
Tuesday, February 21, 2017

And the Former Things Will Not Be Remembered or Come to Mind -


So I was thinking about this information that we were getting from the Blue Avians via Corey Goode about us not remembering the past and having it be like it never happened. I know David Wilcock has been talking about this too and he has had some trouble with it. For some reason I have the ability to make connections and I made a big one last night while I was reading a borrowed copy of Dolores Cannon’s ‘The Three Waves of Volunteers’. Thanks TheEventChronicle!

First I want to reiterate what the Blue Avians relayed to Corey about this phenomenon which was also being equated to The Mandela Effect:
“I was also shown visualizations of the merging of temporal realities known to many as the “Mandela Effect.” In this merging of realities, many major historical incidents that would have already happened to us have been “edited” out of our reality.
I was shown a vision of what looked like a wall of crystal rods that were slowly turning. As these crystals turned, a prism effect occurred in which I saw events instantly change. Moreover, the people in that new reality would have no memory of the previous one.
David pointed out that this was neatly mirrored in Isaiah 65:17, which reads, “For, behold, I create new heavens and a new earth: and the former shall not be remembered, nor come into mind.
This quote also suggests that once we reach “social memory,” our consciousness will change so dramatically that it will be almost impossible to imagine what it will be like.”
Cobra had also talked about this too but I am having troubling finding the article where he talked about it. It was the same wording though.

Now on to the big connection here. I would like to bring in the late Dolores Cannon’s work which I always love doing because her vast amount of information fits into this scene very nicely, with a few discrepancies here and there however. Although I would note that she never liked to look into the work of others so her’s wouldn’t be tainted.

I’d like to just give a quick background about Dolores now before I get more into this session she did. She was a great hypnotherapist that developed her own technique to ultimately heal the person of any physical ailment by going to various past lives and bringing out information to teach the client what kind of current or past emotional issues or trauma were causing them trouble in this lifetime. The client would also have a list of questions to ask the Subconscious while under hypnosis and depending on whether or not they were supposed to get that information the SC would give them the answers.

The SC had access to all information and all knowledge and would help the person heal themselves and on many occasions achieved instantaneous healing, regardless of the person’s issue(s). Now while the clients were under hypnosis ‘They’, as she would call ‘Them’, would give her concepts and ideas to put into her books, of which she wrote 19. She did this for over 40 years and all of her clients would say the same thing whenever they would go under hypnosis, no matter where they were from or who they were.

So now I’d like to share the information that I found in her book ‘The Three Waves of Volunteers’ in regards to this grand forgetting or reset that we will experience when we go through this change. Dolores was approached by a woman who was an nurse and wanted some information about a possible abduction the happened to her.

It turns out she was/is part of a group of ETs who oversaw how things are going on Earth and she had some interesting things to say about what will be happening on this planet as we go through these changes. The beginning of this information starts in the black box around the text and continues onto the next page which is displayed below:

Dolores is ‘D’ and Evelyn is ‘E’ and she is Speaking as Herself but as an ET

Evelyn Continues her Discussion on Coming Events, or Lack of Events I Should Say
I’d like to point out that this book was written in 2011 and that was before we got this information from Cobra and Corey. Not to mention the fact that Dolores didn’t look into anyone else’s work, although she was probably aware of this bible verse that talks about this happening, it is still very interesting and fits nicely in with everyone else’s piece of the puzzle.

But the most important thing that is to be conveyed here is that we are doing this with our mass consciousness. We are creating this new world together with every moment of NOW. It is important to create responsibly as everything in the Universe is connected and what I have been reading from just this book by Dolores is that our negative thoughts and emotions go out into the Universe and pollute other worlds, some of them very far away from us. Some of these ETs have been spending a lot of time cleaning up after us and we don’t even realize they have more important things to be doing.

So I would ask that everyone keep that in mind and I would also encourage everyone to raise their vibrations as high as possible at all times to ensure, as Corey put it, that we “navigate to our optimal temporal reality.”

Thank you everyone, much love and victory of the light!