One World of Nations
Lifting the Veil Series
10 January 2017
A whole new world, but what is real now? Arise a New World or accept the New World Order? Who, or what, is in control now? Will Trump Lead, or follow the Deep State lead? How will he handle the real Antarctica revelations when they brief him? What’s down there? What of the Ecological threat also? Will he grasp it and lead? What is truth? Not what you know!
New Leaders, new views, a new approach, or a Billionaires Tea Party destined for tears?
Be careful, be clear, Trump was elected both to stop Clinton and a Public, albeit correct and well merited, backlash of anger to remove the Political Elites who have derailed the great American power house of Industries, and who under Neo Nazi George Bush, Greenspan, Cheney and the Kazakh Mafia, looted America blind. A Zio backed Rat Pack of the most predatory kind.
Will the new team take back America, or abdicate to the demands and threats of the unelected Deep State? How can America ever be the Land of the Free, when the Cabal care nothing for you, or for me? Far worse, once briefed who will lead on Antarctica? It could be a coming Global catastrophe. Who unites the world for this? America's cities and sea ports will be lost as will be its economy.
Having stolen America over 60 years by Deep State Stealth, what do they care about these interloping new boys with some trappings of wealth? Why should the Cabal share power, in their minds, they have it?
Only in America is the President denied access to the real power loop. Try that in Russia.
Read more at: http://www.oneworldofnations.com/2017/01/lifting-veil-report-10-whole-new-world.html
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