Shifting into Second Harmonic Universe

The pinnacle of the Ascension Cycle marks the end of the 3D collective timelines on the earth. As the planet is moving into higher frequencies that are located in a future time-space, it is shifting the planetary consciousness into a future dimensional octave. This skips the entire planetary consciousness field, therefore the collective human consciousness, into future timelines that resonate with much higher dimensional frequencies. Many of us on the ascension timeline have already transcended these lower dimensional timelines. What is important to discern is that this is a planetary event that is impacting everyone on the earth and beyond.
At the end of 2017, the planetary body
is shifting into the higher frequency band that is located in the next
Harmonic Universe. This event will change the planetary coordinates,
planetary timelines, thus changing where the planet is actually located
in Universal space-time. The collective consciousness in the planet has
been shifting through dimensional frequency bands quite regularly,
during the Ascension Cycle.
However, what portends this will be a major collective consciousness
shift, is that the planet is rolling up the lowest three frequency
bands, 1D, 2D and 3D, into the higher frequency bands in the next
Harmonic Universe. This means that the lower three dimensional frequency
bands will cease to exist in the planet. All that will remain is the
frequency accumulation that the collective inhabitants generate in their
own consciousness, which are the energies that form from their own
mental beliefs, behaviors and actions. The people that remain in the 3rd
dimensional consciousness after this shift will find themselves
increasingly uncomfortable, extremely pressurized and unhappy. Thus,
many will feel the squeezing pressure to transform rapidly through the
alchemical theme of polarity synthesis, which helps to bring completion
to these old karmic patterns from the past, if we are willing to let
them go. This purging process will add or subtract the required
blueprint patterns that we may need to meet these new coordinates in the
earth grid, and to help clear out the unstable or dark force influence
in our lives. We are being purged deeply and the remaining content is
processed into higher light and consciousness, to be stabilized and
synthesized into the body, in order to improve energetic coherence and
spiritual strength. Our responsibility now is to practice unconditional
love to all that we see, and to see everything and everyone around us as
connected to the unified whole. At the same time, we make clear
intentions of where we place our consent, in higher authority. This
loving intention and compassionate practice will keep our heart open and
aligned to the source field, and will make the transition much more
The deep reconfiguration that is transpiring within the planet’s holographic geography is effecting the operation of Stargates, Power Vortices, Ley Lines, and Ray force
transmissions. As a result, this trickles down into the collective
consciousness of the human race, directly impacting the consciousness
functions of the human Lightbody,
spiritual identity and timelines. The macrocosm architecture is
undergoing a radical shift, and this in turn manifests a chain reaction
that profoundly alters the configuration of the human energy field and
lightbody. Events that profoundly alter our energy field, produce
radical changes in our life style and relationships.
Preparing for 2017
Many of us have been preparing for the
planetary alignment into the next Harmonic Universe at the end of 2017,
which has required many planetary gridworkers to clear out multiple
timelines, devices and implant structures that are recorded in the
collective consciousness fields, either from the accumulated past
miasmatic energies, or that were created with artificial intelligence.
This five-year window is very important in meeting the mission upgrade
deadline, for the planetary anchoring into the new collective
consciousness timelines at the end of 2017. In order to meet this
deadline, the planet is required to have an increase in the base
threshold of frequency that is held within the consciousness of the
people that make up the collective consciousness agreements on the
At the end of 2017, the planet undergoes
a precise measurement of the quantum field, which directly impacts the
future evolution timelines for all of the inhabitants when they move
through the Consciousness Corridor.
Effectively, the earth body will be anchored into new time and space
vectors in the future dimension, that is located within the 5D frequency
band timelines. This shift in location will directly impact the
collective consciousness agreement, although many of the population will
be unaware consciously, that this major shift has occurred.
During the bifurcation cycle, the
planetary body has gradually undergone subatomic shifting in the lower
fields of the particle structure, which forces collapse in lower
dimensions and rolls them up, as the entities are transited out and the
leftover energies merge with the next octave of higher harmonic
frequencies. As a result, the point in time and space where the
planetary body is located, and the time continuum in which we exist as a
collective consciousness, is being moved into the next harmonic
universe. Therefore, the collective consciousness will be subjected to
the laws governing the energetic fields in that new space-time.
Those of us on the ascending path have
already made this consciousness shift beforehand, while we are
coexisting on the planet with many people that are still maintaining the
lower energies that descend with the third dimensional timelines. So
the split in the timelines and frequency schism are existing in parallel
to each other, yet each person that represents either the upward or
downward momentum of the energetic spiral, is actually located at a
different point in the timeline. Their station of identity is located at
a different point in the time space continuum.
