This is a very interesting read filled with lots of information and those readers who enjoy George Kavassilas' work will definitely find this article by Wes Penre relevant in their search for truth. Some of the information in the article below talks about Alien Agendas, Reincarnation and Soul Traps, DNA, the Divine Feminine, Saturn, Chakra Deception, Artificial Intelligence, Human Soul Groups, and much more. You can download the eBook of this article at Wes Penre's website at the following link, PDF download link located near the top of the article. Thanks Bev!
The Death Trap and How to Avoid It
by Wes Penre, Thursday, Sep. 15, 2016
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Fig. 1: The Astral Dimensions. |
the “Wes Penre Papers,”[1]
as well as in my e-book, Synthetic Super-Intelligence
and the Transmutation of Humankind—A Roadmap to the
I wrote about what normally happens after a person dies
and leaves his or her third-dimensional human body. I
argued that the “afterlife” is just another aspect of
the frequency prison in which we are contained. The
afterlife, I wrote, is just an intermediary station
where souls can rest, until they are recycled
(reincarnated) into a new life on Earth. I also
suggested what we could do to avoid this afterlife trap
and break out of the frequency prison, in which we are
trapped as if we were criminals, when we didn’t commit
any crime in the first place. Because of the importance
of this information, I am writing this article in an
effort to summarize these concepts and to make it more
available in one place.
Some Background
As spiritual beings, we were
seduced and manipulated into entering these physical and
dense vessels that we are calling “human” bodies a very
long time ago, and by doing so, we were trapped in this
limited frequency band we call the Third Dimension (see
the above references to other parts of my work for more
details). Once locked into this frequency, we got stuck
in a hologram created by an extraterrestrial group,
which most people currently call the “Anunnaki,” but
whom I will call the “Alien Invader Force” (AIF)
or the “Overlords” in this article. This ET
group is controlled by a being ancient Sumerian texts
call (who is also the entity behind the Lucifer
archetype). This hologram consists of everything we can
perceive with our five senses, and therefore includes
the entire known universe.
It would be correct to say that
everything that is made of atoms is part of the
hologram, which is a distortion, and is only a small
part of what would be considered the real
It’s estimated that we currently
only use a few percent of our brain capacity (we also
only use a few percent of our DNA’s connectivity to
Creation), and that we can only perceive about 4% or the
entire universe. In fact, even these 4% are compromised
because they are “overlapped” by a hologram, which is a
partial “copy” of a partially real Universe. This copy,
or hologram, is presented to humans as an entire
universe of its own, with planets, stars, nebulae, and
galaxies, etc. It’s very convincing. In addition to our
concept of the Third Dimension (3-D), these ET
manipulators have also constructed the astral plane,
which consists of a number of different dimensions and
densities of its own. However, it is only a virtual
reality, or a software program, similar to what was
presented to us in the “Matrix Series” movies. The real
universe is the universe we cannot experience while
living in this hologram. The only hint of its existence
is what we call “Dark Energy” and “Dark Matter,” which
together consist of about 96% of the Universe. The other
4% is the hologram in which we are currently trapped. If
this hologram were to disappear, we would once again be
able to perceive the 100% Universe—just as we did before
we were trapped. It has been there all the time,
although we currently only perceive it as dark space.
Difference between Spirit, Soul, Mind, and Body
This can be a very confusing matter
and needs a section of its own, but I’ll do my best to
explain how I’m using these different concepts in my
writing. I will start off with the Divine Feminine and
take it from there. This is how I see it.
The Divine Feminine
The Divine Feminine is my
term for what others call “God of Everything,” “Source,”
“First Source,” “The Goddess,” or “All That Is.” I am
convinced that the Universe is feminine in nature, and
therefore, I call the First Creatrix[3]
“The Divine Feminine.” She exists outside any universe,
but is also present in everything in all universes in a
multiverse of universes. The Divine Feminine lives in us
all, and in everything that exists, as explained in the
WPP, “The Second Level of Learning.”[4]
The Divine Feminine is not energy, and She is
not thought. She is “Nothingness” and
“Somethingness” simultaneously—She just “is.” She needs
to step down a level in order to become a separate
individual in any universe, and when She is there, She
starts creating with Her consciousness.
The Goddess’ First Creation: The Universes
The Divine Feminine (the Goddess)
was aware that She was All-Knowing, and therefore, She
wanted to create situations of “not-knowing” in order to
experience Herself from different perspectives
(dimensions/densities/viewpoints). Therefore, She
devoted Herself to the First Creation, a divine virgin
birthing, which was the creation of universes—with each
universe having its own characteristics. Thus, She
created a series of universes, as explained in the WPP,
“The Second Level of Learning.”[5]
These universes were intended to work as “templates,”
created in the KHAA/VOID of Nothingness. This was the
First Creation. Now, She needed parts of Herself that
were acting individually and independently, so the
Goddess could learn and experience more about Herself,
and thus, expand.
The Goddess’ Second Creation: Spirit
What I call Spirit is the Second
Creation of the Divine Feminine. Into these templates we
call universes, She then sent out Spirits, who were
extensions of Herself, and therefore, these Spirits
can’t be anything but Herself and are always connected
to Her. We could picture this as if the Goddess suddenly
sent out extended arms, where each arm was doing its own
thing. However, each arm is connected to the Divine Body
and is thus part of the Divine Feminine at all times.
The number of Spirits in these universes are almost
infinite. We usually call the Spirits “Oversouls.”
The Goddess’ Third Creation: Fire Composite or Soul Splinter (Fire or Soul for Short)
Thus, the Divine Feminine decided
to explore more dimensions of Herself, so She created
different universes in the KHAA. When the basic
templates for these universes were created, She sent out
extensions of Herself (parts of Her Spiritual “Body”)
and told these extensions (Spirits/Oversouls) to go out
and Create.
These Spirits were free to create
whatever they wanted, but certain rules applied. The
most important rule in our Spiritual Universe is the
“Law of Free Will,” which basically means that all
Spirits have the right to go out and explore and create
whatever they want, but all Spirits are responsible for
their creations, and their experiences are reported back
to the Divine Feminine, so She can learn from Her own
experiences via these smaller fractions of Herself.
In order for Spirit to operate in
the different universes, they needed to split themselves
into smaller fractions, as forms of energy, because the
universes are operating through energy. Thus, “fire
composites” (fire) or soul splinters (souls—same
thing as fire), were created from extensions of Spirit.
The fire/souls can be pictured as the fingers of the
extended arms (Spirit). It’s the fingers who can feel
and perceive the environment, and also create in it. In
the physical body in this analogy, the nervous system
sends signals back to the arm (Spirit) and further back
to the brain (the Divine Feminine). The Spirit then
becomes the Oversoul for Her many fractions of soul
splinters, spread out across the universe in which the
Spirit operates. Thus, more and more splinters from more
and more Spirits extend from the Oversoul and spread
themselves across their universe to create—either alone
or in groups.
Each fire/soul consists of a “fire
composite,” which is a myriad of small fires (smaller
Spirit fragments), grouped together into one individual
“being/individual composite.” With these fires, the
individual can then form an avatar (a body to operate in
across the universe). Usually, a fire composite is
“created” from “stardust” (therefore, “fire”), and the
fire composites are usually created in soul groups
(thus, “star races” and “star beings.” Stars are
inhabited, depending on which dimension we are
addressing. Stars are many different things, depending
on dimension. The stars themselves are sentient beings).
These soul groups/star races made up of energy or fire,
often take the same shape when it comes to avatars,
which is similar to the way all humans look alike, and
therefore, we see different kinds of beings in the KHAA,
depending on which soul group, or “star race,” that they
belong to and the energy signature they transmit
(although each fire composite also has Her own
Each fire composite can shapeshift
by remodeling Her fire composite into different shapes
and forms if needed and wanted (this is what we call
shapeshifting). The fire, after having “stepped down”
from the main body of Spirit, creates Her own “mind”
(consciousness) from learning experiences. However, the
difference between the mind of the original fire
composites in the KHAA and the soul/mind/consciousness
we humans currently possess in the Physical Universe is
that the former remembers what She has learned
because there is no real death in the spiritual universe
(with an exception that I will explain below).
