Generator, developed from concepts of British New Energy inventor John Searl.
“The SEG is a small portable device that you can use to power any device which runs on AC or DC voltage. In its 15 kWh size [approx 1 meter in diameter], for example, the SEG can fully power a 3-bedroom house off the grid.”The SEG requires no other source of fuel other then free floating electrons, which exist everywhere in nature, it is modular in designed allowing you to stack units together and contains magnetically suspended bearings which produce no friction allowing it to essentially last forever. It can power anything from vehicles, homes, businesses, urban or remote. Connect enough together and you could even power an entire city!”
Fernando Morris Contact Email: info@segmagnetics.com
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What is the Spatial Effect Generator (SEG)?
SEG, originally known as the Searl Effect Generator, is a small
portable device, approx 1 meter in diameter, which generates 15 kWh you
can use to power any device which runs on AC or DC voltage.

requires no other source of fuel other than free-floating electrons,
which exist everywhere in nature, it is modular in designed allowing you
to stack units together and contains magnetically suspended bearings
which produce no friction allowing it to essentially last forever. It
can power anything from vehicles, homes, businesses, urban or remote.
Connect enough together and you could even power an entire city!

How does it work?
The best way to describe how the SEG works is to compair it to a concept we already understand fully, a Dam.
- Water in its usable form flows through the Hydroelectric Dam = Electrons in the Neodymium in their usable form flow through the dielectric layer (Electron Dam or Regulator).
- As the water is allowed to flow through the motor-generator, it starts to produce electricity = As the electrons are allowed to flow, the SEG motor-generator starts to produce electricity with external C-shaped electromagnets.
- The water behind the dam is understood = The electron behind the SEG dam should be understood likewise.
- That the dam holds back water in H2O currents is understood = That the SEG dam holds back electrons within the Neodymium in electrical currents should be understood likewise.
- As the hydroelectric motor is regulated with flow of water, more water, more power is understood = As the SEG motor regulates the flow of electrons, more electrons, more power can be understood just as well.
- In both cases the flow of the medium turns the motor generator.
- In both cases the motor generator produces electricity.
- In both cases we can see that hydroelectric power and SEG power are very similar.
- The primary difference is the medium used to turn the motor/ generator system.
The two following diagrams illustrates the SEG’s energy cycle as an open system of energy conversion.
the dam harnesses kinetic energy with a liquid media, the SEG harnesses
kinetic energy within the Neodymium metal reservoir with an electron
media. However, both systems complete their energy cycles via the
atmosphere and thus harness unlimited ambient energy as open systems.

A description of the process by Professor John Searl and Fernando D Morris followed by a animated short to help complete the picture. SEG Magnetics, Inc.