might sound unbelievable, but we’re currently living in an era that’s
birthed the disclosure of some very sensitive information. So sensitive
that despite all of the evidence, it’s still hard for many people to
think about, let alone accept. And that’s the fact that there are now
dozens of governments who have confirmed the existence of UFOs. We’re
talking about mysterious objects performing maneuvers that defy our laws
of physics. Apart from having both visual and radar confirmations,
there are hundreds of military officers from all ranks, politicians and
academicians speaking out and providing evidence that suggests some of
these UFOs are indeed extraterrestrial.
One of the people responsible for this
movement is Dr. Steven Greer, MD and founder of The Disclosure Project
and The Center for the Study of Extraterrestrial Intelligence (CSETI),
who has been on a mission for decades to shed light on the fact that
we’re not alone, that we’ve never been alone, and that an ET presence is
currently engaging our planet and the human race.
This person has been able to organize
and bring forth hundreds of military whistleblowers with verified
backgrounds, who have given some shocking witness testimony. Colonel Ross Dedrickson is one example; here is an interview Dr. Greer conducted with him over a decade ago.
Another example would be former Apollo
astronaut Dr. Edgar Mitchell, who confirmed that himself and Greer did
in fact have multiple meetings within the Pentagon about this issue.
One thing is for sure: Greer has some
interesting connections that have allowed him to do what he does. He’s
known as the father of the disclosure movement, for one person to bring
forth hundreds of defence employees is quite eye-opening.
Which is why, when he conducts an
interview where the name remains anonymous, it’s that much more
interesting. Sure, we can’t verify this person’s identify, but the
hundreds of others who have been a part of his disclosure project, as
well as all of the big names who have verified multiple stories from
Greer, it’s probably best to give this one the benefit of the doubt.
“There is considerable knowledge as far as the actual being of UFO and ET phenomena that we’re aware of today.”