At this point, the “Law of
Non-Interference” was created. This law means that no
one outside of a new-born soul group is allowed to
interfere with this soul group’s evolution and learning
process while a particular star race is evolving to a
similar level as another star race. Then, interaction
can take place.
Some “new-born” star races continue
living in their star/sun or out in space (I am referring
to space not being “dark” as it is with our
limited perceptions; more about this later). It’s rare
that star races or star beings live on planets—this is
something that is quite restricted to the holographic
universe we live in now—planets are normally used for
other things. Living on a planet was an Experiment
created by the Queen of the Stars—a First Spirit of the
Divine Feminine—in order to explore if star beings could
live on a beautifully created planet and still be able
to travel across the dimensions with thoughts, as all
other star beings do. Moreover, living on a planet can
sometimes be more challenging than otherwise desired,
and the Queen wanted to find out if such beings, whom I
call the Namlú’u—the Primordial Spiritual
Womankind—could still do this and contain their level of
compassion. No death was included in Her Divine
Experiment that was taking place in the KHAA. Before
that, living on planets was not something star beings
did in general—it was a new idea. The human soul group
was created specifically for this Experiment, and this
soul group was very dear and important to the Queen. She
gave these souls freedom to create and a promise to
return to the Orion Empire, of which She is the Queen,
with no strings attached. This human soul group is of
course us—Earth humans.
A fire composite in the KHAA
usually splits herself again and thus creates “copies”
of herself as she goes along, in order to be able to
explore and create even more, but also to protect
herself in case one of the soul fragments would be
annihilated in a war or by a malevolent being. Here on
Earth, we do a similar thing. It is true that each
individual here on Earth reincarnates over and over
across the lines of time, but each soul of the human
soul group is also split into other parts of herself,
who also reincarnate again and again and have their own
experiences throughout what we call time. The difference
between the fire splinters of the Spiritual Universe
(the KHAA) and soul splinters in the Physical Universe
is that the former always know where another fire
composite splinter is and what she does—they are
interconnected as One Being. Here on Earth, we have
death and amnesia. Therefore, one splinter of oneself is
not aware of another, and therefore, each splinter
develops differently into different personalities, based
on the individual experiences each splinter has. It’s
done this way with the purpose to create more
Wars in the KHAA
If a war would start somewhere in
the KHAA (and occasionally it does), and weapons are
used to destroy a fire/avatar from the enemy side, this
particular fire composite could be annihilated in the
sense that the fire fragments of the targeted being
would be scattered and separated from each other. If
this happens, these small fire fragments that made up
that being cannot reunite again, and will therefore
return to the main body of the Divine Feminine and merge
with Her again, becoming One with Her (part of the brain
in the above analogy).
However, this doesn’t mean that the
particular individual fire composite “dies” and is gone
forever. Each fire composite has her counterparts
somewhere else in the universe from splitting herself,
as described above. These splinters of the fire
composite live on and are of the same “individual” as
the one who got annihilated. This may be difficult to
comprehend for many, and if this is unclear, I suggest
that the reader goes through this material several
times, until an “aha” moment occurs.
Why does a soldier want to
annihilate a fire composite if that individual lives on
somewhere else? In wars, it’s usually a matter of
conquest, or to safeguard some interests, or it’s a
fight over real estate (constellations, star systems, or
planets). By eliminating the enemy that stands in the
way of obtaining a goal, one side gains advantages over
the other, and the fire composite who is annihilated
loses the “position” she had while still being that
particular composite, which can be unfortunate. It’s
similar to when a king gets overthrown by a mob. He
loses his position and usually has a difficult time
regaining it. In the KHAA, it’s the same thing when a
soul is annihilated, but the difference is that the same
“personality” lives on elsewhere in the KHAA, in one or
more splinters that are “copies” of each other, for lack
of a better word.
The Human Soul Group
Here on Earth, we consist of the
same template as in the KHAA, i.e. a fire composite
(fire/avatar), but we also have a physical body, which
most people think is very important. Regardless, the
fact remains that without a physical body, we can’t live
on Earth.
Religions around the world usually
teach us that we are spirit or soul within a physical
body, i.e. the soul and the body are separate, and when
the body gets old or sick, it ceases to function: a
state we call death. Then, when we notice that we
continue to live in the astral dimensions after body
death, we think that it’s the soul who lives on, and
that this soul is the ultimate “you,” the “personality.”
This is not so. Humans have
forgotten who they are and who they are connected to
(the Divine Feminine through Spirit/Oversoul). They
believe in a God archetype, who rules the world with His
principles—often with firm rules, overseeing everything
and judging everything.
Many also believe that the soul and
the mind are separate, thinking the mind is the brain of
the physical body—the brain being the “thinking unit.”
People have forgotten that they are spirit/mind/body in
one basic unit.
The mind is of course not the
brain. The brain is the control center in the body (the
computer control room, if you like). Here we store
memories and experiences that we have in our physical
bodies, and those experiences are then transferred into
the soul/mind (fire/avatar or “light-body”). Not until
we die and notice that the soul lives on do we
understand that the soul is the “thinking unit.” We
realize that the brain is not the thinking unit.
We also realize that the soul and the mind are one and
the same. Moreover, we notice that we have a “soul
body,” or a “light-body,” as we often call it. We can
shape our light body anyway we want—most discarnate
souls shape it in a way that the individual looked like
while being at his or her most desirable age in the last
lifetime. The light-body is essentially our avatar, i.e.
the myriad of fire/soul that makes up our
However, the AIF is controlling our
avatar as well, through the chakra system and our
energetic/electromagnetic field, which is tied to the
Grid—the Grid being, for the most part, built by our own
human mass consciousness, existing within the
technology-controlled, frequency band we call 3-D.
This creates a false “astral body,”
which can only function in the astral dimensions, which
are parts of the Physical Universe hologram. While stuck
in the astral body (we could look at it as an overlay of
the avatar/light-body), we cannot leave the astral
dimensions and “accidentally” return to the KHAA
dimensions (we will discuss this in more details later
in this article). Spirit/soul-mind-fire/light body are
one and the same—in one basic unit. There is no
separation. However, in this realm of existence (3-D),
we believe that our “real” bodies are the physical
bodies, which obviously are separate from us.
Thus, the Overlords created
separation for the first time when they manipulated the
human soul group into entering’s genetically
manipulated solid bodies made of atoms. This is where
separation comes from, and it expresses itself in
dualism, opposites, yin and
yang, karma, and
polarity (black/white, good/evil/, light/dark, etc.).
Here on Earth, we build our
personality, lifetime after lifetime, based on our
upbringing and what we “learn” in society (and outside
society). Experiences accumulate and form our
personality. This personality then separates from the
physical body at death, but continues to live in a new
body in a new incarnation, over and over. The
experiences from one lifetime passes over to the next,
although the soul does not remember because of amnesia
implants placed in the physical body and in the astral
body by the AIF. All these experiences across the lines
of time are stored in our fire as memories, and so are
the experiences of the “genetic line,” which is the
RNA/DNA timeline of the body we possess in any given
lifetime. Because of amnesia, this can become very
confusing to the person. Often, events from previous
lives of the soul, and previous lives in the genetic
line overlap, and unwittingly, the individual may
experience unexplained pain, trauma, or even epiphanies
that originate from previous lives. All this forms the
personality of the particular soul splinter that we
consider being us in this lifetime.
The real you is all this, but it is
so much more. Take your current personality and
add infinite opportunities to that, and you'll have the
you (as a fire composite) that you will operate
from in the KHAA—your entire current personality remains
as a series of experiences, all in a simultaneous
This is the way that I look at it;
it may take some processing and inner meditation to
really grasp this concept and to see whether it applies
to you. On Earth, our neural pathways are normally not
yet fully connected so as to comprehend these subject
matters, but with new learning, new neural pathways are
created, and dormant parts of our DNA start to light up.
We “evolve” to a new level.
It is important to realize that
what you call your “consciousness” is not “you,” either.
It’s the energy signature your Spirit is working with
through Her soul (created by experiences)—the fire
composite that you consider being you, but it is not
you. The Spirit/Oversoul is the unit that is really
“you.” The soul/fire is your vehicle, which you are
using in the Universe after having stepped down its
vibratory rate and become energy, so you can create in a
construct called the Universe. Therefore, we could call
the original Universe a hologram, too, although it is a
hologram of which we usually are aware and can freely
create in, as opposed to a hologram in which we are
trapped. It was created with the purpose of enslaving
Our fire/soul/consciousness is what
we use to create in this or any other universe. The
creation process is then registered in Spirit and in the
Divine Feminine.
