Hello Folks,
So Our FBI anon friend who predicted PizzaGate has allowed me to interview him with ten short questions. This is BIG. It looks like the #PizzaGate scandal is going to bring down some sick Senators, Congressmen, Wall Street bankers, Journalists and other assorted demonic creatures.
I asked him some questions and I did not expect the answers I got ! Fully one third of our Government is a Pedoring!
Q: Back in July, you astounded the world by predicting #PizzaGate when you posted on 4chan. How did you know?
A: We did not predict PizzaGate. What we did do is point out that the Clinton Foundation had and has deep ties to a network of pedophiliacs.Its now slowly coming to light with the new revelations regarding Epstein and Weiner. There is lots more to come. We also got some things wrong. The VP pick, and honestly, we did not expect WJC to survive into 2017.
Q, You were laughed at when you first posted, but 95% of what you stated ended up being true. How does it feel to be vindicated?
A. We expect that. 4chan was the right environment to engage those on the “edge world” as we call it. Some considered our message to be a LARP. Thats fine. We threw in some false paths to ensure plausible deniability. However, when internet sleuths and citizen journalists began hunting for confirmation of our claims, we achieved the spiral effect we were seeking.
Q.Can you tell us what to expect in the near future?
A: We expect some movement next week. High level arrests of close to 3 dozen pedophile politicians, some who are quite well known. Another 42 people also expected to be arrested in the drag net. 72 in all.
Q But why pre-announce on 4chan? Doesn’t that compromise the sting?
A There is furious push back to not make arrests. There are internal and nefarious forces attempting to thwart the operation. The cesspool called DC is one big extortion arena. Our politicians are either being extorted for being pedophiles, or they are in the pocket of Bankers, Big Oil, Israel or Saudi Arabia. If Israel and the Saudis can no longer extort politicians for their sexual deviance, where do they make their money and wield their influence? If bankers cannot stop the destruction of their puppet politicians, how do they keep the “fix” in place? Our alphabet agencies are compromised. Our homeland security and defense apparatus has become politically corrupted.How can we stand by while our powerful leaders impose law on one hand, and sexually abuse our children with another?
Q Good points. So, is PizzaGate connected to the West Coast.
A. There is serious connection. Not necessarily connecting to the arrests we hope to see next week, but you may want to look into CES, and also NP and see if that politician has any Pizzadust on their shoes.
Q. Nancy Pelosi?
A No comment
Q Can you provide some more initials of politicians being investigated?
A Sure BF, MB, TK, DF, JM, LG There are also journalists, pundits, money men, lobbyists.Many are being tracked down and are about to be exposed, arrested, drained. Some may off themselves when they realize they risk prison, ruination, loss of power, etc.
Q: Can you tell us where active Political pedorings in America exist now?
A In every state. The main concentration is in the East and in the West. In the East, NYC, the resort towns, and of course DC. Out west, Hollywood, Beverly Hills,Napa Valley, Marin County.
Q Ok, so wealthy areas. But why is nothing done about it?
A It’s covered up. Law Enforcement takes their orders from the DC power brokers. AG’s, police chiefs, etc are ordered to cover up the Pedophile rings and their players.Law Makers are allowed to be Law Breakers, because they create the law and rule over those that enforce the law. We believe that the NOBODY is above the law.
Q: But why go to a public forum like 4chan?
A Because we need the American people to join in this fight. Do you want our children targeted, raped, damaged? Do we want our politicians belonging to some Saudi, or some Israeli extortionist? Do we want our politicians to be owned by Goldman Sachs? Do you want your daughter to end up alone with a Jeffery Epstein, Alan Dershowitz, or Anthony Wiener?
Q Is Wiener connected to the upcoming arrests of 30 high profile politicians?
A Yes, and more directly, Wiener was part of ring that includes his mentor. Ultimately, we are looking at close to 30% of the political spectrum.
On that note, I have said enough. Good luck.