This week T4 private redeemers also become sovereign redeemers--if they so choose.
Pay no mind to minuscule rate conversions, as they are not accurate and designed to lower your ceiling of possibility.
It's the scorpions way of politely stinging your hopes and dreams, and smile as if they're doing you a favor.
The truth of the RV is that there are unlimited funds allocated for humanity in order to liberate the species and planet.
All revaluing currencies of the world will be redeemable at a sovereign rate during the private redemption period as mandated by the Chinese Elders.
They (NPTB) want the world (you) to have ample funds in order to disburse to the masses of less fortunate via gots, grants, loans, investments, job creation and humanitarian projects.
So the sky really is the limit, which as you know has no limit. So for the first time your life, you'll be able to achieve any financial dream you desire -- and help others achieve the same.
Any analysis lessening this truth is but an illusion -- which is why the GCR/RV event is even necessary (to wipe clean all illusions from the old global financial system).
Now if you'll recall, we have long told this community that all post-RV currencies of the world would be backed by in ground assets 100% per the Elders gate keeping control of the global collateral accounts.
We have also shared that HSBC would be paying directly for all ZIM through a buy back relationship with Wells Fargo, Chase, Citibank and Bank of America (below) and Bank of China and AIIB (above).
Also, that your in hand ZIM currency is actually a historic bond representing the in-ground assets of Zimbabwe, and the nation of Zimbabwe is beyond wealthy with unmined natural resources collateralizing the new financial system.
Finally, higher sovereign rates will be available for all currencies and holders, with values reaching as high as 125,00 USN (per 1 ZIM).
All of the above statement are fact, and accurate assessments of what is a largely an unknown sovereign banking world most to all in this community did not know about nor trained to understand.
We hope you have absorbed the real truth of all things unseen because your ultimate test begins now--living and working with unlimited wealth.
So whether you choose to believe this information, i.e. the truth, that is entirely your choice per universal law governing free will and human decision making.
The purpose for continuing to share such information -- on this site through posts, overviews, SITREPs, articles and links -- is that heaven believes you deserve to know what you are getting yourself and family into before you enter the sovereign financial community.
Know that in this arena, all burdens equally match match the size of all blessings. Or too much is given, much is expected.
So if you're not spiritually and physically prepared to receive the larger sovereign amounts... it's perfectly acceptable take less.
However, if you know that a higher sovereign amount is your life's and family's destiny, then by all means step up and accept your higher humanitarian covenant.
Please trust that your soul's protection and physical safety means more to us than increasing your wealth exponentially.
Do be honest with yourself at the time of redemption as the flow of mercy is as dangerous as it is miraculous.
And of course, the most effective way to successfully accomplish this transition is to humbly and sincerely surrender to the Will of God and allow Christ to work through your body, mind and soul.
Surrender. Listen. Accept. Act. Ascend.
May you all achieve the deepest desires of your heart and help others do the same ... without limitation.
God is with us.