When we are trapped here in the 4%
Physical Universe, we have very little connection with
our Higher Self (Spirit/Oversoul) because of the
electronic obstacles that have been created as barriers
between soul and Spirit. It is when we are first leaving
this trap that we unite with our Oversoul, and from
thereon we’re always connected and very much aware of
the connection. There is, when the soul is free, a
constant communication between soul and Spirit. We will
all remain individuals, creating our own realities with
thought, but fully aware that we are all connected.
Today, people who are waking up
feel that their awareness and their consciousness has
increased, and indeed they have! What happens is that
the soul that is you in this reality is beginning to
break down the amnesia barriers in your DNA and in your
soul, and you vaguely remember your past in the KHAA, as
a Namlú’u—the part of your existence as a soul that was
not manipulated; you were living in the Spiritual
Universe with a direct connection with Spirit and the
Divine Feminine. In the extension, we also begin to
connect with Spirit/Oversoul, and this creates
epiphanies, “strange experiences,” “knowingness” without
any substance to it in this reality, intuition,
telepathic abilities, ESP, psychic abilities in general,
and much more. A person, who experiences any or all of
the above, is to that extent reconnected with the KHAA.
My hope is that you, the reader of
this article, is prepared enough to be able to create an
exit for yourself. This is basically the purpose of the
WPP and everything I’ve written after that. There is
certain information we all need in order to grasp what
kind of reality we are living in. Once that is fairly
well understood, you will be able to comprehend this
article and to implement the information herein. If
you’re with me so far, you are most likely vibrating on
a higher level than the limited frequency band we call
the Third Dimension. Thus, you will have the opportunity
to exit this reality and return to the Universe in which
you belong—it’s time to go home.
In my opinion, there is an urgency
when it comes to learning about (or remembering) these
things. In my book,
Synthetic Super-Intelligence and the Transmutation of
Humankind—A Roadmap to the Singularity, I
disclosed the Artificial Intelligence (AI) Agenda and
its first big goal—the Singularity. I doubt that anyone
who is reading this article wants to be part of the
Singularity. Therefore, it’s imminent that we learn how
to exit the frequency prison before we once again end up
in the Death Trap.
There has been much discussion
about an “Alien Invasion” and the “Return of the gods,”
but it seems to me, when looking at it in perspective,
the Alien Invasion is the Singularity, and that
is when the gods will return. This is just my own
hypothesis, but in all this, it’s what makes the most
sense. The AIF-controlled Artificial Intelligence, with
its goal—the Singularity—is the Alien Invasion
that people have predicted and in that same breath, the
gods will return—shortly before the Singularity or
shortly after—and there is nothing “fake” about this
The Death Trap
What usually happens when we die is
that Spirit Guides, who are more often than not AIF in
disguise, escort us to where in the astral we are
supposed to go. Where we end up depends on our
beliefs—if we believe in Jesus and Heaven, we are most
likely to be transported into such a frequency band
(dimension) in the astral plane. We will mingle with
likeminded, and there might even be a God there, and
Jesus might sit by his side—it’s all virtual realities
within virtual realities, and we help creating these
realities with our beliefs, which form the energy we
transmit and receive. Therefore, someone who believes in
Krishna will likely end up in a dimension within the
hologram containing a Hindu belief system.
The afterlife often begins with a
“tunnel of light,” through which the discarnate
soul/mind/light-body travels to her destination. At the
end of the tunnel, an appropriate being greets the soul.
This being could be Jesus or Krishna, or simply a loved
one, who has passed away earlier. These beings/persons
are often just projections, created by the AIF to pull
the soul into a certain “container” or “astral
The AIF knows whom to project
because they have the technology to scan the soul—before
or at the death moment—for memories and experiences.
These memories and experiences are then used to give the
soul a “life review,” where she will re-experience the
most recent lifetime in a matter of seconds or minutes,
measured in Earth time. The soul is then encouraged to
examine this life experience and compare the good and
not so good things she did during her previous lifetime.
Subsequently, she discusses with her Spirit Guide what
she needs to improve, and the soul will then feel a
certain amount of guilt for the “bad things” she did to
herself or others, or what she neglected to do for other
people while she was incarnated. The Spirit Guide then
suggests that the soul returns to Earth to remedy these
“flaws.” In order to create balance, the Spirit Guide
will tell the soul that in the next incarnation it is a
good idea to experience the “other side of the coin,”
i.e. if the soul was abusive to others in the previous
life, it’s a good idea to become the abused in the next
lifetime to experience the matter from the other
person’s perspective. This is where the idea of karma
comes into play. It is a term and a “phenomenon”
invented by the AIF with the purpose of having the soul
reincarnate willingly under a strict set of rules.
It should also be mentioned that in
some instances, a discarnate soul is recycled
immediately after the recent body has expired. This soul
goes through a tunnel as well, but in these cases, the
tunnel just leads back to Earth again, and the soul is
shot into a new body—she has no choice in the matter.
The “adventures” in the afterlife
trap are fairly well described by author and researcher
Dr. Michael Newton, who wrote a series of books on the
subject, after having put more than 7,000 subjects into
regression therapy, where the subjects were telling
similar stories of what happens between lives. His best
book, in my opinion, is
Destiny of Souls.
A synopsis of this book can be found by using this link
to one of my papers, Wes Penre, March 25, 2011: “Metaphysics
Paper #4: There is a Light at the End of the Tunnel--
What Happens After Body Death?”
Regardless if she is vibrating on a
frequency that is equivalent to the Christian Heaven, an
Islamic Heaven, in Hell, or elsewhere, this between
lives zone is just a temporary abode; the soul will
eventually be brought into a “control room” in the
astral, and with assistance from advanced technology,
the soul will be beamed back to the Earth plane and will
hover around the pregnant woman who is to become his or
her mother, and at a point during the pregnancy, the
soul enters the body, upon which a new lifetime begins.
This describes the Death Trap in a
nutshell. This soul recycling process has been practiced
here for millennia, and each time we enter a new body,
we do this with artificially induced amnesia caused by
the AIF. Thus, we more or less have to relearn what we
learned in previous lives. And even though we are not
allowed to remember our past lives, traumas and
experiences from other lifetimes and other lines of time
affect us in the current incarnation because they are
embedded in our soul. As a result, we often don’t
understand why we act and react the way we do and why we
are afraid of certain things and not of others. This
makes life on Earth extremely difficult, and the
so-called learning lessons are often filled with trauma,
guilt, anger, sadness, and other unwanted experiences.
This is not how it is supposed to be.
It must also be mentioned that our
wide range of emotions are also a part of the human
experiment in 3-D, and thus part of the Physical
Universe experience and our human consciousness. The
Spirit/Oversoul and the soul, when consciously living in
the KHAA, does not have the same range of emotions we
experience on Earth. This range of emotion was created
by the AIF in order to better control us. They use these
emotions against us. When we really think about it, what
have these strong emotions done to humanity? It has more
often than not led to pain and suffering and even more
separation. It has led to conflict, jealously, power
struggles, and much, much more. Yes, we also have the
ability to love another person (i.e. another part of
ourselves), and we can have physical sex. These are the
pleasurable parts of having strong emotions, but the
love we feel for each other is still to a large degree
selfish love—we give, but we also need. In the
KHAA, there is love as well, although it’s on an
entirely different level. It’s unconditional in a sense,
but it doesn’t mean that beings can attack each other
and let “unconditional love” restrain them from acting
upon the assault. Things are handled accordingly, but as
a rule, as peacefully as possible (sometimes this is not
the option of choice, and a conflict—or even a war—could
emerge). The Unconditional Love, as we see it, is on the
Goddess and the Spirit levels, where the Divine Feminine
has Unconditional Love for all Her creations. After all,
She “said,” “Go out and Create whatever you want, but
you are responsible for what you create.”
