SITREP (Situation Report)
2:01 PM EST
Deep Source (RV/GCR):
"Security issues resolved and contained. All RV transition requirements are being met. The RV may proceed at anytime given in a swift manner."
Deep Source (Resistance):
"Most Cabal members have surrendered to terms. Military Industrial Complex remains intact but severely handicapped and watched. CIA released millions of classified documents as a last minute Cabal ploy of partial disclosure to the public. The Alliance and the Resistance already decided that full disclosure in a "shock and awe" effect will happen sometime after inauguration. This will cause great controversy among the mainstream media and will force everyone to wake up and accept reality. New elections to be held after full disclosure."
Deep Source (The Alliance):
"The new energy grid is nearing completion in preparation for the event. Orbital and upper atmosphere patrols increased."