The Truth Is Out There
"The Truth Is Out There" was the famous line in the popular show "X-files." This video (Link Below) is ONLY for those who want to know about REAL REALITY and what is coming. There is a special conference coming in March that features speakers from the secret space program among many other special guests such as: Colonel Billie Woodard, USAF, famous commander of AREA 51, See:
By the way, Colonel Billie Woodard, USAF, famous commander of AREA 51, is who "Channels" (for lack of a better word) Zorra. Please, for all the nay-sayers and those who want to bash Zorra, go do your research, and come back when you know what you are talking about.
For the rest of us, who recognize that we have been kept ignorant of the truth, for all of our lives, and are open minded enough to recognize that Reality is way different than we ever knew, this upcoming conference is for you. We should have our funds by the time of this conference and maybe even have Disclosure as well.
Incredible Upcoming Conference In Olympia Wash
Some other interesting things mentioned in this video:
The Galactic Federation of Planets "De-cloaked" their space ships (UFOs) over the conference last year and are expected to do it again this year. It created a picture opportunity for those who were there.
They are expecting speakers who are part human and part Alien as well.
So much more mentioned in this video about this exciting event.
I certainly plan to be there!!!
For those who don't believe in these things, go back to sleep, we will wake you later when Disclosure happens, and every TV, Phone, Tablet, Radio, and communication device announces that we are not alone. That will be the proof you seek. However, if you must make fun of what you don't know, don't believe, and don't understand, I'll understand. It just means that you are still imprisoned in the Cabal Matrix of Disinformation, Forced Ignorance, and Control Programming. It is not your fault, really, that you haven't gotten out yet, but, you will be free soon, I promise.
May We All Break Free of the Cabal Chains of Ignorance, That Binds Us to a False Reality, And Be Open Minded Enough to Embrace the True Reality of What Is
Signed: One Who Believes