The AIF tell us in the astral, if
asked, that we need to have amnesia because time
on Earth is linear (which is a construct), and it would
be too overwhelming to remember everything. This is
nonsense. If we remembered, we could at least have the
option to do something about our problems, but those who
control this system don’t want us to be too clever. They
keep us here so we can be their slaves and their
workforce, not their equals or their superiors. The way
it is setup, we don’t even know the source of our
problems because they often originated in other
lifetimes. On the other hand, this 3-D experience,
instigated by and his cohorts in the AIF, is a
trap to begin with, so this previous discussion is
basically obsolete. We need a way to break out of the
prison, and fortunately there is a way!
There are no atoms in the Spiritual Universe. Although
"thought" is also a construct of sorts, which we are
using here in the trap as well; it is a higher level of
construct. As soon as we fragment ourselves from the
Whole, we need to step down at least a little bit in
order to be able to operate even in the Spiritual
Universe. Therefore, thought, which is the highest level
of operation next to being One with the Divine Feminine
(not fragmented), is what beings in the Spiritual
Universe use to operate. From there comes imagination,
intention, and manifestation. By transmitting your
thoughts to other fire fragments, you can find beings
who are willing to co-create with you, and you can
create whatever you want. When the creation has
fulfilled its purpose, you can un-create it--also with
thought. And as I've mentioned many times before--beings
in the KHAA travel from one point (of view) to another
with the speed of thought.
This is very difficult to put down in words because it's
"out of this world." Therefore, what I wrote here is
very simplified, but it’s the way I've come to
understand it. We live in a virtual reality that has
become extremely complex, which means that whatever we
do here, we humans have a tendency to complicate.
Haven't we all heard the expression, "keep it simple?"
That's a very good idea.
might be difficult to wrap our heads around the fact
that everything made of atoms is part of the trap. The
easiest way to comprehend this, perhaps, is to compare
the atomic universe (the physical universe) with our
thoughts. Are our thoughts made of atoms? No. If we
create with our thoughts (inside our "head"), are these
thoughts made of atoms? No. Thus, if we exist in a VOID,
which is VOID of atoms, and we create with our thoughts
and manifest these thoughts directly into the VOID, are
our manifestations made of atoms? No.
However, you can also create "illusions" the way
did. You do so by manipulating spirits in your
environment. When Lucifer/ did this, it had not
been done in such a manner before, apparently. He
created bodies of much lower frequencies and implanted a
virtual reality into them. Then he seduced spirits to go
in there and experience it (similar to how they seduce
us to go “into" the smartphone world today--so
BEWARE!!!). Once in that virtual reality, he closed the
trap and made us believe that our physical bodies are
very important and that they are separate from the
spirit/soul/mind. This is how he created separation.
Embedded into the physical body was also an astral body
that the spirit was manipulated into using when the body
expires. Thus, he had control over the Spirit fragments
even in the afterlife. This astral body (that is not
you) feels a loss from the separation of the body, and
even though she experiences a more exhilarated state of
being in the astral, she thinks she needs to get back to
get a new physical body to become "whole" again, and to
live out her karma (something that is also a part of the
manipulation). Also,
the soul feels the urge to return to Earth because Earth
was the planet where she originally was assigned her
mission. She doesn’t remember that this assignment was
in the KHAA and not in the Physical Universe.
be able to create the illusion of the astral dimensions
(the dimensions of the physical universe) created
the physical universe with all its dimensions from the
smallest and up, meaning he created a mini universe of
atoms that built a "bigger" universe of planet, stars,
and galaxies, etc. It was all copy-catted from the basic
Spiritual Universe.'s atoms become the
cornerstones of the physical universe, and advanced
technology is holding these atoms in place by keeping
them within a certain limited frequency band and
vibrations—thus the limitations we experience. The atoms
in our bodies vibrate within this limited frequency as
well, and so we are trapped—or we are led to think we
Saturn is a key to keeping the hologram in place in our
solar system. Saturn transmits certain sound frequencies
that can be heard in NASA videos. It sounds very
distorted and dissonant, and it is. We can only hear
these sound frequencies within the band of human
perception when they are slowed down, i.e. within the
frequency band of the trap. Indeed, the frequencies that
Saturn (and other planets, too)[6]
transmit are the frequencies that help keeping the
hologram intact. It's all done with advanced ET
technology. You can see and hear the slowed-down sound
waves of Saturn in this video: .
As a side note, I can imagine that
a married couple, for example, who both are aware of the
information in this article, might be concerned about
whether they will meet each other again in the KHAA, in
case one of them dies before the other. In which galaxy
might the partner dwell? Is it like finding a needle in
a haystack (or worse)? Well, putting two and two
together, I presume that this will not be a problem. In
the KHAA, we are our full potential, and if the husband
dies after his spouse, he can call upon the spouse in
the KHAA, after she dies as well, and the two can
A Portal to the Home Universe
am fully aware that this is the first time any of us
intends to break out of the AIF prison, and I am aware
that it is scary for most people—I would say for
all people, although perhaps more so for some than for
others. Everything that deals with the unknown is
frightening to some degree. The same fear hits most of
us when we try to induce an “Out of Body Experience” (OBE)—there
is a fear of death. This fear is embedded in our 3-D
bodies, and therefore, we all have it to a certain
extent. Also, much of what I am writing about in general
can seem scary to many to begin with, but once that fear
is overcome, inner calmness and peace replace the fear,
and we move to a higher state of consciousness, closer
to our real self. The fear mechanisms that are
implanted in our bodies by the AIF scientists are
becoming more and more deactivated, and the DNA that is
dormant inside us begin to light up, one strand at a
time. Although DNA is also a construct in the Physical
Universe, it still is connected to our consciousness.
It’s often difficult for
researchers to share what they have discovered if the
information is “negative” because they are afraid that
people will consider them to be “fear mongers.” In the
past, I used to think that way, too, until I took
another look at myself and saw what I had gained
from taking part of the so-called negative information,
and the gains were quite substantial. If I could gain
from it, others can too, I thought. We all just need to
go through various stages of emotions (including anger)
before we reach the other side and stop being reactive
to things and replace our reactivity with inner
peace—something that happens automatically over time. We
urgently need to know both the “negative” and the
“positive” sides of things, or we’ll only know half of
the story. We also live in a construct of polarity, so
we can’t exclude one polarity in favor of another.
When it comes to exiting the death
trap, we don’t need to be afraid; after all, we have
“died” thousands of times already, so that’s nothing
new. The only thing that’s new is that this time we want
to try something outside the norm. This time, we have an
opportunity we’ve never had before because the Grid that
surrounds our planet is no longer intact; primarily
because there are some of us humans who have raised our
consciousness to a level where we partly vibrate outside
the limited frequency band we call the Third Dimension.
Thus, there are now holes in the Grid that act like
portals, leading straight out of the Frequency Prison.[7]
The Grid now looks more like Swiss cheese than an intact
electromagnetic field. As much as things appear to be
more dire now than perhaps ever before on our planet,
the opposite polarity is also true—we have a small
window where we can finally exit!
The Global Elite, who I call the
“Controllers,” (ET hybrids in the highest level
positions, unknown to regular people, and the “Minions”
—humans who have some knowledge of the real agenda and
work for the Controllers and the Overlords) know about
this; and of course, so do the Overlords. The logical
question would be; why don’t the Overlords repair the
damage by simply eliminating us, after which the Grid
might go back to being more or less intact?
There are many reasons for that,
and here are a few of them,
- Even if they would kill all of the millions of people who are waking up, they would only kill our bodies—we are still part of the 3-D Hologram after body death, and our consciousness level remains and so do the holes in the Grid. The Overlords can decide to annihilate the soul/mind/light-body complex, as explained in the Wes Penre Papers (WPP), but that would violate the Law of Free Will because it’s unprovoked, and the perpetrators could get in deep trouble.- The Overlords probably didn’t anticipate that the holes in the Grid would be discovered for what they are, and if someone accidentally escaped through one of them, what could be achieved through them would not be understood. Accordingly, the discarnate soul would still run for the death trap and get recycled again. We could compare this to the bird, who has been caged all its life and is not even considering that it can live outside of the cage. Therefore, if we open the little door to the cage, the bird would still decide to remain inside. However, I am not the only one who has seen the “cracks in the prison wall,” and thus, the cat is already out of the bag, or the bird is out of the cage, we might say. Now we just need to use our “soul wings” and fly away.- The Overlords are working on bringing humanity into the Singularity, and they understand that there will be some “spill” on the way—they probably realize that a few of us will escape, and that is acceptable, but many who actually could escape will get cold feet when it boils down to it and instead opt for what they are used to—following the Spirit Guides into the trap and get recycled again because this might feel safer to them.
