
Monday, April 17, 2017

GCR/RV Roll-Out Plan by One Who Knows

Understanding the Segment - GCR Roll-Out Plan
By: One Who Knows

"Segments" - GCR/RV Overview - Sunday - April 16, 2017

So, I have read the "Segments" post that laid out a contact system to roll out the GCR. I know about this system first hand, and I am going to give you some insight so that you don't worry about it. Frankly, I am part of the plan and I am going to explain it to you.


Remember that these are Benevolent people running this thing that are the ones who are giving you Trillions of dollars because you spent $50 on a zim note! As great as that is, and you have to agree with me it is GREAT, what would your neighbor, or person you work with, think about what they missed out on? They are going to either be PISSED, or VERY DEPRESSED.

They will have questions going through their mind.... Why didn't somebody tell me? I'm in need. Why didn't you tell me, or force me to see what I was missing. We the American people got screwed...etc, etc, etc.... The NPTB don't want that, and neither do you.

So we are ALL faced with the issue "How are we going to get 50 million people to the exchange centers without alerting the sleeping public?" Good question.... do you have an answer? No, neither do I, but the Elders and the NPTB do and here is how it is going to work.

You Had No Privacy With the Cabal, Get Over It

You had no privacy with the Cabal, and so every email you send, and every bit of currency you bought, and what you do in Dinarland was recorded and documented. Of course the Cabal was interested in what a future Trillionaire was doing and not doing.

The Good news is that the Good guys have taken over the surveillance systems so that the Cabal no longer can track you and they no longer have those records either. The good guys have them. They now know everything they need to know to help you get exchanged and through the system. They know what you bought, where you bought it, and who you follow in Dinarland. They have even already checked you out. This was all thanks to the Cabal, but, now it is a HUGE benefit to the Good guys. So, get over that, and recognize the advantage and benefit that the good guys have now.

Old Plans, Now Discarded

There was the "Post it on the net" plan, but that would jam the phone centers, and get the attention of the sleeping public very quickly. Clearly, that was not going to work for 50 million people.

There was the "email every one plan," but that was definitely going to fail for several reasons. #1) If everyone got an email at the same time, the phone appointment system would crash, and #2) If they delayed the emails, people would be telling others they got the email and it would cause a lot of confusion. Some would have gotten it already and others not, then they would not be controlled, and the number would eventually get on the net etc. Clearly, there is more problems with this plan than it solves.

Just for fun, I'll throw in the "broadcast it on TV plan," but only some would see it and others would not, and there would be way too many of the sleeping public that would see it. Of course this would NEVER be done, and I only included it for perspective.

What other way can you reach 50 million people, in some sort of organized sequence as not to over load the phone appointment system, and still instill confidence in the redeemers while not alerting the sleeping public? Yes, of course.... "Segments."

New Plan, Now In Effect: "Segments"

I know you guys are freaking out over this but you have been told about this at least 2 times, if not 3 or more. The only difference is that it has been given a fancy name this time: "Segments."

The way it works is that certain "Key" people get a private and unique number that is assigned to them. I know, because I am one of the segments. Remember that it was said that certain "Gurus" would get individual 800#s, and they would give them out to their people first, and then it would eventually show up on the net? That is this plan.

The Super (Duper) Computer

Don't you know that the NPTB have a some sort of Galactic style computer that can make a zillion calculations per second or something like that? Of course they do. All they did was plug in the data that had been collected by the Cabal about every purchase, every GURU CC Call, every contact mailing list, and match it up with every single currency purchase, the amount of currency etc. This is a piece of cake for these super computers. All they told the computer is "break up these currency holders into 10,000 groups, by their contacts." Then you had the segments. EVERYBODY is connected to someone in some way that will get a special 800#.

My "Segment"

I already know how my contact group will work. I get my special number, I send it out to my personal contact group, and tell them DO NOT GIVE THIS TO ANYONE ELSE AND DO NOT POST IT. This number is connected to me and it is bad for me if it gets leaked out. While I have already been given advanced notice that I will have a segment, I am quite sure that there are thousands of other "Segment Leaders" that don’t yet know they are "Segment" leaders.... at least not yet. But they will be notified, and they will send out their special number to their group/newsletter list, just like they send out other notifications. Except this will be the 800# and the special instructions as well.

How It Could Work

So, the way it might work is, they send me, Bruce, TNT, maybe certain currency dealers, and others, our special numbers and we send them out to "our people." The message and instructions say keep this quiet. Make your appointments and exchange and do not post about it. They monitor the appointments and when the call volume goes down, they send out more segment phone numbers, until they have sent them all out. Can you see that the appointments are being made and people are then exchanging and no one on the outside knows a thing about it? IT IS EXTREMELY QUITE THIS WAY. Genius!!!!

However, if one of the segments gets out of hand, and one of its members posts their special call in number on the net, that number just gets cancelled. However, all the other segments that are doing what they are supposed to be doing, are unaffected. This keeps control of the number getting on the net, facebook, or other place that it should not be. But, even when that number is turned off, it does not stop all the other segments from calling their number and setting their appointments.


It is way better than just posting it on the net, and way better than just sending out a mass email blast. It is organized and very efficient. Of course they use this super duper computer to check that every person who bought currency, has in fact made an appointment. I am sure for those who have not, they will follow up to make sure it gets done. However, I am sure that they will then post it on the net FOR A VERY SHORT TIME. This will cover whoever did not get contacted since they had no email, or whatever other reason. With this system, of contact by segments, they can get 50 million people contacted and exchanged very efficiently and quickly.

The fact that the Segments post was posted means that the segments have already been assigned and they are ready to send out the notices. Don't worry, you are going to be in a segment group of some sort. You might even be in a couple of different segments. For my segment, I am going to tell my people to contact the people they gifted currency to as well. This will cover everybody. All you need to do now is wait and see who sends you "notice" of the 800#s and the special instructions, to set your appointment and then keep it quiet.

The Bottom Line

The bottom line is that this must be getting ready to go since they have actually posted their plan to contact you by way of segments. Everybody in this Internet group is connected to someone who will have the number shortly. Instead of getting an email and instructions from some strange place, you will get the email and instructions from someone you know. This is better and it makes it easier for you to trust the source of the email. Make sense? Using this system, you will get the numbers BEFORE they reach the net.

Whatever you do, do not fuss and complain about this. It is a good plan and I have inside knowledge of how it will work and I trust it 100%. They want EVERY SINGLE ONE OF YOU TO EXCHANGE AND GET THE HIGH RATES AS WELL. Using this direct contact system, is the best way they can make sure you get the 800#s directly, from someone you know, and they will check to make sure you have made your appointment with the super duper computer that set this all up.

No matter what, it will be on the net eventually, for a very short time. But you should be done exchanging by then, and be at the store already. TRUST the plan, and be on the lookout for a contact from a TRUSTED source of yours. A call leader, a website, a currency dealer, a Guru, or other person who you know, will be the one to contact you in a familiar way. It is safe and well thought out. I will keep you up to date on its progress and soon we will all be done.

May You Get Everything You Want and Live The Life Of Your Dreams/Plans

Signed: One Who Knows