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Q. Its uncanny how you were predicting the following. Last year, you stated that Israel, Turkey, Isis, Saudis were all in league with CIA, Mossad Mi6, and that the common goal was to take down Assad. You urged us to watch McCain, Graham, Rubio and Hillary. You warned us that if Trump was elected, he would either destroy the Deep State, or be swallowed by it. Everything you have predicted has come true. How did you know?
A. Its not divine knowledge. Its a logical conclusion based on prior actions of the moving chess pieces.
Q. Was the chemical attack a false flag?
A. Of course it was. McCain, Graham and Brennan hired Al Nusra, whom we call the “Poor man’s day laborers”. These monsters work for cheap and are readily available. Rumor has it the false flag costs McCain under $100k to do.
Q. You have called McCain and Graham the “Ghoul sisters”. Ex CIA agent Robert Steele says they are being blackmailed. Is this true?
A. Steele is right. I do not know him but he has a good head on his shoulders. He was warning about this exact thing as well.
Q. We have heard that June 1st will be the start date of a ground invasion of Syria. Care to comment?
A. Its unwise to broadcast an exact date, but that sounds about the right amount of time to pivot in.
Q. Are you in agreement with Trumps actions?
A. No I am not. Trump was tricked. CIA figured they could play to his emotions. The false flag is only fooling the stupidest of people. And this may end up to be Trump’s Bay of Pigs moment.
Q. Bay of Pigs?
A. Yes. After that failure, JFK realized the CIA and war hawks intended war with Russia and had no problem gutting JFK’s legacy to achieve their goals.
Q. So how do you see this playing out?
A. Hard to tell, but I am pretty sure all parties will try and convince the public Assad really did use chemical weapons. But, the public will not buy it. Look at the comments on social media. People have woken up and realize Israel and Saudis are the puppet masters here. Trump lost 1/2 of his base yesterday. He will notice the truth in a manner nobody expects, by reaction on twitter, less retweets, less engagement, a nation who lauded him for his David vs. Goliath stance, and now sees him as a vassal of Israel. This is catastrophic to his image. In essence, McCain, Brennan and Graham, along with Rubio, and Netanyahu took advantage of Trump’s emotions. Trump has a chance to redeem himself, but he better be aware of the blowback.
Q. What do you mean?
A. Populist movements are based in raw emotions. Its a two edged sword. Look at populist movements from the French revolution to Italian dictators. The same people swept into power can generate a massive sense of betrayal if the people think they have been conned. The American public hates John McCain. They hate Lindsay Graham. Yet, somehow, these two slime bags bested Trump. Trump has now tasted first blood. It can change a man in profound ways
Q. What about all those people saying Obama was weak and Trump is strong?
A. Idiots. Obama dropped over 12,000 bombs in Syria in 2016 alone. As Steele and your bevy of insiders have explained, Israel runs our foreign policy. Israel owns the politicians. Israel appears to own Trump and they will bend him as they see fit unless he steps up and declares that America is independent. Israel and Saudis have purchased our politicians, and our media. We are fooling ourselves if we believe otherwise.
Q. How does Putin respond?
A. Maher Asaad is waiting in the wings, and if he replaces his younger brother, McCain will once again look like the bumbling idiot who has savaged the Middle East. Maher is a much more severe character than Bashir.
Q. Is this the start of WW3?
A. Yes.
Q. What can we do?
A. If you are happy with your overlords in Tel Aviv and Riyadh, then submit to their authority. If you are a true patriot, then you know what to do. This is not the Bush years. Trump is going to face some very harsh attrition to his base. That’s a blessing because he cares more about being loved by the people than being loved by the Deep State. Trump’s isolation may be a teachable moment for him. I can tell you that among military men, we are sickened by McCain and Graham getting away with this. If Trump is so smart, why didn’t he realize he was being played? Because he is surrounded by neocons who have worked on his psychologically.
Q. So, Trump just lost half his base? How does he win it back?
A. By getting angry at the Deep State. By arresting and prosecuting the pedophiles in political arenas. By serving the American people, not the Israeli and Saudi Deep State. This is a very damaging moment for Trump. But, strangely, Twitter may play a huge role in Trump’s state of mind. McCain, Graham, Rubio – they hate Trump, as do the Clintons. CIA hates Trump. Comey hates Trump. But, he does best when resisting the river. He caved this time, so the best we can do is hope our president finds his oars and continues to swim upstream. Most of us want a good relationship with Putin so we can wipe out Isis. Weakening Assad achieves the exact opposite.