We talk to Benjamin Fulford about Fukishima, The Vatican, The importance of gold, the imminent financial collapse and global reset, the military industrial complex, Antarctica, Wikileaks, CERN, The Secret Space Program, NASA and we also discuss some more esoteric topics such as entities and the quarantine on the planet.
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World Freemasons gather in Tokyo to select new leader and golden age dawns

There is also a lot of talk from multiple sources of some sort of event planned for March 15th, the Ides of March. This was the day that Julius Caesar was assassinated. This is also the day the US government will hit its debt ceiling. Asian Secret Societies, for their part place great importance on March 19th, the day the last Ming Emperor died (also, by coincidence, this writer’s birthday). Exactly what will happen is not clear but certainly the last half of March will see many world changes, multiple sources agree.
There is also extremely high tension worldwide as the various power centers jockey for position in the upcoming world federation, various sources agree.
The tensions are especially high now in Japan and the Korean Peninsula over who will occupy the throne of Emperor of a United Korea, the Japanese military intelligence sources say. The Rothschilds and the Chinese want to install Kim Han Sol, the eldest son of Kim Jong Nam, who is in turn the oldest son of former top leader Kim Jon Il, Chinese intelligence agency sources say. That is why Rothschild puppet politicians in Japan have called for a pre-emptive attack against North Korea.
That is also why various media reports suggested US President Donald Trump would be sending B-52 nuclear bombers to South Korea.
However, the North Koreans say the Kim Han Sol being presented as candidate for Emperor is a fake with a different face from the real Kim Han Sol. To drive home their point, the North Koreans launched missiles capable of hitting US military bases in Japan. They also, according to Japanese military intelligence, deployed 100,000 North Korean special forces troops, armed with suitcase nuclear weapons, to the Japanese cities of Nagoya, Osaka and Tokyo.
The people behind Kim Han Sol, for their part, say Kim Jong Un is just a front for the Cabot family of Switzerland and the Nabeshima clan behind the Mitsubishi group that supports Prime Minister Abe.Of course the current Japanese royal family is also fake but the fact the actually occupy the throne gives them some legitimacy. The same can be said of Kim Jong Un.
Speaking about Japan, the power struggle here is also intensifying. The Khazarian Mafia has handed over control of the Japanese election stealing machinery to Softbank’s Son Masayoshi. Son now controls the Fortress Investment Group which owns, (via some paper companies) Musashi Engineering, the manufacturer of Japan’s election stealing vote counting machines.
This is the same Son who recently showed up to visit Donald Trump and try to bribe him with $100 billion worth of Saudi money.
It appears this offer failed to sway Trump and his military/agency backers to offer protection to the Saudi Royals because the Saudi King, 25 Princes and an entourage of 1500 people have fled to Indonesia, according to CIA sources there. This can be partially confirmed in an Indonesian news announcement that King Salman has prolonged his stay in Indonesia by 3 days supposedly to “boost Middle Eastern tourism in Indonesia.”
This means he has also postponed his visit to Japan where he was due to attend the Freemason gathering, Japanese military intelligence sources confirm.
The Japanese military have also traced the recent failed bio-weapons attacks in Tokyo to the Disease Control and Prevention Center in Shinjuku ward and its sister facility in Saitama Prefecture.
These and other attempts by the Khazarians to terrorize the world with nuclear and bio-weapons were stopped after a map of all Israeli nuclear facilities was published and threats were made to hit them all with missiles, Mossad sources say.