What about the Minions? Will those
who know about the holes in the Grid exit through the
holes, too? This is highly unlikely because they are
afraid that they would be judged for their crimes
against humanity on the other side of the Grid and that
they would lose the power they feel they have here on
Earth. They are correct on both accounts. Also, they
would not be welcome in Orion, except to stand trial.
When relatives and friends die, we
usually miss them and perhaps grieve them. We feel a
loss, and we wish we could see them and be with them
again. The Overlords are well aware of this, and they
have played on our emotions since they manipulated Homo
sapiens into being in the first place long ago. By
scanning us at our “death moment,” the “Afterlife Staff”
(the so-called “Grays,” who will sometimes be in
disguise and sometimes not) will know who your loved
ones are. In order to solidify the trap, the deceased
may see a projection of a loved one who comes to greet
her. This is usually enough in order to seduce the soul
into entering the appropriate astral dimension. On
occasion, if the loved one is still on the other side,
this soul may actually be the one greeting the recently
discarnate. However, for the diseased, it’s almost
impossible to tell the difference between a holographic
projection and the real souls of the relatives and loved
ones. As I’ve mentioned many times before; it’s
impossible for humans to imagine how advanced AIF
technology is, compared to Earth technology in our time.
The Spirit Guide could also take
the form of a loved one, an old friend from the recent
lifetime, or from a lifetime previous to that.
Sometimes, there are more than one Spirit Guide (I have
discussed the Death Trap in detail in the WPP[8],
so I won’t take up space here to repeat that
information—especially because this article is
discussing how to avoid the trap, not the details
of the trap).

Diagram #1: The
Recycling Trap and the Exit Point.
[Courtesy: Artist Jeng
The first important thing is to
ignore whomever approaches you once you separate from
your physical body in death. This is where focusing
comes into the picture! I can’t emphasize enough how
important this is, in order not to get distracted.
Because the Afterlife Staff has
more than likely scanned our energy field before, or at
the death moment, they also know what our plans are.
They are not going to stop us by force, but they might
try to distract us and to manipulate us into following
them. It’s fairly easy for them to get us to give them
permission to suck us into their tunnel of light, or
however they want to bring you to the next afterlife
station. This is why it’s so important to learn how to
focus before we die. In other words, start the
process today! I will discuss how to focus in the
designated section below.
Instead of paying any attention to
anyone, regardless of who they might be, or appear to
be, you concentrate on what is “above” you. You will
notice that you now have a 360° vision, but when I wrote
“above,” I meant in relation to where your dead body is.
Above you, you will see the Grid.
It may be fuzzy or more “solid,” depending on your
focus, but that’s relatively unimportant. Once you’ve
spotted the Grid, look for holes in it. You should be
able to see those almost instantly. Choose one of the
holes, focus on it and put out the thought and intention
that you are now going to nano-travel[9]
through the hole and land in the VOID (or KHAA, whatever
term you prefer). Be aware that you will show up on the
other side of the hole instantaneously, and
unexperienced as you might be, you may not even be aware
of that you have reached your first destination until
you have oriented yourself.
What you will experience next
depends on your own willingness to see what is really
there. A totally ignorant soul, who potentially would go
through the Grid, would only see the solar system and
dark space, in a way we are supposed to see these things
while still in the hologram. Such a soul would soon be
approached by Spirit Guides or guards, be told that she
has wandered astray, and she would then be escorted to
an afterlife station of the Spirit Guides’ choice,
depending on the belief system of the discarnate.
The readers of this article have
hopefully also read at least parts of the WPP,[10]and
hopefully also my e-book, Synthetic
Super-Intelligence—A Roadmap to the Singularity and
A general comprehension of these two sources is crucial
to understanding where to go from here.
Once on the other side of the Grid,
someone who is aware (most readers of this article),
would see the Universe the way it really looks like. You
will probably see something that looks similar to a
luminous spider web, where the web consists of
“highways” and trade routes between star systems and
galaxies. However, there will be no “darkness”
anymore—you will notice that what we call “dark space”
is now lit up and occupied, similar to a lit up room.
What is going to be in this endless “room” that I call
the KHAA/VOID, and science calls Dark Matter and Dark
Energy, is anyone’s guess; I really don’t know, other
than that it is going to be a huge surprise and not what
we might have expected, limited as we have been,
operating with only five senses.
Nonetheless, the KHAA will
re-stimulate what our soul already knew in the “past,”
before we were trapped. We all have been “KHAA beings”
once upon a time, so a certain familiarity will also be
It’s my guess that you will look at
this in awe and have a great sensation of “homecoming”
and happiness. It will probably feel a little awkward to
begin with, but you will soon become very familiar with
this new view of the Universe; our true home.
It’s important to understand that
in the KHAA we don’t need any spaceships or other
vehicles to travel around—it’s all done by using our
thoughts. Therefore, it’s very important to be able to
focus one’s thoughts. If your thoughts remain as
dispersed as many people are today, you will soon notice
that your thoughts will take you all over the map, and
you end up somewhere unintentionally. In the next
moment, you’ll find yourself elsewhere, and you will
jump around in this fashion until you think to yourself,
“OK, it’s time to focus. STOP!” At that moment, you will
stop bouncing around. Next, focus your thought (one
thought only) on where you want to go (for example, to
the Gates of the Orion Empire). Then imagine in your
mind how it would look like (it doesn’t have to be
“correct”), just create a pure intention that this is
where you want to go, and then go.
In that way, you will end up where
you actually want to go.
As a side note here, do not worry
that you will get lost in the Universe because your
thought can always take you back to where you started,
if you wish. There is no such thing as getting lost,
unless you act like an ignorant soul, but if that were
the case, you would not have experienced the real KHAA
when you went through the Grid, anyway. Thus, getting
lost is not an issue. I will bring this up in greater
detail in one of the subsections below.
As part of the human soul group,
you will be welcome into Orion, unless you have created
a lot of harm and lived lifetimes being very destructive
and engaged in serious criminal activities as your
soul’s common modus operandi.
You will soon realize that the soul
you thought were “you” on Earth is only a very tiny part
of the real you. Indeed, your earthly personality is not
your real personality at all. It’s just your “analytical
mind” (the ego) that you built up here on Earth as you
went along. The real you, as an individual soul
splinter, is the complete knowingness of being One with
the Creatrix. And that you acts in the KHAA, in your
soul splinters, by using the entire composite of
experiences from the “time” when you were born as a
Spirit up until your most recent experience. Then you
build from thereon, but you’re doing so from a constant
“now” because all time is simultaneous in the KHAA—everything
exists in an ever-changing “now.” The other soul
splinters that are part of you and are still stuck on
Earth on other timelines and in the past or the future
will be called back to the Oversoul once their current
lifetimes on Earth are completed. This might even be the
case if one or more of your contemporary soul splinters
get stuck in the Singularity.
Now, with access to the KHAA
dimensions, you can create with your thoughts, travel by
thought, communicate with thoughts to other beings in
the KHAA, and mingle with other spirits, by either
participating in their creations or starting your own
and having others join you. There will be no limits
other than those you create yourself. Your purpose is to
“go out and create” and learn how to do this from new
perspectives as you go along. All the experiences that
one soul splinter has will contribute to the Whole, and
thus, the Divine Feminine learns and grows ad infinitum.
The human soul group was created by
the Queen of the Stars from the Eternal Spiritual “Body”
with the purpose of participating in the Human
Experiment that was later hijacked by Her son Lucifer/
and his rebels, whom we sometimes call the “Fallen
Angels” or the “Nephilim.” Therefore, we are considered
unexperienced in comparison to many other spirits in the
KHAA. However, just as it is here on Earth, beings in
the KHAA are learning as well. In the WPP, I discussed
how many star systems, star constellations, and perhaps
even entire galaxies, work in a similar manner to our
Earth universities, where beings can study and learn
more, in order to further increase their abilities as
“creator gods.” The Orion Constellation is one such
university (although that’s not its only purpose, of
These are but a few of the
multitude of things that we can look forward to when we
exit. Amazing as it may seem, we will experience Total
Freedom for the first time in about 500,000 earth-years.
