Thursday, February 23, 2017

Project Veritas Exposes CNN and Main Stream Media - 100 Hours Of Leaked Audio

Visit the following link for the official leaks.....

Calling all researchers to review the 100 hours of audio and video and spread the word on social media about the FAKE NEWS MEDIA organizations like FOX, CNN, MSNBC, CBS and other corrupt media organizations.

Here is an official announcement at the following link.....

James O'Keefe and his team at Project Veritas just released Part 1 of CNN video leaks, wikileaks style. These are previously unseen CNN video footages. O'Keefe was given 100 hours of audio from an anonymous CNN insider. At a live Periscope conference today, O'Keefe stated that these CNN tapes could destroy CNN and MSM as a whole for its decades of dishonesty.