Season 7, Episode 12
David Wilcock: All right, welcome back to “Cosmic Disclosure”. I'm your host, David Wilcock. I'm here with our insider's insider, Corey Goode.
Your questions, as I've said so many times, shape and influence this show.
Corey, are you ready to handle some audience questions?
Corey Goode: Good to go.
David: Let's dive right in and hit this. “Corey states that he has been picked up by a blue orb. I physically have seen a yellow orb with my son three years ago. He was seven at the time. He called it 'a starship' and started running towards it. It was not small, and it made no noise.
“I looked at my son, and it was gone. I have a hard time understanding why I froze, but my son knew what it was. Can you explain what a yellow orb is?”
It sounds to me like this is actually a UFO sighting. It just might have had yellow light.
Corey: Yeah. Sounded like it was a actual UFO sighting.

And we've talked before about there's all different types of orbs. And none of them have . . . They're not necessarily interrelated with each other.
A lot of times, if an entity, a disembodied entity, or a spirit appears, it will appear as a orb – different types of orbs.
I had a friend tell me one time that he was hunting, and he saw a red orb floating around. And probably four years later, I was with a friend, hunting, and I looked over in a cornfield, and I saw a basketball-sized red orb that looked like it was on fire inside of a crystal ball almost, just floating like it was scanning the field looking for something.
And then it just floated off and disappeared. I have no idea what that was.
David: All right. Well, let's keep going along here. We're going to try to get through a lot of these.
The next one we have is Leannaarts, “Corey and David,” - so I guess this is open to both of us - “what are your thoughts on the idea that not only is the Earth a prison planet created by Reptilians, but that we are tortured by these beings after we die and encounter them in other dimensions? That they created religion, money magic system, and a magnetic Earth force field to control us, and a Moon operation to wipe our memories?”
Corey: I think we're crediting the Reptilians with a little too much, to be honest.
David: This is widely divergent with my own belief system, of course.
Corey: Right. There are a number of nonterrestrials that are using this planet as a petri dish that they are doing experiments in.
Yes, it is a prison planet. We're basically free-range slaves running around, thinking we're free, and that we have all this knowledge of the universe.
Now, the Reptilians and these . . . There's various other groups that we've been in contact with that have been contributing to what's going on here on the planet.
And we can't attribute all of it to the Reptilians because they've just been a small part.
David: Would you say that ultimately, negative extraterrestrial intelligence is responsible for creating UFO religions like this, because if someone were to be coming from a place where they believe what this question says, that they would generate loosh?