The collective fields of planet are
scheduled to move into the soul timelines of the fourth, fifth and six
dimensional fields of the next Harmonic Universe. For people on the
earth that have not yet evolved to the point where they have dissolved
their chakra membranes, the fourth, fifth and sixth dimensional wave
spectrum will gradually replace, and become connected into the lower
energy centers where the first, second and third chakra previously
existed. The position of the Soul matrix
will fully embody in the core of the human body, eliminating the
barriers between the solar plexus and heart. Many of us don't have the
lower chakra configurations anymore, while we are existing on the earth
plane. This planetary event changes the chakra energy center
configuration in the earth and in individual people, based upon their
spiritual integration and unique genetic arrangement.
Collapsing 3D Timelines
In the creational structure of Harmonic Universes there
are two timelines per dimensional frequency band. As the planet is
moving into the next scale of the higher harmonic structure, the six
timelines that existed within the lower three dimensions, are rolling up
into the next harmonic, so they cease to exist in the same frequency
band. This poses a variety of new consciousness experiences for people
on earth that will impact memories, other identity lifetimes, and other
historical recordings that were made to the past or future timelines.
As many different people on the earth
are existing at different levels on the scale of spiritual evolution,
where their base frequency stabilizes in their Lightbody,
determines their timeline and future spiritual direction, whether they
are consciously involved in that decision or not. People who are not yet
on the ascension path, but are in spiritual agreement with the
collective consciousness shift, if they stay incarnated on the earth,
the move into the next harmonic universe will deepen their soul bond
within their physical body, therefore, placing them on their soul
timeline. This will be true for the majority of the current collective
consciousness field. However, the metamorphosis that occurs at the
earliest soul initiation to open the heart, when there is unresolved
pain recorded there, can be very confusing for people that do not have
emotional healing tools or spiritual ascension context. This will thrust
many earth inhabitants into experiencing the Dark Night of the Soul,
and the planetary landscape in the earlier stages of this shift, may
feel quite chaotic and dark. As many people will be unexpectedly plunged
into communing with the higher frequencies, in order to purify
themselves of painful lower vibrations.
For those people that are already soul integrated, the new foundation to draw upon, will allow much easier access into higher Monadic frequencies,
making it much easier to accomplish. The move will deepen the monadic
bond within their physical body, therefore placing them on their monadic
identity timeline. At the time of full monadic body integration, the
chakra membranes dissolve, and the lightbody structure begins to change
into an orb body that accretes the source field or Plasma waves.
When we energetically evolve and move up
in dimensional frequency bands, we are exposed to more dimensional
octaves, therefore more potential timelines. However, in the range of
polarities that may exist as potential consciousness experiences, there
is only one timeline that is the highest expression of our spiritual
identity and that manifests the fulfillment of our heroic probability.
Within the future timelines are stations of identity, commonly called Soul, Monad, and Christos self.
These spiritual identities comprise lightbody parts or whole spiritual
bodies of our forgotten future selves. These are spiritual energetic
bodies that hold our consciousness intelligence matrices, our mind
matrices and that make up our spiritual identity. We are designed to
reclaim these spiritual-energetic pieces during the Ascension cycle.
This is why those on the spiritual ascension path continually experience
their energetic healing by meeting the cellular memories that surface
for compassionate witnessing, at different stages of evolution in the
multiple timelines.
As we move through the series of
timelines in each dimensional octave, we reclaim our spiritual identity,
while recoding and changing the artificial or false reality from
interfering with our continued consciousness expansion. We connect with
our lost aspects to merge with these timelines, which allow us to
reclaim and re-collect our spiritual bodies, clear Negative Forms, Clones, and Artificial intelligence. As we clear false identities and inorganic architecture from suppressing and impairing our Consciousness, we are extracting the alien enslavement programming and clearing implants, in order to embody our true inner Christos spirit.
Planetary Chakra Reconfiguration
The Chakras that
exist in the 3D earth’s energetic consciousness body are replicated in
the 3D human energetic body at the point we incarnate on this 3D earth ,
as a result of coming here, we accept the planetary body imprint on our
consciousness body, which configures itself into what we know as the
main chakra cones. Each of these cones have an opening that directly
interfaces with the same dimensional plane of the earth’s consciousness
body and the 12 planets in our Solar System, that together, make up the
total consciousness body of the original earth. Each of the chakras have
membranes that separate the dimensions and the Ray forces that exist
within that specific wave spectrum. As the planetary membranes collapse
as a result of collapsing timelines and collapsing obsolete dimensional
spaces (pockets of space time), so do the membranes dissolve that have
created these separate compartments for the chakra cones. What is
happening to dissolve the chakras membrane and the chakra panel is a
result of the Ascension cycle and is an evolutionary event. Yet, some of
the masses are not ready to leave the chakra system because they are
fully interdependent on the energy centers governing the life force to
circulate into their bodes functioning, until they awaken to choose to
go beyond the ego programming, it is nearly impossible to remove or
clear these membranes, as they will be seriously impacted. Some people
on this earth are going absolutely crazy from this change happening in
the chakra fields, as they have not been prepared for what is occurring.
