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INTEL Update (Real News) via email - "More Intel" 4/29/17
Posted By: Mr.Ed
Date: Sunday, 30-Apr-2017 02:24:44

INTEL Update (Real News) via email - "More Intel" 4/29/17
More Intel 4/29/17
1. The exchanges will happen after the new currency goes in. There is enough money to finance it.
2. There is a remote possibility that a civil war is possible in city areas. The deep state is falling apart as arrests continue and there is a possibility that they might start an uprising as a last ditch effort. Pelosi, McCain, Nazis and evil remnants of the cabal are desperate.
3. They have managed to partially compromise Trump but not totally. If this happens, it will happen in about 3 weeks. Keep your mindset in a possible frame and store supplies.
4. To what extent the military joins us is not yet known. 80+% are on the side of the people.
Tonight's Intel 4/28/17
1. 28 countries are releasing their UFO files to their citizens.
2. The Catholic Church has spent $3 billion on the pedophile mess.
3. NASA is studying religious groups to see what effects will be on their members when the E.T.'s are exposed to the people.
4. The latest Nukes have their half lives reduce to weeks or months and not thousands of years.
5. Again, Hillary did die on September 4th, 2016. Her clone is failing and her double is ill.
6. Two sailors who dove over the side of the USS Eldridge during the 1943 experiment were found 40 years later in 1983 in Montauk New York. It was a distortion in time.
7. More and more people are realizing that the Totalitarian Creep of the last decades must be stopped.
The book 1984 was 33 years ago and yet we all let it continue to this time.
People's inaction has given the bad guys consent without even realizing what they have done.