I think the best title for this newsletter is
Getting Real.

The sad thing is a large portion of the masses is gullible and be lie ve
in the propaganda delivered daily by the lame stream media. They are
being led like lemmings to participate in their own enslavement and
eventual demise. They are rioting and marching to a tune played by the
very people whose behavior they detest but cannot accept. Its like a bad
marriage where one mate refuses to accept the obvious. It is getting so
ugly denial is not an option.
The ascension waves are bringing all of this up for
everyone to see. We are still in the middle of one of these waves it
ends on the 11th. The good news if you are on the path to enlightenment
another wave begins on the 11th and lasts for 7 days. The peak of this
wave is right around the 14th; which many are screaming it is the end of
the world. The world did not end with the last waves nor will it end
with this one. There is a planetary alignment where all the planets are
participating. If you understand the electric universe this will explain
the incoming energies yet what many are not aware of is the higher
dimensional beings take advantage of these planetary alignments.
This new wave is coming in from the 6th dimension.
Light and energy is conscious. This wave will carry with it Universal
law, Healing energy and a golden opportunity to take a quantum leap in
consciousness. Love heals and the most powerful energy in the Universe
is Love. It is a formidable force and to try to stand against it will
traumatize those who wish to continue with the tyranny and enslavement.
As if they are not already going insane as demonstrated by their
This is what is being acted out in your political
arena and social consciousness. Their consciousness and energy grid is
collapsing. Their unseen overlords are being removed and they are like
gangsters without a boss. They are also fighting among themselves for
power and wealth completely unaware that the rug is being pulled out
from underneath them. They cannot and will not function with the
increase of consciousness and energy. They are not frequency specific to
the Earth and her ascension process. As the prophecies foretold the
beast is consuming itself. You will see the beast come forward in the
elite families, the banksters, the politicians, the movie industry,
religious institutions almost every disempowering organization designed
to enslave the masses.
Fasten your seatbelt because this ride is going to
get crazy. Your bodies are going to go through all kinds of challenges.
Your past is going to come forward, with some it is feelings of sadness
others anger. Many will be processing at night with vivid dreams of past
events. Some may get a peak into the future. It might be a
rollercoaster of illness followed by feeling great, sadness followed by
bliss. The prophecy I can give you with 100% accuracy is there is going
to be a lot of change.
Be well,
James Gilliland
James Gilliland
ECETI Official YouTube Channel
James Gilliland
ECETI Official YouTube Channel
You have my permission to send this far and wide.