All SKR accounts worldwide are now liquid and settled as of 12:01am EDT.
All funds and accounts can be accessed whenever each account's domicile opens for the business week (beginning April 30/May1 depending on time zone).
Even Zap can stop begging and start wiring milk money out tomorrow.
Abundance. What a novel concept.
The new financial system has not only completely replaced the old system, the old system has legally been reconciled for the year 2016 -- per international bankruptcy law.
Sadly, amid all the pomp and circumstance, anxious hype and flase expectation, it came down to a simple accounting exercise.
That's why no new taxes or revenues could be harvested anywhere in the world--and why so many poor nations are in such a desperate cash crunch now. They had to wait for the books to clear.
Not until the total completion of one global financial mechanism gave way in favor of another was our blessing to occur--based purely on the financial architecture / structure of the deal.
That is it. One for another. Simple.
Yet knowing even a little of what it took to have a such quiet and peaceful transition of monetary authority is hard if not impossible to conceive.
Although we lived through it and even participated. What an honor.
The irony is that the GCR/RV was so big in scope, it appeared invisible to the unawakened mind and will be a permanent non-event to the masses of humanity... historically and forever.
Like self absorbed children, most shall never know the perilous threat levied against humanity, nor the heroics of the soldiers who fought in the invisible currency war.
Yet it happened. And has been made to appear as if it did not. So surreal.
If you thought you were isolated before with your hyper new reality, just wait 24 hours....
Ironically, it affected every nation, every government, every military, every citizen, every transaction and every currency on the planet... and less than 0.001% of the human population even knew, participated or care to be educated.
Just amazing.
Then last night, when the Middle East markets and banks opened, it was just there.
Human freedom. Released from economic bondage forever. The death of our oppressors.
Account codes just flipping over casually, asset backed hydration in any amount across a revalued list of international sovereign currencies, on front screens, forever switching from a malevolent to benevolent oversight mechanism.
Not a word of acknowledgment in the media. Anywhere in the world. Just as they were instructed.
Everything that was in opposite was made right, whole. In the blink of an eye. Victory less any credit.
For me this proves the age old adage "the bigger something is, the smaller it must appear."
A good lesson for us all.
God is with us.