Understanding the Occult Holiday of April 30th "May Day Eve" and May 1st "May Day, Beltaine, Walpurgisnacht or Night, Festival of the Earth Mother Isis, Maypole"
(Stillness in the Storm Editor) On April 30th and the following day, May 1st, are two of the most important occult periods in the calendar year. This is the time of year when Ba'al or Bel was killed and sent into the underworld, to be resurrected by his lover sister, Anat. It is also the day the Adam Weishaupt started the Illuminati, in 1776, 110 years after the Sabbatean Cult was formed in by Satanic power players in 1666.
These dates are intimately associated with Astrotheology and the allegorical story of the evolution of consciousness, as told through symbolic archetypes.
While the Cabal, Illuminati, or powers that should not be honor these days of significance, they were never originally "evil." In fact, each day of occult significance corresponds with the flow of energy into the earth from the sun and celestial bodies such as planets and the constellations, described as cycles which can be broken down into days, months, years, and great years. Furthermore, these dates correspond to the story of the gods of heaven, the astrological signs and archetypical deities who represent various aspects of human consciousness.
The lost science of tracking the movements of the heavens has contemporaneously devolved into a cheap parlor trick known today as mainstream astrology. But to be sure, the core science and art of astrology is more than just fortune telling, as many in the awakening community are rediscovering. It is a sacred right to help another embodiment of consciousness find their path and place in the evolving universe.
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