It's Not A Theory, It's A FACT!
I am here to call out the old ruling elite who are now the new running, cowering, hiding and dying elite. You, the pathetic dregs of society, are hereby called out for all to see. While it is not my place to administer your punishment, it is my place to call for it, and declare that the Light of Justice and Peace has triumphed over your evil and wicked ways. Your days are numbered and soon you will be called before the World to answer for your crimes against Humanity, and I shall rejoice in our victory, and you shall reap your just rewards.
I Am A Conspiracy DESTROYER
I am NOT A Conspiracy Theorist. What I have IS NOT a Theory, IT IS A FACT. Your pathetic attempt to discredit us with your CIA created label of Theorist, has long since FAILED, for what we know is not a Theory, it is a fact. Your greatest fears will now come to pass as we spread what we know to others and soon the whole planet shall know your wickedness and hold you in contempt and demand the Lord's justice be visited upon you in swift manor. May You each receive that which you deserve by your own thoughts, words and deeds.
Theory Be Damned, It's A FACT!
The rampant kidnapping, raping and murdering of our precious children for your sick and demented entertainment, and satanic prostituted rituals is Noted as fact, and will end. To be clear, THIS IS NOT A THEORY, IT IS A FACT... and You shall answer for this.
The spraying of the innocent people of this world with your chemicals from your cowardly place in the air, is Noted as fact, and will end. To be clear, THIS IS NOT A THEORY, IT IS A FACT... and You shall answer for this as well.
Your poisoning of our foods with your GMOs and other demented acts of food and water tampering is Noted as fact, and will end. To be clear, THIS IS NOT A THEORY, IT IS A FACT... and You shall answer for this as well.
Your demented inoculation program meant to destroy our children and harm the Good People of this Planet is Noted as fact, and will end. To be clear, THIS IS NOT A THEORY, IT IS A FACT... and You shall answer for this as well.
Your utter corruption of Hollywood and our other entertainment to depict murder, sick acts and satanic messages and gestures is Noted as fact, and will end. To be clear, THIS IS NOT A THEORY, IT IS A FACT... and You shall answer for this as well.
Your weather manipulation, damaging energy fields form both HARP, and our electronics is Noted as fact, and will end. To be clear, THIS IS NOT A THEORY, IT IS A FACT... and You shall answer for this as well.
Your Unrelenting spying on our private matters and the unauthorized collection of our personal information is Noted as fact, and will end. To be clear, THIS IS NOT A THEORY, IT IS A FACT... and You shall answer for this as well.
Your perpetual wars and unchecked military Black projects all designed to kill our brothers and sisters, mothers and fathers, and dominate the Earth, is Noted as fact, and will end. To be clear, THIS IS NOT A THEORY, IT IS A FACT... and You shall answer for this as well.
Your New World Order agenda to kill off the majority of the World's populations and enslave the rest is Noted as fact, and will end. To be clear, THIS IS NOT A THEORY, IT IS A FACT... and You shall answer for this as well.
Your rape and pillage of our Mother Earth and the destruction of her resources and environment is Noted as fact, and will end. To be clear, THIS IS NOT A THEORY, IT IS A FACT... and You shall answer for this as well.
I Speak For The World
I speak for the billions of Humans on this planet who have suffered by your wicked acts, and demented ways. Your days are over and the time of Reckoning is at hand. You will be paraded before us and tried for your sins. So Be It! May God's Mercy be on your soul.
Signed: The Conspiracy DESTROYER