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Ancient ruins in Antarctica were just announced, with new intel, on Coast to Coast AM last night with Jimmy Church as guest host.
The biggest new development is that Pete Peterson independently validated many very specific details of new intel that Corey Goode told me in private conversations after we published Endgame II.
In the middle of this call, three days ago now, he got interrupted by a call he “had to take,” which became three while we were off the phone. I thought he had gotten in trouble for telling me all of this.
Instead, his own people were telling him that not only was it OK for him to tell me all of this, and for him to leak it, they wanted him to tell me the OTHER things that he was holding back.
This is a huge story and the radio show is just a teaser of all the new intel that will be released in ENDGAME III. Sadly, Corey’s computer got hacked and it destroyed all his notes for the update.
He is now on a much-needed vacation and I will have to write the update based on all these new developments. You can go to the Coast page on our show and read more details about it for now.
We are going to transcribe this one for a later article, but if you are a Coast subscriber the audio is available for download. It is very exciting to see how all of this will play out!
Never before have I seen such intense correlation between multiple insider accounts and corresponding public media releases. That’s what it will take an article to explain soon enough.