You can read the full blog post at this link here

“I want to share with you my thoughts and impressions after my attendance at the Keshe Foundation conference in Rome last week (March 27 – 31), as I see this time as a watershed in the unfolding of this technology and the products based upon it into the world in general.
It is worth noting that the Iranians have been using the Keshe technology for close to 9 years, after Mehran Keshe accepted an invitation to share this technology with Iran. The Iranians developed spaceship technology whilst he was there and have been using it ever since, and they also used it for defensive military purposes. The first is hard to demonstrate since it has been very secretive; however, the demonstration of its use for defensive military purposes can be illustrated by the two drones captured by Iran, the first on December 4, 2011 and the second a more pedestrian drone almost a year to the day later.
Interestingly, Keshe revealed in Rome that the first capture, a high-tech CIA drone which was designed to self-destruct if anyone tried to reverse engineer or tamper with it, was captured the day after an ambassador threatened Keshe in Belgium and Keshe responded by telling the individual the power of the technology would be demonstrated. And so it was. The very next day.
This story is relevant because the development of spacecraft by the public, as members of the Keshe Foundation, was a key focus of this Rome event and is a key focus of Keshe himself and those working most closely with him. Indeed, it is planned to hold a follow-up conference in Ghana in about six weeks, at which flying prototypes for these devices will be demonstrated. Further to this, Keshe revealed that the fuel needed for these efforts is deuterium and he revealed to ways this can be produced, albeit as usual leaving out key details to make people stretch, and you can find details of this in the public teaching he gave during that Rome event, which I recommend you watch. It provides so many insights into the scope of this technology and the command Keshe has of this technology and the understandings behind it.
Power Units
Before the conference, there was an announcement made in regard to the off-grid Generator, which has now been renamed the Plasma Power Unit. Here are details of that announcement:
- Last week 50 new Power Units were given to people in Ghana to hook up and test. They require on-grid pulsing to activate. The 50 were given to Ghana government people, scientists and people close to the Ghana Keshe Foundation.
- Testing is underway now and I was informed last night that reports of savings are already coming in. A conditioning phase is NOT required. These results were expected because we have had prototypes running for several months now. The 50 should see savings of up to 90%.
- This coming week a small add-on “part” will be added to the Power Unit that should increase savings to 100%. Six units with this “part” attached will be given out to people in Ghana to be tested. All results will be gathered. These units will also need to be attached to the grid.
- In April, after feedback and reports are gathered from those who have been given the test units, 900 SOLID STATE, OFF GRID Plasma Power Units will be sold in Ghana to the public. At the same time, distributors’ backorders for Generators will be shipped. The Ghana Plasma Power Unit will be manufactured with European plugs only.
- The solid-state unit weighs 500grams (1kg with the fuse style box it hooks to).
- The unit is not rated. Mr. Keshe’s words: “we are not releasing a power Generator. We are releasing a Plasma Power Unit. There is no limit. The energy is taken from the universe and is there to supply the demand. We do not put a limitation [on the unit]. You are not buying a 3, 5 or 10 kilowatt system. It will supply the kilowatts your house requires. You are buying demand on load. The Power Unit has to meet the demand. There is no limit.
- Ghana will not ship internationally.
- Each country will have a national, government/foundation run factory. We are looking at 600 factories over the next 2 to 3 years. The Foundation will maintain 75% controlling interest in factories while national governments will control 25% interest.
- Arizona is expected to sell the power unit at some point in the future, but no date has been set as yet.
- 3 phase power homes – distributors’ backorders for Generators will be shipped, as stated, in April from Ghana. Mr. Keshe told me the power unit is expected to work fine with 3 phase and testing on 3 phase will be completed before the units are shipped out in April in order to give customers and distributors assurances that it will work with 3 phase power.
End of quote.
I expect to receive one of these units in early May for my own testing and I will share my experiences with you. As you can see, however, this current plan does not see these units being readily available around the world for some time, though I hope this will be accelerated.
I have said in the past that I did not expect to return the on-grid Magravs unit to sale; however, I now have contact with those in Italy responsible for the new Italian factory and I anticipate that they will deliver a properly manufactured unit. When they achieve this, I will re-evaluate my position on these units. This will also make it easy for me to replace those units in the hands of my customers that are not working as intended. As I have said many times, my discontinuing to sell these units was driven by my concerns over how the units were being made in the Italian factory, not over the technology.
I also expect they will resolve the issues with the car unit, allowing me to return these to sale, also.
The health area continues to progress rapidly. On the third day, there was a presentation given by a Dr. Gonzales in North America demonstrating the healing of a 36-year-old woman with advanced breast cancer using a healing frame based on the Keshe technology. The informed view was that she would not have survived the advanced stage of the cancer without this technology. Although she will require some plastic surgery to repair her breast, she will survive to be a mother to her young child and will not see any cancer recurrence, as is so common with accepted methods. It was decided to release the video of this publicly; however, I have not seen it made available as yet.
Another exciting announcement was the use of plasmatically activated water in Ghana to lower elevated blood pressure, cure Type II diabetes, cure cancer and treat persistent parasitic infections, amongst other things.

This photo shows bottled water activated by CO2 on the right, zinc oxide in the middle and copper oxide on the left, which have been given freely to those who come and request it and will be available for sale in Ghana very shortly, once approvals have been finalised.
Indeed, it is clear that Ghana has proven to be a very fertile launchpad for the commercialisation of the Keshe Foundation technology, since word of its effects has spread rapidly to the highest scientific and political levels, enabling a rapidity of official approvals that would otherwise have taken months if not years to achieve. Such delays are not scientific but bureaucratic and political. Importantly, approval by the FDA in Ghana provides a path for rapid approval by the US FDA, enabling rapid commercialisation of these products.
The healing work using these plasmatically activated waters has also extended to veterinary use.
There are also extensive scientific trials being conducted in Japan, which have seen mice that have been confirmed to be infected with cancer having that cancer cleared using plasmatically activated water within five days, such that no trace of the cancer remained. No other treatment has ever been shown to be this rapid. These and other results will be published in scientific journals shortly. The safety of the GANS of CO2 for human consumption has been previously established, as shown in this video.
Product delivery out of Italy
As you may know, the Keshe Foundation Italian factory has struggled to manufacture in a quality manner and to deliver in a timely manner. The Keshe Foundation has had partners in this business to run it and this has been unsuccessful, resulting in the Keshe Foundation taking over manufacturing responsibilities and moving the factory to a new location. This move is now complete, although stocks remain to be moved and this should be complete by the end of April, which means normal shipment of Pain Pads, Pain Pens and Magravs Energizer & Alkalizers should resume by the beginning of May. I expect the supply of the on-grid Magravs power unit and the car power unit to take a little longer.
I am already sourcing Pain Pens for my US & Canada store and my Australia & New Zealand store out of the Arizona factory, though this is not a practical option for my store for Europe & elsewhere. I’m also expecting new products out of Arizona in the coming days and I will announce these in due course.
In my opinion, we are seeing the Keshe Foundation move beyond its start-up challenges, which have been significantly exacerbated by intentional sabotage and commercial disruption by those who would see this technology stopped in its tracks, and 2017 will be the year when we begin to see a far more widespread engagement with this extraordinary technology.”
Kind Regards,
Dr. Richard Presser
Magravs Plasma Products
+1 443 769 1752
+44 1212 840 929
+61 3 9021 6920