So it is helpful to comprehend that all beings that incarnate on the 3D
timelines of earth, currently have this configuration in their personal
energy centers, or through spiritual Ascension and
developing their lightbody, they may have evolved past the chakra
membranes that created the separation in-between the dimensional planes,
that are represented as the chakra energy cones in an individual. A
person incarnating into this density, a very low vibration, will not be
able to hold the necessary high frequency that allows them to join fully
with all of their many stations of identities that had been split apart
and sitting inside the dimensional access of their own chakra cones.
The person through developing consciousness, gets their identities
integrated, retrieves missing pieces, and those pieces reintegrate
through the chakra cone, so this in itself is an appropriate function
for the overall collective consciousness state that exists on the earth
right now. The majority of people will not have the consciousness
ability to be involved in what you are referring to in evolving out of
chakras yet, and many of us here are not only here to develop our
lightbody, but to hold the necessary energetic space for the entire
planet, the human tribes in the collective consciousness, to be the
prototype that allows future humans to continue where we have left off.
(See Planetary Chakra Reconfiguration)
Cause and Effect
As we undergo the bifurcation of time during the Ascension Cycle,
it is supportive to understand that the current planetary consciousness
shift radically magnifies and speeds up energetic forces that are
governed by the Universal Law of Cause and Effect. As we move into the next Harmonic Universe, the Law of Cause and Effect manifests
much more quickly, more accurately with the frequency being matched,
and with more intensity on the material plane of earth than it ever did
before. In every area of our life, when we generate belief systems,
thoughts, behaviors, emotions and actions, this accumulates into
energetic content that combines with the vibrationally matched
consciousness fields that are in the environment. Moving forward, the
energetic content that we send out will return back to us with
increasing immediacy, and even instantaneously. Whatever the quality of
energy that we broadcast out into the Universe, it sets into motion the
accumulative frequency of the energetic content that will be directly
returned back to us. This is why it’s crucial to be able to find our
inner stillness in Meditation, and broadcast as much unconditional love, Forgiveness, peace and gratitude to the Universe, as possible.
The third dimensional timelines to which we have been accustomed, are much more dense and infected with layers of Artificial intelligence, subconscious mind fragments, phantom spaces and dark entities.
As a result of the density, the return of the corresponding reciprocal
energies that occurs in the process of Cause and Effect, is slowed down
in the lower density, has less energetic concentration, and takes longer
to manifest in the sequence of our personal timeline. It was harder for
us to connect the dots between the causal event and the actual effect
our thoughtforms and emotions had upon the environment, because it took
much longer, required more energetic strength and willpower to bring it
into manifestation.
Changing Planetary Laws of Structure
The planet has just completed its Magnetic Peak cycle, which discharged a massive amount of magnetic force into the earth. The Subatomic particles
of elemental matter are rearranging to support the planetary body shift
into the next harmonic universe. All communication systems connected to
these levels of planetary architecture are undergoing fluctuation,
reconfiguration and potentially re-building interstellar links that
reconnect earth Portals to realign into multiple star systems and celestial bodies. This massive shift at the quantum scale is changing the Law of Structure in the architecture that governs function over our matter body, as well as our consciousness bodies.
Quantic Field Impact to Space-Time
Currently, the planetary body is
undergoing a space-time reorganization that ripples out many strange
anomalies that influence the quantic field. As a result, there are new
patterns of electromagnetic disturbances,
interruption or distortions in the collective field. The quantum field,
also referred to as inner space-time, is rippling these effects into
the unmanifest layers of the core manifestation template, otherwise known as the blueprint matrices that make up the layers of Morphogenetic Fields in the earth. Gridworkers may feel the blueprint structure in the planetary field transforming completely with the Shifting Timelines,
and this feels like something very different, extraordinary and even
bizarre is occurring in the earth fields. It feels like it is a new
design that is encompassing our Consciousness with the necessity to learn a foreign language, and yet it feels distantly familiar and vastly powerful. The Blueprint alterations
impact the dark matter template, and this appears to have direct
consequences to altering and changing the earth elements, and the
elemental structure of the earth body.