No one will tell us what we have to do—we are our own
creators of our reality, and creativity will be rewarded
and rewarding, not punished, as so often is the case
here in 3-D.
Learning how to Focus
As mentioned above, focusing is the
key when we enter the astral realms after physical
death. You may be one of those who is skilled on how to
be focused and can disregard distractions in order to
concentrate on a certain task. If so, you are to be
congratulated because it’s quite rare in today’s world,
where we learn that we need to multitask at all times.
Multitasking in itself is not necessarily bad; you just
split your mind into different factions, where one
faction does a different task than another, and the
different factions can still work in unison to
accomplish certain goals. The bad thing with
multitasking in today’s society is that it’s also
related to negative stress. This will overwhelm the
mind, and instead of focusing, the mind dissociates to
cope with all the situations, where excessive
multitasking is required. In the long run, the mind gets
scattered and the thoughts are all over the place. The
person now has a difficult time keeping a conversation
going and staying on the subject. We see this in people
all the time. They begin discussing Subject A, and
without completing the concept, the discussion takes
another turn and then another, etc. In a matter of
minutes, the conversation is on five to six different
subjects simultaneously, and some subjects are dropped
in the middle to be replaced by another.
We need to understand that all
thoughts we create, and everything we say, have
consequences. We constantly create different potential
timelines that drift around in the ether as incomplete.
All these incomplete communications remain connected to
not only the “Person A” who initiated them, but also to
the people who were subjected to them through “Person
A’s” incomplete thoughts. This can become very confusing
for everybody involved, and it drains energy from the
individuals who are subjected to this. Thus, people
sometimes feel very weak and tired after they have
talked to certain individuals.
This is very common, unfortunately,
and we would all gain from practicing our ability to
remain focused. The way to do it is to clear our
consciousness from all irrelevant thoughts that are
constantly drifting around our minds. Sometimes, it’s
just that—thoughts, but other times these thoughts can
actually develop into complete voices, with complete
sentences. On occasion, a person may recognize some of
these voices as the voices of people they know, but more
often, the voices are unfamiliar to the person.
Many people have thoughts in their
heads that are not their own, although many people think
they are. We pick up thoughts from others without being
aware of it, but we also create our own incomplete
thoughts that can become thought forms that float around
in our minds and get re-stimulated and “brought to
life.” Thus, we hear these voices and thoughts inside
our heads and some of them are destructive and parasitic
and need to be replaced by positive, symbiotic thoughts
in order for us to feel safe and sane. There are few
things on Earth as rare as a “silent mind,” unless the
person is continuously meditating and is an expert in
protecting himself or herself.
It’s important to recognize one’s
own thoughts and distinguish them from other people’s
thoughts. This is true both when you are alone and when
you are in a crowd of people. Some of us are more
sensitive than others when it comes to picking up
thoughts from other people’s minds, but regardless, we
need to practice recognition of the various thoughts;
much like stations on a radio. You can really only
listen to one station at a time. So, be sure to pick a
good one. And if you tune into a nasty one, just change
the channel.
Therefore, to be begin, think of
something, it doesn’t matter what. Focus on that thought
and recognize it as yours. Then sit still in silence for
a few minutes and listen carefully to your mind. Are
there other thoughts in there that you didn’t think? Or
did you divert from your initial thought and start
listening to your mind to such an extent that, instead
of focusing, you got involved in other thought
Step one is to become aware of all
the thoughts floating around your mind , but still keep
focusing on the initial thought. After a while, most of
the other thoughts will diminish, and some of them will
disappear—perhaps only temporarily to begin with. At
this point in your practice, you don’t need to totally
silence your mind, just notice how it works and how all
these floating thoughts distract you in your daily life
to a greater or lesser degree and keep you unfocussed.
Once you realize this and are still
able to focus on the original thought, this part of the
practice is over. You might be able to reach this stage
fairly quickly, but don’t be surprised if it take days,
perhaps even weeks, of daily practice just to reach this
Now it’s time to clear your mind.
You can do it on your own or together with a partner.
Sit comfortably in a chair or a couch and close your
eyes. Totally relax your body—no tension anywhere. Once
you have done this, let your mind go. Observe the
thoughts that pop up, acknowledge them, and let them go.
Continue doing so for every thought that comes into your
mind. The purpose of this practice is to empty your mind
as completely as possible. The end result is when you
feel that you can just comfortably sit there without
being distracted by anything—no thoughts in your head,
or anything else happening in your environment. You feel
as if your mind is depleted of thoughts—no new thoughts
come into your head, you’re just comfortably sitting
there. A feeling of complete peace will come over you.
When you have reached this stage and can basically sit
down anytime, eyes closed, and be able to clear your
mind within a few seconds, you have completed this part.
Again, this could take a long time, but try to practice
it daily, perhaps in the morning before you go to work,
or whatever your daily routine might be. It doesn’t
matter what time of day or night you pick, but you
should be fairly rested, not hungry, but not stuffed
with food, either.
Also, if you want to do this with a
partner, so much the better! In that case, you sit
facing each other at a distance of approximately 6 feet,
and both do the practice at the same time. This can be
done in the following steps as well (see below). During
this practice, you will more than likely dose off on a
regular basis. If this is the case, and you are actually
rested, you’re not dosing off because you’re tired, but
because it’s part of the process. When this happens and
you feel you want to fall asleep, slowly open your eyes,
look around, take a few very deep breaths, and then
start all over again. If you are persistent, the
tiredness will go away, and you will eventually have a
moment of insight—whatever that insight is—small or big.
When this insight comes to you, it’s a very good time to
stop for now and continue when you have time
again—hopefully not more than 24 hours later in order to
get the best results the fastest.
When you feel you can routinely
reach the goal for this practice, you go to the last
step, which is to do the same thing, but now with your
eyes open. You will probably realize that this is a new
challenge. However, after you’ve mastered the step when
your eyes were closed, this time you will accomplish the
goal faster. The goal is the same—to sit there
comfortably without being distracted by thoughts or by
your environment.
You will notice, once you have
accomplished the goals, that you now have considerably
increased your ability to focus. This is an essential
ability we all need in order to nano-travel in the KHAA
without restrictions, be able to create what we want,
and travel to places where we actually intend to travel.
These two basic practices have
assisted me enormously, and although we can never be
perfect at this in 3-D, with all its restrictions, these
practices will help us to concentrate and focus enough
to navigate the KHAA, once our solid bodies and the
frequency prison in general are not a part of our
“reality” anymore.
Important to realize is that after
having practiced and become good at focusing, we can
still be dispersed when around other people, or while
going on with our daily routines in general. This is
okay; it’s the matter of being able to refocus at any
time, when it’s important to do so, that’s of
consequence. When we can do this, we will be able to
focus in the KHAA, as well.
Getting lost in the KHAA?
imagine the greatest fear people often have at this
point, on this subject, is that they are going to get
lost in a vast, almost infinite, dark space. I would
like to do my best to eliminate that fear in the reader,
if that fear is present (even if ever so subtly).
made an allegory in the WPP about a pitch-dark room with
a light dimmer on the wall. When you slowly turn the
light dimmer up, you begin to see more and more details
in the room, where there was only blackness before it is
now illuminated. When the dimmer is turned up all the
way, there is no darkness in the room anymore.
Everything is lit up, and you can see the walls, the
ceiling, the floor, the furniture, and people in the
room, perhaps. If you walk into the lit up room and look
out the window, you might see a beautiful meadow
outside, and far away in the distance you see a forest
take shape. When you look at the meadow, you get a
feeling of space, but the difference between this space
and the “dark space” we are experiencing with our 5
senses is that the space you see when you look at the
meadow is not dark, although it’s certainly “space.”
This is also the difference between experiencing the
KHAA with full perception versus being limited by our 5
senses in 3-D.
the WPP, I often wrote about the importance of creating
our own reality in our “Local Universe,” which is the
universe we experience on a daily basis, i.e. our
immediate environment. This environment, and what you
and others create in it, will be your primary reality.
