By Kerry Cassidy
This article was originally written as a response to a post on the Avalon Forum by Bill Ryan regarding Corey Goode.
I have read Bill’s statement regarding
Corey Goode and some of the problems with his testimony and dealings
with others that seem to indicate that he has not been honest with the
public and that his story may also be at least partially fabricated or
simply an implanted memory. I don’t see any point in attacking him however and will not do so.
I am not going to go into the
interactions I have had with Corey in the very early days (a few years
ago) when he contacted me asking if I would interview him. But
I will say that while Bill Ryan has every right to make public his own
views and research about Corey and his claims, he does not have the
right to make statements on my behalf and without my permission about
what he assumes I think or what I have told him in confidence.
There are many people in this sector who
are highly suspect and many people who are telling the truth as they see
it and still many more with implanted or false memories. There are people who are playing to the audience and lying outright with full knowledge that they are doing so. There
are agents, assets who are in essence working for intelligence agents
and paid trolls as well as unbalanced and unprincipled people as well.
Some whistleblowers may be telling the
truth and others, motivated by a myriad of human failings, may be lying
or combining the two in order to save their own lives and still get the
truth out. While I am sorry
that Rich Dolan and Bill Ryan find whistleblowers to be ‘unreliable’ and
that Farrell and Fitts prefer “research and documentation” I have to say that this in no way addresses the true value of whistleblower testimony.
Whistleblowers are, in my view, in a world of lies and secrecy, our lifeline to what is really going on. And
many whistleblowers (who are very human with human idiosyncrasies and
failings) are risking their lives and many have been killed for their
attempts to get the truth to humanity. At least 2 Camelot whistleblowers have been killed and possibly more. Several have been silenced. Some have simply gone back to work for the secret space program or black projects. Others, like Norm Bergrun have disappeared and presumably gone back to work for them. Others have had family members die mysteriously or suddenly and the list goes on. Whistleblowing is clearly not good for your health. But it is vital.
To attack as unreliable whistleblower testimony is the same thing as attacking all HUMAN testimony. Yes
humans can be manipulated and deceived and have diabolical aims but
they can also be dedicated and truthful and sacrifice their own lives
for their fellow man (or woman). Making
a blanket statement about “whistleblower” testimony is no more
meaningful than to say all politicians lie and all judges and juries are
deluded and misled.
Whistleblowers are like those in any other walk of life. Some are truthful and some are not. Some believe what they tell people and some lie with impunity.
As an investigative journalist,
documentary filmmaker specializing in whistleblower testimony for over
11 years I can say that there are many ways to tell if a person is
lying. Investigating their claims is one of them. Cross-correlating testimony is another. Facial reads and behavioral “tells” often reveal an attempt to deceive consciously. Or unconsciously. And so on… My point is that it is up to us to do the work necessary to tell truth from falsity.
Considering that humans are the
predominant species on this planet albeit with mixed heredity and DNA
from many other species it is important to recognize that the consensus
reality or Matrix we live in is geared to make humans suspect each other
before they look to other races such as Reptilians, whose influence
over the Illuminati thought forms is extensive. It is part of the Controllers agenda to get humans to see each other as the enemy first!
Documents are notoriously unreliable. We
all know that documentation can be faked (like the birth certificates
of Presidents) as well as photos and videos (see the Kennedy
assassination altered Zapruder film and my interview with Mike Sparks and James Fetzer re Zapruder Film New Evidence) and of course there’s 911 (tv images of planes appearing to hit the twin towers) and so on. I
often find it interesting and puzzling that humans will believe a piece
of paper or a film or the TV but suspect another human as lying when
humans are the ones creating the film and documents in the first place!
College or university educations, degrees
and so-called authority figures are all suspect and no guarantee you
are getting the truth. Titles
and large salaries are no proof of anything other than perhaps of the
Controller’s approval or backing of someone… Wall Street is full of
people who lie for a living and make money deceiving the public as we
My point is that we humans have been
taught to first believe outside authorities, documents, organizations
and people with money and in the top echelons of power before we believe
each other. We are told
from birth to follow rules and regulations that are supposedly “good for
us” drafted by those in positions of power when time and again we find
we have been lied to and misled for an agenda most people have no
awareness of.
I do however think it is important for
people to weigh the evidence and quality of the testimony we are given
and use our hearts and minds to see what resonates and what does not. I firmly believe humans are psychic and precogs by nature and that we can discern the truth where we find it. And as I have said many times, the truth is not served in this reality anyway, on a silver platter. It is up to us to learn to exercise discernment as we journey on our path. And life is an exploration of consciousness.