Khazarian mafia offensive loses steam but high level intrigue continues
May 1, 2017

One of the most intense secret battlefields last week was Japan. NSA and CIA sources in Asia both confirm that leading Satanist Leo Zagami and his goons were in Japan seeking, among other things, to stage a sarin gas attack on the Tokyo subway system to blame on North Korea. That probably is the real reason Japan temporarily shut its subway system last week “in response to a North Korean missile test.”
Gnostic Illuminati Grandmaster “Alexander Romanov” also went into hiding last week to avoid what NSA sources warned him would be an attempt on his life by Zagami and his goons. Zagami did not respond to these allegations by the time this newsletter went public.
The other thing going on in Japan is that cars carrying members of the Japanese royal family have come under attack in several incidents in recent days, according to right wing sources close to the imperial family. These attacks were meant to intimidate the Emperor into using his seal to allow large denomination bonds to be monetized, the sources say. These bonds included “super Petchilis that were used by the former Republic of China to build that countries’ infrastructure,” according to US Defense Intelligence Agency sources. The last person to show me a super Petchili was Leo Zagami.
The other group stirring up trouble in the Far East these days is the French branch of the Rothschild family, multiple sources agree. The French Rothschilds are the main instigators of the recent efforts to provoke a battle between the US and North Korea. That is because the French Rothschilds want to replace North Korean strong man Kim Jong Un with a fake Kim Han Sol controlled by them. That is why they recently staged the murder of a man they claimed to be Kim Jong Nam, the elder half-brother of Kim Jong Un and father of Kim Han Sol. Chinese government sources, Japanese military intelligence and Asian secret society sources all confirm the Kim Jong Nam recently killed in Malaysia was not the real deal and that the Kim Han Sol who appeared on U-tube shortly after the supposed assassination was also a fake. The real Kim Jong Nam and son are at a safe location in China, the Chinese sources say.
The Rothschilds are trying desperately to get their hands on gold to avoid bankruptcy and, as a result of this, they lust after the gigantic gold and other mineral deposits in North Korea. That is the real reason they want to place a proxy of theirs in charge of that country, the sources say. Now we can understand why all the sudden escalation of threats against North Korea.
There is also a strong push to place Rothschild agent Taro Aso as Prime Minister of Japan, the Japanese right wing sources say. Since Aso is married into the French branch of the Rothschild family, an Aso regime would allow this family to reassert their rule over Japan. White Dragon Society sources say they believe neither Rothschild man Aso nor Rockefeller agent Ichiro Ozawa should be allowed anywhere near the Japanese Prime Minister’s office. Aso is also the person responsible for seizing all of the revenue from publishing this newsletter, which is an ongoing nuisance that we are dealing with thanks to cash donations.
There was also a lot of intrigue involving US President Donald Trump, Chinese President Xi Jinping and a Chinese Rothschild agent by the name of Guo Wengui. Guo has been working as a hatchet man for Xi Jinping helping him purge rivals inside the Chinese government, according to Vietnamese sources. The sources sent the following two pictures of Guo, one with Jacob de Rothschild and another with the Dalai Lama.