
Thursday, March 30, 2017

Kent Dunn Intel Report - Vatican, RV/GCR, Military Tribunals, Chemtrails, Pedogate, Arrests & More - March 30, 2017

Kent Dunn Intel Report - Vatican, RV/GCR, Military Tribunals, Chemtrails, Pedogate, Arrests & More - March 30, 2017

Intel Provided by: Kent Dunn 
Notes & Additional Research: AscensionWithEarth.Com 
Date: March 30, 2017

*Discernment Advised

FEMA Camps, Obama and Vatican Secret Meetings

Former USA Corporation President Obama and Vatican officials are meeting on April 6th - April 8th.  This is a private closed door meeting at the Vatican to discuss the coming riots scheduled for the April 15th.  Kent says to stay out of the riots.  "FEMA camps are live right now" says Kent Dunn.


Meetings ongoing in Reno, Nevada today. Tonight at 8pm Est, March 30th, the United States gold backed notes go live!  I am assuming Kent is talking about the new USN currency issued by the Republic Treasury and not the Federal Reserve or other fictitious organization posing as a Republic institution.

Military Tribunals

Roger Stone, testifying in front of the military tribunals in Washington D.C. because he had contact with Guccifer 2.0.  Guccifer 2.0 is an alleged Russian hacker who claims to have hacked the Clinton Foundation and the democratic national convention. You can read Guccifer's own blog posting at this link here.  The military tribunal has given Roger Stone immunity from prosecution if he reveals information about Guccifer 2.0.  Apparently Guccifer 2.0 is linked to former MI-6 spy Christopher Steele.  You can read more about Christopher Steele and his Trump dossier as reported by the UK's, The Telegraph, entitled "Ex-MI6 officer Christopher Steele, who produced a Donald Trump Russian dossier, breaks his silence " at this link here.  Kent mentions a specific link to check out more of the story which is at, but in my initial search could not locate anything on Trump and Mr. Steele.

Chemtrails/HAARP/Project Cloverleaf

They cut out a lot of the chemicals but have left the Aluminum dust to be chem-trailed around the world.  Kent says they are doing this in order to make an "electromagnetic earth" so they can operate the many remote HAARP facilities still in operation around the world.  This top secret project is known as Project Cloverleaf.  Here are some research links about Project Cloverleaf that may be of use for readers.

Project Cloverleaf Time Line 
Chemtrails: Aerosol and Electromagnetic Weapons in the Age of Nuclear War 
Ex Government Employee talks about Chemtrails/Project Cloverleaf -

Pedogate/Pizzgate, FBI, Drug Wars

Andrew G. McCabe, is the Deputy Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, appointed by FBI Director James Comey in January 2016 and began these duties on February 1, 2016.  Andrew McCabe has been fingered as one of the key criminals in the Pizzagate/Pedogate scandal. Kent says that the CIA is behind the child trafficking taking place all over the world.  FBI Director, James Comey, was told by President Trump that he would no longer be working for the FBI come April 1st.

Trey Gowdy is taking over the position held by James Comey.   Trey Gowdy runs on a slogan that says "We Must Demand Accountability From Our Leaders", lets hope/demand he is true to his word. They have enough treason and corruption charges on FBI Director James Comey to put him away for "252 years or give him the death penalty".   They have 20 computer hard drives of information that incriminates James Comey.

President Trump has given orders to the military to shut down the illegal drug trade that is coming out of Afghanistan, especially the heroin drug networks.  You can read more about how USA military is protecting poppy fields for heroin production called "Drug War? American Troops Are Protecting Afghan Opium. U.S. Occupation Leads to All-Time High Heroin Production" at this link here or watch Abby Martin's news report at this link here.

Terror Attacks on President Trump and Washington D.C.

John Bolton, 25th United States Ambassador to the United Nations, came on TV and said that the cabal government will try to kill President Trump or will try to cause a terror attack on Washington D.C.  The White Hat military is gearing up and listening to everyone's calls and planning on attacking the CIA 'dark hats' if they are forced to do so in order to protect the nation.  The riots scheduled for April 15th are going to happen in London, New York, Paris, and Turkey under George Soros' Black Lives Matters and the MoveOn.Org organizations.  I personally cannot find the John Bolton TV discussion about the suspected terror attacks or the Trump assassination plot. I will update the blog post if found.

Spies From CNN and MSNBC Revealed

Dana Bash, journalist for CNN, and her husband Jeremy Bash, former Chief of Staff at the U.S. Department of Defense and who works for MSNBC has been charged with treason for selling state secrets to the Israeli Mossad.


Wikileaks is going to release information to the public of all the dirty dealings of the CIA and FBI.  Kent Dunn says to pay attention because they may be releasing these leaks at any time.

White Hat Military Generals

All the White Hat Military Generals that President Obama fired during his terms will be brought back into action.  Here is a huge list of military Generals that were fired by Obama, see link here.


The big heads of the Dark Cabal should be arrested after April 1.