What happens on the other side of the country, or on the
other side of the world, literally happens on another
version of Earth, although your version, and all these
other versions you hear about in the news, are
overlapping. You are not there to experience the wars in
the Middle East, but you might hear about them as they
happen on another version of Earth.
is a very good practice for the soul to focus on one
reality and be aware of how different people create
realities/lives for themselves by participating in a
local, agreed-upon reality. It’s not as if these other
Earths/realities will totally disappear, but by putting
an ever-increasing distance between yourself and them,
they will be less important and fade from your life the
less you put your attention on them and instead focus on
your own locality. In the very long run, your own Earth
would take on a life of its own and become its own
“potential reality,” which has a continuum and therefore
can exist on its own.
However, if the AIF were to decide to drop devastating
bombs all over Planet Earth and totally destroy it, it
would almost certainly affect your Local Universe, too,
because these different versions of Earth (different
agreed-upon realities, functioning at slightly different
frequencies from your own) are still connected. Another
option is that your Local Universe would be spared from
destruction, but the environment outside your sphere of
influence would perhaps be a desert, and the radiation
might still affect you and your neighborhood in the long
advice is not to stop creating our Local
Universe. It might, or might not, open up the portal
inside us and show the way to the KHAA, but even if it
wouldn’t, the practice in itself is very valuable and
useful, once you do enter the KHAA.
Why is the Human Soul Group Considered “Royal?”
human soul group is considered by other star races to be
Royal, and this is something that has puzzled
researchers for some time. Why are humans considered
answer is that the Queen of the Stars of the Orion
Empire decided to start the Human Experiment on this
planet in the Spiritual Universe, and the Queen (a
“Royal” Spirit of the Divine with certain traits)
decided to split Herself and create soul fragments who
would become the human soul group—exclusively for this
humans were given certain privileges that other star
races don’t have because of the nature of the
Experiment, but it made some star beings envious.
Nonetheless, because we humans are direct descendent
splinters of the sovereign Queen, that makes us Royal.
This fact doesn’t make us “better” or “worse” than
anybody else—it’s just the way it was done. As Spirits,
we are all equal because we are all part of the
Whole—the Divine Feminine.
Other Options, or just Wildcards?
The Human Experiment that the Queen
started is still not void. It’s true that it has been
hijacked, but it has not been terminated yet or we would
not be here; nothing would physically exist here.
Therefore, it might be an option to return to the
spiritual version of the Earth and continue the
Experiment there, but it doesn’t seem plausible that
this will, or can happen until’s Physical Universe
has shattered and dissolved. Not until then can the
original Earth Experiment continue. This means that the
entire human soul group needs to wake up and exit the
physical universe first. This also means that it must
happen before the Singularity becomes fully
active around 2045, or the insights will not come into
fruition until far into the future, from a human time
perspective, presuming the Singularity fails to
There is another option, but it’s
a wildcard, discussed by James Mahu of the WingMakers,[12]
on his website. He and I have come to similar
conclusions in many aspects, but where we differ in a
major way is how and when to exit the 3-D Trap. After
being advised by the WingMakers, who claim to be us in
the future and a faction of the Namlú’u who managed to
escape when seduced the rest of the Primordial
Womankind to enter 3-D bodies on earth, James is
convinced that we need to enlighten the entire human
soul group first, before we, as a collective, can exit
the Frequency Prison. Although he admits that this seems
impossible when we look at humanity today, he says it
will still happen around 2080. He calls this the “Grand
Portal,” which is the moment when humanity as a
collective realize that they are souls in a body and
that they are trapped in an electronic prison.
At that point, according to James,
we will exit together as one soul group, and the prison
walls will shatter and dissolve by our common insights.
James further emphasizes the importance not to leave the
Frequency Prison on an individual basis because then we
“abandon” the rest of humanity, and it is a selfish act.
This would all be fine if it
weren’t for a few details. James mentions the danger of
AI and the Singularity, and the “Anunnaki’s” efforts to
create a “New Human” that is artificial, but he doesn’t
mention that there is a goal set that is very likely to
be met; the Singularity is going to be a reality in
2045, which is 35 years before the Grand Portal.
As we know, once stuck in the Singularity, there will be
no Grand Portal or anything else to set us free, so in
that sense, James’ argument is invalid in my estimation.
Granted, he has recently said that
the Grand Portal might happen earlier or later
than 2080, it’s still a wildcard. If James is correct
about the Grand Portal, and it could be proven that it
will really take place, I’m all for it, but that is of
course not possible.
If the Grand Portal does not
happen and the Singularity is winning the race, you and
I, and a large number of people around the world, will
be doomed to participate in the Singularity. If we die
tomorrow or in twenty years from now, what are we
supposed to do? If we don’t exit this Trap, we have no
other choice than to reincarnate again with full
amnesia, hoping for the Grand Portal to take care of
things for the entire soul group. If that doesn’t
happen, the chances are slim that we can avoid the
Who would benefit if you and I were
falling into the ultimate Singularity trap together with
the rest of mankind? No one. This is the sole reason I
am suggesting that we exit after this lifetime. If I
could, I would bring the entire human soul group with
me. Thus, it’s not out of selfishness I suggest that we
exit now, but I am confident that at least a few of the
human soul group will survive if we do. In addition, the
information is here (and in the WPP) for everybody to
read, who are spiritually ready to do so and to follow
our example, if they are so inclined.
Moreover, who knows who the
WingMakers actually are? Couldn’t they be the AIF in
disguise, trying to stop people from exiting and making
sure more souls get trapped in the Singularity?
Unfortunately, it’s possible.
If we bring this to a totally
neutral level and take a look at it, we will notice the
following: if we try to exit as individuals and if that
would fail, the worst thing that could happen would be
that we get recycled again. If that would be the case,
there is a big chance we will get caught in the
Singularity. But let’s say that the Grand Portal will
somehow take care of it. In that case, the failure to
exit individually is no failure at all. Therefore, if
the Grand Portal never happens and we don’t try to exit
on our own, we all fail. Isn’t it better to be proactive
and exit through the Grid on our own and have a great
chance to succeed, rather than choosing the wildcard
option, doing nothing? Of course, the choice is yours.
Some people suggest that we create
our Local Universe and hope that we will escape the
Singularity by being successful enough to do so. The
hypothesis is that the timeline on which the Singularity
will happen will not affect us if that potential reality
is not part of our own creation.
The thought is good, and I have
encouraged people many times to create their own Local
Universe—and I still do. However, this is a wildcard as
well, in a sense, because even if that plan would
succeed, where would you end up—would you remain in
another dimension or density of the Physical Universe,
or would you end up in the KHAA? This is something to
seriously think about.
Others say that they wouldn’t mind
staying here on Earth (in its 3-D version) if the
Singularity would never happen, and if the planet in
general would become more peaceful. Again, I can totally
understand this line of thinking because Earth is
essentially a very beautiful place, but it’s still a
trap, and the original Earth is so much more beautiful
in comparison. Moreover, in this reality, it’s a
man-eat-man mentality; even if you and I would only eat
plants, berries, and fruit, there would still be
predators and prey in the animal and insect kingdoms, to
start with. Living creatures have to kill to survive.
However, that’s not the way it originally was here on
earth, and it is not the way it should ever be. You
don’t need to eat others in order to maintain your
spiritual body—only the physical body. Even if we eat
plants, berries, and fruit, we kill them, too, because
they are living entities, as well.
My case in point is; why do we want
to stay in a virtual reality that is controlled by
predatory, parasitic beings behind the scenes, when we
can leave this reality altogether and become symbiotic,
sovereign souls once and for all in our Home Universe?
This is another important point to seriously ponder.
Last but not the least; star beings
have been concerned about the human soul group for a
long time, and I brought this up on a few occasions in
the WPP. Because of having forgotten who we really are,
we have given our power away to the AIF, and we have
given our direct and indirect consents to letting them
control us the way they do. This makes us their
“property.” So long as we accept this situation, no
benevolent beings are going to descend and try to save
us. Why would they? How could they? As a soul group, we
have never asked to be saved, except by gods of
different religions, who are the AIF! This is
important because this is one of the major reasons why
the AIF started the various religions via their human
proxies; almost all religions have a savior figure
promising a better future to their faithful followers.
This Savior is going to return and either reign over
humankind, or have us ascend to some elevated abode in
the Heavens. Again, if we have faith and agree to
worship a diety, that makes it okay for them to abduct
us and “harvest” us. They often prepare us for this in
channeled materials. Thus, we are “theirs” (referring to
the AIF), from head to toe, until we claim our
Because of our violent nature, many
star races don’t want us to leave the planet and travel
into space. They are afraid that we would create
conflicts and wars and try to conquer other worlds
wherever we go. This is a given if the Singularity
happens because according to their famous Singularity
Guru, Dr. Ray Kurzweil, Posthumans’ (the Singularity
cyborg race that will replace us) next step after the
Singularity is to conquer space—this is directly from
the horse’s mouth. Thus, the star races’ concerns are
well grounded.
Some star races have complained to
the Queen and asked Her to terminate the Human
Experiment altogether, while other star races still want
to give humanity a chance to evolve and break free from
our chains. The Queen apparently decided to wait and
However, there is a chance that the
Queen at one point or another will pull the plug on the
Human Experiment, which means She will terminate it on a
KHAA level, which will also destroy the 3-D version of
Earth. Of course, all 3-D life on the planet would
succumb—including all humans, but it doesn’t mean
“death;” it actually means “life,” because if the Queen
would do this, She would also call the human souls home
to Orion.
To me, this is an excellent idea,
but I imagine, from my point of view, that the reason
She’s hesitating is that not all human souls would be
eligible to go to Orion. The majority of the human soul
group would probably go with the AIF, thinking they
are the “good guys,” while some would be so bad off
after having done so much evil against their fellow man
that they wouldn’t be welcome back into Orion anyway.
The last group would be those who planned to leave the
Trap regardless (people such as myself and many of my
readers), and others, who know nothing of what’s going
on, but are good souls who are willing to expand their
awareness and accept a home in Orion.
In other words, the Queen would
lose many of Her children if She pulled the plug, and
personally, I think this is the reason why She has
waited to see if we can make it on our own. The rules of
this Universe is not to interfere with an evolving soul
group. In our case, if the Singularity takes place, it
will be a devolution rather than an evolution, and with
this in mind, the Queen might want to intervene. Of
course, this is just my guess. I don’t know how the
Queen thinks.
There might be those who want to
wait for the Queen to intervene, but I think this is
another wildcard, and we don’t have time to take
chances. I am convinced that exiting through the Grid on
an individual basis is the best alternative, once I have
considered everything I have at hand. If anything
changes, I will of course let my readers know, but from
the current outlook, I have already chosen my option.
Everybody else needs to choose his or her option, but
it’s very important for each of us to think about this
and really make a solid decision—we all need to be
prepared and have an exit plan of one kind or another.
Suicide not the Answer
On occasion, people have asked me
if it would be a good idea just to commit suicide and
then exit through the Grid.
I want to emphasize that I
absolutely do not support a suicide spree as a solution
to what I am presenting here and elsewhere! Normally,
humans have a barrier against suicide embedded into
their programming, which prevents most people from doing
it. Although, in our weakest moments, all of us can have
suicidal thoughts, very few of us are capable of
actually taking the step and doing it. There is a strong
resistance within us from doing it when it really comes
down to it.
The reasons not to commit suicide
to escape this reality are as many as there are when it
comes to not committing suicide for the regular person,
who is not aware of the Grid and the KHAA. Here are the
main arguments against suicide, in my opinion (the
reader might be able to think of more).
If we, who are aware, would begin a
series of suicides, and this came into the public’s
knowledge (which it of course would, sooner rather than
later), it would defeat the purpose of waking people up.
Many of those people who begin to show interest in
subjects dealing with the truth will more than likely
stop investigating when they find out that the end
result of looking into “conspiracy theories,” the “ET
phenomenon,” or Metaphysics in general, would be to
commit suicide.
Moreover; friends, relatives, and
acquaintances, who are not yet committed to our ways of
looking at things, would reject everything we’ve been
working for, and the grief, disappointment, and anger
these people would feel would definitely prevent them
from finding out what is going on. They would look at us
as being selfish, as is often the case when people
commit suicide. Overall, a collective suicide act, like
that of the Heaven’s Gate cult, would be a blow to the
mass awakening of humankind.
In the future, for those who will
live long enough, there will be room for more pondering,
however. When the Singularity is upon us, and if there
is no other way out, there may be a legitimate reason to
end one’s own life in order to avoid eternal entrapment
in the Singularity world. Even then, it should be
considered the absolute last resort, as I see it. It’s
possible that those who refuse to participate in the
Posthuman Project may have an opportunity to complete
that lifetime and then move on; we simply don’t know at
this point if this is an option or not. People just have
to wait and see what happens the closer we come to the
The Importance of Meditation
Please keep in mind that I approach
this entire subject as if the things that occur in the
Physical Universe and in the KHAA are outside of
ourselves, but this is just another illusion. In fact,
the way I approach it is the easiest way to explain
these things. I choose to explain it the way we perceive
things here in 3-D. However, I always try to add an
important truth to the story: we have the entire
Multiverse inside ourselves. Therefore, the
answers lie within, as the saying goes.
Thus, it’s also very important to
meditate on all this. It’s one thing to get information
from the Internet, books, and from other people in
general, and then connect the dots, but that is still
only information that will be added to the 3-D frequency
band. In order to really take this “to heart,” we must
meditate on it. Otherwise, it’s just information
floating around. Knowledge is good and necessary, but
taking action is the key! The best way to take action is
through meditation.
How long and how often you meditate
is entirely up to you—there is no set schedule that
works for everybody. What feels right for you is right
because only you know what is best for you.
What’s important is not necessarily
how often we meditate, but how you meditate!
Don’t expand yourself “outwards.” Even if you protect
yourself before you start meditating, you will leave
your body if you expand yourself outwards, “into the
Universe.” All you do is to travel into the astral
dimensions, where you are fair game for any being out
there, and many of them are less than friendly. Once out
there, it’s very difficult to protect yourself. These
entities may manifest themselves as vicious beings, as
friendly beings, or they will cloak themselves so you
don’t even notice them, but they will be aware of you
when you travel around “out there.” If you’re lucky,
nothing will happen, but I’m telling you this because it
In addition, the chakras are part
of the Physical Universe, and in WPP, Level V, I clearly
showed the reader that Surya, who is Marduk’s Hindu
counterpart, is in charge of the chakras. Therefore,
when you open them, you invite astral beings to come in.
I feel it is best to keep the chakras a few inches from
your body and keep a protective orb around them. You
create such an orb with your mind. The Golden Grounding
is, in my opinion, the number one protective shield to
use on a daily basis, whether we meditate or not. I use
it on a daily basis.
I strongly suggest that you go
inside when you meditate. If you meditate on a certain
subject, make that subject clear to yourself before you
begin the mediation, and then go inside to find the
answer. If you just meditate in general to get new
insights, don’t bring things in through the chakras—not
even the Crown chakra or the Third Eye; they are both
controlled by the AIF! Just go within when you meditate,
and you will be fine. I would still protect myself
before I start; you don’t want anyone or anything to
interfere or control your cognitive abilities.
Meditating to achieve total silence is another excellent
way to do it. Ultimately, you can connect with the
Divine Feminine by doing this. In essence, that’s what I
described in detail earlier in this article, when I
shared the exercise in which we get rid of junk thoughts
that we carry around.
The more you meditate, the more in
charge you will become of your own soul/mind/body, and
even the universe around you. This means you will be
more difficult to control because not only do you know
who you are—you will also experience who you are.
These are two different things, entirely.
The information in this article is
based upon my own research into the subject of death and
afterlife. It is all part of a bigger picture that
revolves around the rest of the information that has
been available to me, and from there my ability to
connect the dots from the huge body of data I have been
collecting and sorting through. The information and my
conclusions were then presented in what I called “The
Wes Penre Papers—The Multiverse Series.”
Although the journey to becoming
fully aware of the KHAA may differ in some details
between different people, it’s my conviction that the
information in this article is as close enough to the
truth as humanly possible and offers a workable
If you, who have read this far, are
still a skeptic, there is always the option to do what
you have done multiple times before—go with the flow,
which means going to the Recycling Center. From there,
you will get a new body here on Earth.
On the other hand, if you don’t
like the option of returning to Earth in a new
incarnation, why not give it a chance and go for the
KHAA option? When you think about it, what do you have
to lose?
Feminine form of “Creator.”
[7] I
restrain myself from using the word “Matrix”
because it relates to the Mother, “Ma,” means
“Mother” and “Trix” relates to a female Creator
in my writings.
[9] Travel
with the speed of thought.